
Analyzing The Movie '21 Jump Street'

Satisfactory Essays

When choosing an action comedy movie, most expect dramatic scenes accompanied by laughable moments throughout the movie. While other movies which claim to be action comedy don’t always supply a viewer with these characteristics. The 21 Jump Street movie series keeps you on your toes and also keeps you laughing. The purpose of any comedy is to humor the audience. Comedy films are designed to make the audience laugh and enjoy themselves, as was demonstrated heavily through the 21 Jump Street movies series. In comparison to other movie genres, comedy focuses to put a spotlight on main actors or stars. The incorporation of movie stars such as Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, and Ice cube, allows the viewers to connect to these publicly identifiable individuals which adds a depth to the story line. Consistent humor throughout the series, and the eye catching action of these movies proves that the movie met its main purpose: humor and entertainment. …show more content…

The 21 Jump Street series in particular is effective because it has genuinely funny story lines along with jokes instead of a bunch of one-liners thrown together like most movies of this genre. These movies have you invested in the main characters Jenko and Schmitt and their relationships with others as well as each other. 21 and 22 Jump Street have many action sequences that are equally as serious as they are humorous. The movie series stands out in the action-comedy genre because the movies are perfectly balanced with humor and action whereas most of the other movies are going for laughs the whole time. 21 Jump Street makes you care about the outcome, the characters, and the plot while delivering genuine humor throughout which is why it is so

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