
Analyzing The Movie 'Decomposed Body In Frankenstein'

Decent Essays

The topic I have chosen is whether or not a dead, decomposed body can be resuscitated or not long after death. The movie I am relating to is the original Frankenstein. In the movie, Dr. Frankenstein went to various graveyards and execution sites to recover the dead bodies and dissect them to create his “new life.” One scene in the movie showed Frankenstein’s assistant breaking into a medical school and stealing a brain that was sitting in a formaldehyde solution. That brain then went on to finish the “monster” that Dr. Frankenstein was creating. However, that brain had been sitting in that solution for a very long time; also being disconnected from any oxygen and blood flow. The brain, along with all of the other various body parts that Dr. …show more content…

In reality, once someone is clinically dead, there is no blood pressure, the heart is asystole, and there is no brain function. Without oxygen, the body’s cells start to die and the bodily systems fail. “ When CPR is not immediately received, the survival rate of the patient decreases rapidly if not given within five minutes of cardiac arrest; heart and brain cells begin to die”(Delaying Defrib). The only way for Dr. Frankenstein to “create life” again is for him to simply resuscitate a person who has died within the past few minutes. Therefore, the creation of a new human by taking multiple body parts from deceased people is impossible. When resuscitating a person, the defibrillator sends an electrical shock throughout the body in an effort to bring the electrical pulse back to the body and “jump start” the heart back into its normal beating rhythm. The electrical shock is not more than a few volts compared to the body’s normal electrical rate which is recorded in AMPS. The electricity is again just to jump start the heart into its normal beating rhythm. As shown in the movie, Dr. Frankenstein raises the lifeless “monster” into the sky above his laboratory so the lightning will strike the body and bring the

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