Shakespeare’s Message For many, seeking true love is the ultimate form of success. Some people however, must encounter obstacles to find their one and only true lover whom they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, two teenagers blinded by love must overcome the feud between their families to eventually marry, and reach their goal to live their lives happily ever after. Sadly enough, Romeo and Juliet are not able to reach their ambition for they are both fatally put to eternal rest. Romeo’s relationship with Juliet is described as moving too quickly can lead to a tragic end. Romeo shows his imprudent personality in several instances in Romeo and Juliet, proving that his impatience is a very large part of him as a character, for example when he sees Juliet for the first time at the Capulet party. When he sees Juliet, he yells out “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” (1.5. 50-51). The words “heart love till now” gives a romantic sentiment that explains how in love Romeo is. Romeo says all of this almost just after swearing that Rosaline is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and that Rosaline is his one and only true love. If he would have never been drawn in Juliet’s beauty, he would have never been through everything that happens in the play. Also, when Romeo jumps the Capulet’s fence, Juliet wants Romeo to leave before her parents find him. He says
Romeo is a melodramatic 16-year old that lets his downheartedness over Rosaline take over when he sees Juliet. Romeo is unhappy, as Rosaline decided to stay chaste, and then he meets Juliet and he sees that she is looks attractive and wants to make irresponsible decisions. Romeo gives a perfect example of his irresponsible, lustful identity when he says this, “Did my heart love till now? / Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night”(Shakespeare,
Throughout William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, two teenagers fall in love. In the end, they kill themselves over one another. Between these two teenagers, only physical attraction was present. The “star-crossed” lovers faced many trials, and ultimately lost. The lack of Amor doomed Romeo and Juliet’s relationship.
However, at the party he meets Juliet for the first time, and immediately falls in love with her: “Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” Romeo, who was in love with Rosaline until a moment ago, completely forgets about her and is now all focused on Juliet. But what is very surprising is not the fact that he is in love with his enemy’s daughter, the astonishing thing is the speed at which he falls in love with her. Soon, in fact, he and Juliet kiss each other: “Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.” However, Romeo’s characteristics to love so deeply Juliet is just a symbol of his lacking the capacity of moderation for intense feelings of all kind. Had Romeo stopped himself from being so deeply caught up by Juliet’s beauty, the tragedy would have never happened.
“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night,” (R&J 1.5.49-50). The audience receives details that project him as very emotional person who is willing to publicly share his emotions, which is not a masculine trait. The prominence and strength of one’s feelings are often hidden by the men of this time period to coincide with the belief that emotionality is associated with women, who were deemed as the weaker sex. Romeo becomes the more emotional one in his relationship with Juliet, “O sweet Juliet, / Thy beauty hath made me effeminate,” and blames her beauty for the reason behind his weakening (R&J 3.1.108-109). By Romeo himself discussing his effeminacy, it becomes obvious of the gender role reversal between Romeo and Juliet in terms of their
Romeo is portrayed as an emotional and reckless character. His friend Mercutio and Fr. Lawrence comment on Romeo’s fickle attitude when he immediately falls in love with Juliet completely forgetting about Rosaline, his first love. Romeo quotes,” Did my heart love until now? Foreswear it sight, for I never saw true beauty until this night”. His love for Rosaline was superficial. Juliet transforms Romeo’s immature and erotic infatuation to true and constant love. After meeting Juliet he matures very quickly. Maybe Romeo’s love for Juliet is so intense because unlike Rosaline, Juliet reciprocates his
Romeo becomes convinced that Juliet is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen and ever will see. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” (I, 5, 57-58). Romeo says that his heart has never loved before that moment and that his eyes confirm that Juliet is truly a beauty to be sought. This quote shows how Romeo quickly forgets his lovesickness for Rosaline and falls deeply in love with Juliet. He says that he has never loved before showing that by fate directing Romeo to the party and Juliet to his heart, that fate brings Romeo and Juliet together.
As the days go on, he becomes more and more distraught. He loses all desire to eat, sleep, and function as a normal human being. However, when he arrives at the Capulet’s party that same night, he sees Juliet Capulet and immediately forgets about Rosaline, the woman he loved for so long, and falls in love with Juliet. Romeo declares, “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!
Romeo labels his feelings towards Juliet as “love”, although he has not gotten the opportunity to learn about her personality. This indicates that what he feels about her was entirely formed by her physical beauty rather than genuine feelings. Evidently, sexual desires seemed to be his ulterior motive for marrying her, instead of committing to love, care, and cherish her till death do them apart.
The play Romeo and Juliet has been considered to be the most touching love story of all time, but when you look closer and past all the initial “fantasies”, you see the truth. Romeo and Juliet believed that they were in love because of the mere idea of it, however based on their actions and the short amount of time that the stages of their “love” progressed in, it soon became clear that what they were actually feeling was infatuation.
Love is full of misleading paths: to some it looks like a smooth road, while others may picture it as paradise. However, the people who have gone through this path, they know love is not always exactly what you pictured it to be. In reality, the road is filled with dangerous bumps and curves. In reality, that paradise you pictured is just a island in the middle of the ocean. Some people do not know what it takes for love, which was what William Shakespeare was trying to show us in Romeo and Juliet, a story about two lovers who met a tragic ending after doing a series of actions that resulted in their deaths. The story begins in the city of Verona, where it describes two wealthy families would often clash with each other:
As the sky continues mourning, tears are running down her face. She caresses her beloved's face and stabs her heart with a dagger, for she would rather die than be alive without the love of her life. Every human being goes through heartbreak and the joyus wonders of ‘true love.’ Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, is the perfect embodiment of both unrequited and romantic love. Paris trying to get the affection of Juliet and Romeo being so in love with Juliet are types of love that are very different but in a way alike.
The essay titled “Shakespeare” requires many drastic changes in order to effectively convey the authors message. The author has made several punctuations mistakes. For instance, the author writes 21 st century instead of 21’st century. Also, some words at the beginning of sentences are not capitalized and periods and exclamation points are being used improperly. The frequent grammar mistakes make the essay lack credibility and makes it difficult to follow. The author also made several mistakes when formatting the paragraphs. The introduction follows the triangle method but fails to introduce the supporting arguments. The thesis of this essay is unclear and is also phrased as a question rather than a statement. The conclusion does not follow
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet – popularly considered by many to be the quintessential love story of all time – is a play that we are all familiar with in one way or another. Whether it be through the plethora of portrayals, adaptations and performances that exist or through your own reading of the play, chances are you have been acquainted with this tale of “tragic love” at some point in your life. Through this universal familiarity an odd occurrence can be noted, one of almost canonical reverence for the themes commonly believed to be central to the plot. The most widely believed theme of Romeo and Juliet is that of the ideal love unable to exist under the harsh social and political strains of this world. Out of this idea emerge two
In life, one of the most baffling motifs that presents itself is the feeling of love. Whether you take it when you have it or be scared and back away is up to you. However, when you decide to take it and embrace it freely, this is when is when people finally decide to open up and be their true self. In the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, the author portrays a contrasting theme between how life and death relates with how dramatic their love can be.
The word love can mean many things. Love can be an object, emotion, and a life. However, love could lead to a loss of power, prosperity, and status. In the literary work “Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare, the readers are introduced to a tragic love story. In this play, readers are also shown the different perspectives of love and the many downfalls it could lead to. The central theme of this work is the recklessness of love. The theme is significant because it is shown throughout the whole story and it’s a strong force that takes place of all the other emotions and values. In this play, Shakespeare uses characters to present different aspects of love. In addition, Nurse, Mercutio, and Romeo completely show what actual love is and what it is like to lose it due to their experiences.