The topic I have chosen is whether or not a dead, decomposed body can be resuscitated or not long after death. The movie I am relating to is the original Frankenstein. In the movie, Dr. Frankenstein went to various graveyards and execution sites to recover the dead bodies and dissect them to create his “new life.” One scene in the movie showed Frankenstein’s assistant breaking into a medical school and stealing a brain that was sitting in a formaldehyde solution. That brain then went on to finish the “monster” that Dr. Frankenstein was creating. However, that brain had been sitting in that solution for a very long time; also being disconnected from any oxygen and blood flow. The brain, along with all of the other various body parts that Dr. …show more content…
In reality, once someone is clinically dead, there is no blood pressure, the heart is asystole, and there is no brain function. Without oxygen, the body’s cells start to die and the bodily systems fail. “ When CPR is not immediately received, the survival rate of the patient decreases rapidly if not given within five minutes of cardiac arrest; heart and brain cells begin to die”(Delaying Defrib). The only way for Dr. Frankenstein to “create life” again is for him to simply resuscitate a person who has died within the past few minutes. Therefore, the creation of a new human by taking multiple body parts from deceased people is impossible. When resuscitating a person, the defibrillator sends an electrical shock throughout the body in an effort to bring the electrical pulse back to the body and “jump start” the heart back into its normal beating rhythm. The electrical shock is not more than a few volts compared to the body’s normal electrical rate which is recorded in AMPS. The electricity is again just to jump start the heart into its normal beating rhythm. As shown in the movie, Dr. Frankenstein raises the lifeless “monster” into the sky above his laboratory so the lightning will strike the body and bring the
In the article, “Robert Walton as Reanimator”, Terri Thompson states that Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton are similar because they both bring something back to life, but Walton is the “better man” because he becomes a friend to Victor, while Victor abandons his creation. Thompson shows how the characters both bring dead flesh back to life. When Victor goes to college he ends up finding that it’s possible to animate life. He gathers the necessary tools to create a perfect being that won’t get sick or die. Thompson points out that it takes both Walton and Victor nine months to bring life to something dead. Nine months is significant because it’s the same amount of time that a baby is in the womb. “Whereas Victor Frankenstein’s creation
The creature is miserable because the creator just made him and right after he got afraid and then he wanted to kill the creature because Victor thinks that he killed his brother William.According to the text it said, "The tortures of hell are to mild for thy crimes you've done. So what he is trying to say is that he hall go to hell for the people he killed including William. In my opinion I think that the creature didn't kill William because he said in the text that his soul is full of love and community.An other reason is because he lives in the mountains and in
When Percy Shelley's (Shelley’s first lover then husband) first wife, Harriet, drowned in London in 1816, rescuers took her body to a “station” of sorts in London. Normally, smelling salts, electricity, shaking and artificial respiration had been used to restore drowning victims to life. Unfortunately, Harriet did not survive the treatments. When Frankenstein began to make his creature, his dreams were of a beautiful creature (despite the graveyards and hospitals he had raided of dead corpses), a creature with intellectuality, strength and a capacity of love that would surpass man in all of these areas. Despite raiding graveyards, Frankenstein created the body with (what he thought to be) the finest body parts available at the time.
Criteria for declaring death using neurological criteria developed, and today a whole brain definition of death is widely used and recognized as an acceptable way to determine death. (Iltis)
During Frankenstein Victor’s mental state was altered after witnessing the power of nature firsthand when he saw lightning destroy a tree near his home in Geneva.This observation leads him to study philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt where he became obsessed with anatomy. Victor takes God’s power into his own hands, “When I found so astonishing a power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time concerning the manner in which I should employ it.” (Shelly 32) He has the gruesome idea to create his own human from the remains of the dead. Victor sneaks into charnel-houses, digs into graves to collect limbs, disturbing the resting corpses, and studies uses them to find the answer how to make life come from death. During the process of creating his monster, Victor
Of course, Narcan does not reanimate corpses, but it does revive an individual who has stopped breathing after suffering an opioid overdose, enabling her to start breathing again. Loss of oxygen to the brain is how
The monster that Frankenstein created was only considered a monster because he did not look like a human. If he had not looked scary he would have been accepted as a member of society. Though had I myself seen him in real life I would most likely have been afraid of him, getting to know him from his point of view, by reading the book, helped me to understand how human-like he was. He was not evil, but kind and just wanted to be loved and accepted. The monster was kind, intelligent, he understood the value of love, and had his own thoughts and values, and for these reasons I believe the monster did not deserve to be destroyed.
