W1A3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment Ronald D. Rooker Sr May 8, 2013 Introduction to Marketing | MKT2010 Instructor: Thomas Harper South University Online One of the current most talked about microenvironments is technology. The rapid changes in the world of technology as we know it keeps people guessing and waiting for the next new breakthroughs. In the auto market with gasoline, prices increasing almost by the minute smaller more fuel-efficient cars are in. In the world of communication, new high tech phones and data devices are what sell’s. The faster the device is or the larger the screen and more compact it is the faster people buy them. With today’s changes in technology, the sky is …show more content…
With any new product sold to the public trial and error will prove its reliability. If a new product or improvement to a specific car fails or causes the driver or its passenger to get hurt due to this failure. The rest of the automotive world will take note and take the necessary steps to change or repair the system that may be at fault if there, system works in the same fashion via the recall process. Once all of the changes are, made and the car is deemed, safe again. We may see a new automaker at the next years auto show featuring their new product with these improvements for this system. Thus, creating a new product that can be, marketed to the consumers may like the new changes. This type of market impact on a device of this nature may put hands free devices in cars back on the good list with those opponents of this sort of tech. As innovation changes new things are, learned each day. Change is a relevant fact and as the changers of innovation, we determine what changes we will use. Reference Staff, T. W. (2010, 10 18). The Week. Retrieved 5 7, 2013, from theweek.com:
Alongside the entrepreneur spirit, Innovation is the process of taking new ideas and implementing them into the market. Key word being “new”, an innovation can be sometimes viewed as the application to better solutions that meet new demand-requirements, inarticulated needs or existing market needs. Innovative ideas range from: goods, services, products, processes, services, technologies or ideas that create value for which customers will pay for. For an idea to be an innovation, it must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. This means is that one must be ready and willing put their new idea to the test. On the other hand, there is recognition that “innovation is also critical to cultural, environmental, social, and artistic progress as well” (Bullinger, 2006). With this stated, high-tech innovation is ultimately the reason why we can be thankful for the many new conveniences of the 21st century. Although we might see the forefront of innovation being very prominent in today’s world, innovation is truly nothing new. From the start of modern man times, innovative ideas have paved the way for civilization to advance and develop into what we are today and at the same time, we have barely begin to chip away at the tip of the iceberg of our true human potential. Some scholars believe that innovation is a
Marketing Analysis: Be our guest is an established service sector business. The company rents party equipment to other businesses and individuals for varied occasions, such as marriages and parties, which makes the demand for it being cyclical. The company is known for the high quality equipment they deliver and the extra ordinary services they provide in comparison to their competitors. Over the last three years from 1994 to 1997 the net sales for Be Our Guest have increased by 11% in 1994-1995 then by 9% in 1995-1996 and by another 23% from 1996-1997. There are number of factors causing this rapid escalation in sales. Having a strategy of providing high level of service and quality developed long-term relationship with the clients. Furthermore, those loyal and satisfied customers’ help in the promotion of the business as new clients come from a word of mouth of existing clients.
Being innovative does not only mean inventing. Innovation can mean changing the business model and adapting to changes in the environment to deliver better products or services. Successful innovation should be an in-built part of a business’s strategy to create a culture of innovation and lead the
Product and process innovation is another area of technological change. One of the effects of product innovation has been that expertise in a particular technology is no longer a barrier preventing competitors entering an industry. New entrants in an industry can benefit from the falling costs of technology or may be able to bypass the traditional technology by using some new and alternative technology. Palmer and Hartley provide a number of examples of this type of change:
Tidd et al (2000) states, “the innovation is a business process of revolving opportunity into new ideas and of putting these into widely used practice. In term of the nature, there are five major types of innovations: novelty, competence shifting, complexity, robust design and continuous improvement. While in term of the extent of change, innovations can be divided into incremental, radical and
Marketing is an important part of the business organization; it is more than just promoting and selling a product. Marketing is gratifying the changing needs of the customer. This can be best summed up by the very successful businessman Bill Gates when he quoted, "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning ". The purpose of this paper is to define marketing from at least two different sources; based on these definitions I will explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. Also, I will offer three examples from the business world of the importance of marketing to the
For this case study our group, Group 6, has decided to review Case #12 dealing with Paper Products, Inc. This case study concerns the company PPI and its biggest client, Office Center, Inc. We will begin by considering the major relevant issues in
I am creating a detailed assignment In view of the dynamic nature of the marketing environment and to what extent are consumers considered to be, in practice, central to marketing activities? I am firstly going to go into depth about what marketing actually is then breaking that up into sections to investigate around the question asked, branching off to explain about what the dynamic environment is and what the four P’s represent, marketing and the consumer and finally to create a conclusion to the question. Andrew Cohen (President, The A team) said ‘’Marketing is meeting the needs and wants of a consumer.’’ There are many different definitions of marketing, most surrounding the same point, which is exactly what Cohen’s definition states-
Per your request, this competitor analysis report will inform you on the overview of the industry, the target market, and what the competitors offer in comparison. The industry overview provides a brief but detailed summary about the industry. The target market summarizes what types of consumers are identified as potential patients. The information about the local and nationwide competitors will provide an understanding of the sustainable advantages our company has over its competitors. Integrative Touch for Kids (ITK) is a nonprofit organization and its goal is to aid children through their major programs like the Healing Retreat, and Hospital Heroes. As consultants, it is critical to utilize this research in order to better understand ITK’s core values in order to act accordingly.
In the past decade, the world and the markets alike have experienced rapid change and this change continues at an ever increasing pace. New products emerge in every field resulting in the creation of needs; people have never been aware or thought of. According to Hamel (2000 p18), “the latitude of innovation has never been broader –if only our minds can stretch to it”.
Innovation is something that should be adopted by all companies. Business should be able to innovate constantly and bring changes to its new products or create new products to keep the interest of the customers, or else the customers will be attracted by other company’s products (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2014, pp. 20). In order the business to innovate or bring new changes to the existing business, it is important for the businessmen to understand the essentials of innovation. This will help in innovating and staying ahead and different from rest of the companies in the business.
Design of products, service methods, systems of production and distribution and other aspects of a challenge for market participants today and the future. This will encourage a change in direction and intensity in innovation and work habits in a company.
For this report, I participated in three kinds of activities exploring the field of marketing. I went to an association event in Toronto, attended the Partners4Employment job fair, and met with industry professionals for informational interviews.
Innovation can be one of the most challenging processing in the context of work, however the creation of new knowledge is the key to success in all businesses and organisations as keeping up with the trends with only help provide good results (Crowther, D. 2002).
The word ‘innovation’ is derived from Latin word ‘innovare’, which means “to change something to new”. In other words, we may say that ‘innovation’ means changing the regular way of doing things and involves doing the regular things in a novel way.