in Summary Sheet. Next, subtract lesser number from greater number and record in the Total column. Then, by summing up all numbers in Total column obtain Inconsistency score. The final step is to locate score table on the Score Summary Sheet and mark appropriate corresponding to the Inconsistency Score (2004). To obtain Infrequency (IN) scale count all Infrequency items with score of 4 which are subscripted by an I. provide the total numbers of items on the Score Summary Sheet and using the table on the same sheet mark the appropriate corresponding to Infrequency Score (2004). To obtain Negative Impression (NI) scale, count the frequency of items with score of 4 (Garner, 2004). On the Scoring Sheet these items are shaded in gray boxes. Record the total on the Score Summary Sheet and mark the appropriate corresponding to the score (2004). According to user’s manual, for the Bulimia scale, the raw score of 19 to 32 which indicates 67th to 99th percentile, with T score of less than 56 is an indication of frequent thoughts and behaviors related with binge eating (Garner, 2004). If the raw score is ranging anywhere between 5 to 18, which is 25th to 66th percentile, and a T score equaling from 42 to 45, then this is an indication of thoughts and behaviors consisted with binge eating (2004). At last, if the final score is less than or equal to 4, which is 1st to 24th percentile, with T score of less than 41, it indicates diagnosis of BN (Garner, 2004). This means that participants
The Eating Attitude Test yields the overall score and has three subscales that can help determine some specifics. The overall score has a cutoff of 20, and those who score less than 20 are considered as not having an eating disorder, while those who score 20 and more will have to be evaluated by the follow-up assessment tool (Garner & Garfinkel, 1979). The subscales reveal information about bulimia, food preoccupation, dieting and oral control subscales.
In this reading I predict Jem, Scout and Dill will not meet Boo for many reasons. First of all they are afraid of him. He looks like a scary person because he has a terrible scar on his face from when he was younger. Boo’s hands are also covered in blood from all the bad stuff he has done. Boo also drools when he is just standing there.
Bulimia nervosa, also called bulimia is a possible life threating eating disorder. A person that suffers from bulimia may secretly binge their food. They may eat large amount of food and then purge their food to get rid of the additional calories that they’ve digested. Bulimia is categorized in two ways, purging bulimia and non-purging bulimia. Purging bulimia is when a person regularly self-induces vomiting after eating. Non-purging bulimia is when an individual may use other methods to try to prevent weight gain, such as fasting, extreme dieting, or overly exercising.
Through the use of the excel sheet we were able to see the relationship that temperature has on pressure. As a result, we were able to come to the conclusion that the New England Patriots in fact cheated during their 2015 AFC Championship game. We were able to determine that when the temperature decreases the pressure of the ball naturally decreases. According to physics the ideal gas law states that as temperature is reduced, the pressure will also be reduced.
Sketch a graph of the polynomial f(x) = (x-2)3Compute the results of the following operations involving polynomials: 4.(5k4+2k3+8)-(k2+4) 5.(x+2)(x2 + 4x +2) 6.Rewrite the polynomial expression T = (-0.01897V + 25.41881 V2 - 0.42456 V3 + 0.04365 V4)/V Student does not recognize quadratic function Student does not infer from graph intersections in creating equation How can you recognize a graph from each of the function families? Which function family does this graph belong to? What is the general equation for a graph from this function family? How can you use points on the graph to create your equation? 2.f(x) = (x)(x-1)3(x-2)(x-3)2Student does not use roots to create equation. Student does not use multiplicity of roots to create equation.
Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) is a phenomenon that occurs within the criminal justice system. DMC is exhibited through the high percentages of minority contact statistically when compared to predictions that are based on the minority populations within certain communities. DMC is even prevalent in the juvenile justice system that has been created here in America. Disproportionate minority contact is a national, state and local issue that has been discussed for years. The government has made many futile attempts to combat DMC through the creation of amendments, policies and programs. However, the numbers of minority youth in the criminal justice and juvenile justice system remain to be quite staggering.