His hypothesis was that through the power of nature, he could reanimate organic tissue which his chosen mentors had claimed to achieve. Though Victor Frankenstein’s experimentation required a form, which took him to the charnel houses to claim tissue from the deceased. The creature was complete with the animating science developed by Victor Frankenstein. His hypothesis proved true in the respect that it could give life. Throughout the process he underwent to create the creature at no time in the process was there a point to reflect as to whether or not he should create such a monster. There was no point in the process to stop and contemplate the possible outcome of his experiment and its effect on humanity. Victor Frankenstein followed the scientific process to the letter of the word, without trepidation as to his actions. There was no point, as it was not ascribed to be essential to the course of discovery. Victor Frankenstein’s creation was not completely due to his own scientific irresponsibility, it is due to the scientific community whose emphasis on the if we can do something outweighed the decision of whether or not we should do something. There is no safeguard to this question of advancement or what is beneficial to humanity. Victor Frankenstein performed his profession and found it to be lacking in this one area, and he would pay for it in the lives the creature would soon end. Victor
The revival comes, and the sleeper wakes. Someone lost their capacity to breathe, just an old bag of bones. They've lost their breath, and need restoration. A drowning victim needs invigoration. Someone who dies on the operating table needs rejuvenation. They need to get their breath back. Without physical breath, we go back to the elements of the earth.
Alienation is a product of society’s inherently discriminatory bias, catalyzed by our fear of the unknown in the realm of interpersonal conduct. Mary Shelley, in her novel, Frankenstein, dissects society’s unmerited demonization of individuals who defy—voluntarily or involuntarily—conventional norms. Furthermore, through her detailed parallel development of Frankenstein and his monster, Shelley personifies the tendency to alienate on the basis of physical deformity, thereby illustrating the role of the visual in the obfuscation of morality.
The first of Frankenstein’s flaws, is his foolishness. Victor is foolish in various aspects, more specifically his intention to bring life from the dead. Throughout history it is a known fact, when someone or something has died, there is no hope in bringing life back to them. It is one of the fundamental laws of life and Frankenstein is foolish to think he can surpass it. To his credit, he is indeed able to breathe life into the creature but this is also where his
To others, socializing is very important to life. And for others, communication is the key. The definition of death is "the act or fact of dying, permanent ending of all life in a person, animal, or plant" according to Webster's Dictionary. Mason defines death in terms of "irreversible failure of the cardiopulmonary system or consequently as a permanent state of tissue anoxia." (43). Another definition that should be addressed is the definition of brain death. According to Stedman's Medical Dictionary, brain death is "in the presence of cardiac activity, the permanent loss of cerebral function, manifested clinically by absence of purposive responses to external stimuli, absence of cephalic reflexes, apnea, and an isoelectric electroencephalogram for at least 30 minutes in the absence of hypothermia and poisoning by central nervous system depressants." (142). If the heart is functioning, but the cerebrum is not functioning, the patient can be declared to be brain dead. To determine if the cerebrum is functioning, doctors would analyze the responses of the patient to external stimuli, run an electroencephalogram, check for cephalic reflexes, and check respiration of the patient. Lamb states that the absence of spontaneous respiration and circulation is not a sign of death, which is determined only when the physician is satisfied that the brain has ceased to function (31). Testing for respiration and circulation are simply
Most cultures value life and bringing persons back from the dead is a popular subject of many fictional books. However, as technology evolves and the story of Frankenstein reborn with a bolt of lighting has come true with the external or implanted defibrillators, the natural process of death slows as much of society gains the knowledge to live longer than nature intended. The Red Cross Association taught many organizations like the girl and boy scouts the methods of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR, a manual manipulation of the heart, as life saving methods for drowning, electrocution or heart attacks. First aid for laypersons to save lives as well as
In Frankenstein, the monster is created by Victor Frankenstein in an attempt to do what has never been done before, create life from death. “Victor’s thirst for knowledge led him to serious questions about the nature of life and souls.” (Holland, Tiger. “Book Review: Frankenstein by Mary Shelly.” All-Consuming Media, 18 February 2012. Web.) By way of ancient scientific disciplines, the monster is reanimated from a hodgepodge of different body parts Victor assembles. But, upon seeing his creature’s grotesque form, he is so terrified by the magnitude of his accomplishment the doctor flees the laboratory and has subsequently fallen ill and is bedridden with nervous fever for months. This, however, is just the beginning of the creature’s ill-fated interaction with the population of Europe.
In the eighteenth century novel, “Frankenstein”, people can learn of Victor Frankenstein’s vindictive scientific experiments and ways. One of his main experiments is when he discovered how to revive dead body parts. He tests and pokes, prods even, on a these dead body parts, which used to be someone’s arm or foot, just for fame and for the discovery so great in his eyes that is. Was disrespecting the dead really worth all that? What he did in his experiments, was it ethical is the real question though. When taking in all the factors, we can say he had it all wrong. His actions surly show how vulgar and unethical, he truly was in hindsight.