
Anand Thaker: A Concert Analysis

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This is my first piece, and I thank Anand Thaker for the idea and encouragement. In February 2014, I did something I hadn’t done before. I didn’t know what to expect, and I couldn’t guess the future impact it would have…I went to an improv show. At the time, attending a show seemed insignificant. Not knowing what to expect, I saw how hilarious and entertaining improv shows can be, and I learned that scenes were the result of audience suggestions. I was amazed seeing characters coming to life unscripted. The best way to describe a show is adult playtime. After seeing the show, I entertained the idea of taking a class, but other pursuits took me away. However in Fall 2015, I listened to a podcast revolved around a guy undergoing personal development. Improv was one …show more content…

In numerous cases, your fellow improvisers will give you parts of your next line if you listen to what they are saying. A common problem in improv and in social conversations is people have this awesome line they want to say and ignore what the other is saying. This can result in a line being delivered and falling flat because it was out of context or didn’t build on what was said by the other improviser/person. In order to be getting your next line from your improviser/person, you have to be present. You have to be aware and focused on what is being said. Without listening and presence, there won’t be a great scene/conversational …show more content…

Knowing that you have fellow improvisers will “Yes, and” you and you returning the favor will allow you to be emboldened in the choices you make. Personal and social relationships won’t exist without trust and knowing those close to you support you even if they might not agree with what you are

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