Bulimia Nervosa refers to when an individual over-eats excessively and then takes action to purge the body of the intake. There are five criteria for Bulimia Nervosa in the DSM-IV, which include: recurring episodes of binge eating, recurring actions of purging, the patterns must continue at least twice a week for three months or more, a huge emphasis on body weight in self-evaluation, and the actions must occur apart
An equally disruptive eating disorder that has been seen in increasing numbers in recent years is Bulimia. About two percent of American women are affected by this disorder. Bulimia is characterized by a distinctive binging and purging cycle. Individuals with this disorder will often times consume large amounts of food, and the immediate throw it back up. These binging and purging actions have substantial medical risks. Additionally, some individuals consume large amounts of food and then proceed to exercise for exorbitant amounts of time. This can also be a risk to ones wellbeing. Other characteristics associated with Bulimia include the abuse of laxatives and diuretics. Individuals with this disease often times completely lose control over their dietary habits. The massive highs and lows cause emotional instability. The mood swings that
In our Western society, we have several different types of eating dysfunction, all of which are unique and tragic in their own right. Despite their individuality, however, they all have several overlapping symptoms that are key to their classification and severity. For Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED), one of the core features is binge eating, which can be defined objectively by number of calories eaten in a given time or subjectively by the feelings of the binger. Binge eating has many different aspects that are of interest to scientists and clinicians alike. One of those interests has to do with the reduction of this symptom among populations being treated for their respective disorder. Because both
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating as well as by self-induced vomiting and/or laxative abuse (Mitchell, 1986). Episodes of overeating typically alternate with attempts to diet, although the eating habits of bulimics and their methods of weight control vary (Fairburn et al., 1986). The majority of bulimics have a body weight within the normal range for their height, build, and age, and yet possess intense and prominent concerns about their shape and weight (Fairburn et al., 1986). Individuals with bulimia nervosa are aware that they have an eating problem, and therefore are often eager to receive help. The most common approach to
While Bulimia is known by many names, the term “bulimia” did not enter the English language until the 1970s, “perhaps representing lingering uncertainty about its essence” (Gordon, 2000). Bulimia, as we know it, is a modern disease, however, there is some evidence of binging and purging in ancient times; for example, in ancient Egypt, “physicians would recommend periodical purgation as a health practice” (Gordon, 2000). There has also been documentation of wealthy families in the middle ages vomiting during meals in order to continue eating large amounts of food. At this point, you may be wondering why these examples are not considered Bulimia Nervosa. According to Dr. Richard Allan Gordon, author of Eating Disorders: Anatomy of a Social
According to the DSM-5, eating disorders are characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating–related behavior that results in non-normative eating patterns which leads to impaired physical and psychosocial functioning, (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating with inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain. Binge eating is described as eating an amount of food definitely larger than normal with a sense of lack of control. Compensatory behaviors include misuse of laxatives, self-induced vomiting, diuretics, fasting and excessive exercise, (Comer, 2014) . Another key feature is
This article gives a basic definition of bulimia, which states that it is the act of binge eating and then purging in a n effort to prevent weight gain. It also says that the physiological thinking behind this disorder has yet to be discovered. Over al the article and its context seem to be reliable it often refers to research and experiments that have been
Studies have shown that three percent of males and eight percent of females who were in high school said that they have either purged or took laxatives to lose weight (3). The symptoms of bulimia are tooth erosion, swallowing problems, esophagus problems, and acute stomach distress (“Eating Disorders”). However, binge eating disorder is completely opposite from anorexia and bulimia. Binge eating is when a person over eats in a short period of time. According to Susan Frissell and Paula Harney, two percent of the population suffers from binge eating disorder (27). Studies show that depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and stomach pain is found in many people who suffer from binge eating disorder (Elkins 45; Kittleson 4). Many people will develop binge eating disorder because they want to distract themselves from a painful event that has happened in their life (Frissell and Harney 27).
Length of stay in the Emergency Department (ED) is one important aspect of healthcare that can affect patient satisfaction as well as the number of patients that can be seen by a physician in a day. Length of stay (LOS) is measured as the time a person spends at the ED between arrival and departure (1). A longer LOS will not only affect patient satisfaction negatively by creating unnecessary frustrations, but can also cause ED overcrowding, leading to poor patient care (2).