
Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

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Ancient Egyptians have influenced the world in significant ways, however one way that stood out was their religion. They worshipped their pharaohs wisdom, strength and made huge pyramids in their honor. The powerful pharaohs were god like figures on earth and the people in the Ancient Egyptian civilization worshipped them. Egyptians were polytheistic and believed in up to 2,000 gods and goddesses. The afterlife was taken even more seriously, as there would be months of preparation for a pharoah’s lavish tomb to ensure a plentiful afterlife. The Ancient Egyptians polytheistic beliefs, magnificent pyramids and strong beliefs in afterlife created a culture like none other.
In Ancient Egypt everyone most commonly recognized their religious beliefs …show more content…

It was not viewed as a complete ending but also a new beginning. It was extremely important and the Egyptians went through great lengths to ensure that a pharaoh's afterlife was peaceful. Politically the pharaohs were the top of the food chain, Vizers and priests came next. This is a good example of characteristics of a civilization, they had a main ruler, a middle class, and then the slaves were at the bottom. When a pharaoh first died a priest would come and recite prayers and there would be a last effort to resuscitate him/her. Then the body was taken to a shelter called an Ibu, where the priests purified the body. Then the dead pharaoh was taken to the Wabet, the embalmer's workshop. This was where the body goes through the first stages of the mummification process. The pharaoh was then believed to live in their underground tombs. When a family member of the pharaoh would die their bones and remnants would be put in a room in the pharaoh's tomb as well; it was believed they would live together in the next life. They believed in immortality and worshipping their deceased. In Egyptian religion it was believed that there was a ceremony called The weighing of the heart, where the dead would be judged by 42 different gods to determine what kind of life they would live. They used animals and elements to represent power in religion. For example the Jackal or dog, represented fairness, sensitivity, and …show more content…

Due to the horrendous amount of work they believed the afterlife demanded, most pharaohs would spend many years preparing a spectacular tomb to succumb to. Most believed when a pharaoh passed-on they would become a new God. To be prepared they needed to obtain the afterlife essentials which were all hoarded in specific rooms in the pyramid. With the stepped or triangular sides, pyramids acted as staircases for this spiritual journey to the sun or the sky. The Egyptians believed that if you needed protection for the present life then you also need it in your afterlife. They would have huge labyrinths under pyramids where the pharaohs would live in the next life. The tombs were underground palaces filled with riches and stories of the pharaohs previous life. Most pyramids have several rooms for religious practices and sacrifices. On average it would take ten to twenty years to build a pyramid, about 2,000 to 5,000 laborers, and around 5 billion

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