
Analyzing The Character In A Horror Movie

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Have you gotten mad a character in a horror movie for doing something stupid like going towards something they shouldn't? I think it’s to build excitement, but I honestly don't like it. To me it builds up anger,because what the character does in the movie makes them look like an idiot. Everyone has something to say to correct the movie like what they should, shouldn’t, or what to have. Everything in a horror movie is to build excitement but there are somethings that are really annoying like the things they do to get themselves killed like running the wrong way. If you were in a horror movie do you think you can survive? Or would you die because you didn’t do the right thing. If you were in a horror movie don’t hide under the bed because one, …show more content…

Maybe its because they think they can be heard but if you were in an horror movie and you could hear the audience you should listen because you’ll have a chance of surviving. Almost everything in the movie is to get you out of your seat but sometimes that makes people mad because the person in the movie is doing the opposite of what they should be doing. In a horror movie don't split up into separate groups because the killer can easily pick you and your friends off one by one till there is no one left. Have basic eye coordination because if you did you shouldn’t be tripping all of the place. Look at the chainsaw massacre dude he has a mask over his face which limits his vision so she should be the one fall all over the place. He also has to carry a chainsaw, do you know how heavy a chainsaw is because I sure don't but I’m pretty sure it's really heavy so he shouldn't catch up to you. If you're with a group of people and your killer is a ghost or possesed doll, get a vascume and suck that ghost up or if it's a doll like chucky have someone hold him don't and punt that thing.If you just have common sense you can easily survive a horror movie but not many people in a horror movie have

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