
Analyzing Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

Decent Essays

Tuesdays with Morrie is an inspirational book that helps open many people's’ mind and perspective of the world and themselves. Throughout this essay you’ll see the comparisons of my life and thoughts contrasted with a few of the discussions Morrie had with Mitch on their Tuesdays. Some of the discussions I could personally and deeply connect with, but the others I couldn’t as much. Every Tuesday discussion Morrie had with Mitch had a meaning and purpose behind it. Emotions, culture, and family are the main Tuesday discussion i’ll be focused on.

First, the sixth Tuesday which they talked about emotions. Morrie says, “You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then you can say, All right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach myself from that emotion for a moment.” (Albom 104) Morrie is right, if we don’t detach ourselves, we can cause ourselves more harm grieving all the time than just letting the grief go away. When I lost my mom two years ago I thought i’d be mourning all the time and shutting out the world every chance I got, but I didn’t. Somehow I allowed myself to let go of …show more content…

Morrie says, “The big things-how we think, what we value-those you must choose yourself. You can’t let anyone-or any society-determine those for you.” (Albom 155) How we think can determine the decisions we make and how we handle a situation. What I think may differ from what my friends or parents think. We all have different viewpoints and perspectives on things. I value my education more than hanging out with friends and having fun, but if I compared this value to some of my friends it would be the opposite. Letting other people think for us can be bad or good. We must always remember other people's decision for us is going to be different than what we had planned for ourselves. We get to choose how we live, what we think, what we value, and our

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