
Ancient Egyptian Mythology

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Every country and culture have an origin story they take pride in remembering. Not only do they pride in it, but they also let the stories, and even myths, influence their daily lives. Ancient Egyptians are not exempt of this category. Ancient Egyptians had such a variety of gods to choose from, their mythology almost seems like a godly convenience store.
From the dark water without end or swamp known as the Nun or Nu, the Shining one arose. He has different names depending on what time of the day it is. At dawn, his name is Khephera, the One Who Begins; at noon, his name is Re, the All-Seeing Eye; at sunset, his name is Atum, the One Who Completes. Re has always been and had no creator. He created everything from a part of himself; he is …show more content…

In some version, Atum rose in the darkness giving off the first rays of light, thus later he is known as the Sun God Ra.
It is said that such manifestation could be pictured as an eye, a child, or a fiery bird. It is said that with his rising, he created the benben stone. The benben is the hill upon which the Earth is founded. The benben is the equivalent to the Primeval Mound. The mound, like many other things, is personified as the god Tatjenen, which means “the rising land.” In one story, Atum sneezed out Shu, God of Wind, and Tefnut, Giver of Rain, in an explosion. After that, Atum spoke and Earth and Heaven appeared as Geb, the Earth Father, and Nut, the Sky Mother. The intellectual powers, that enabled the creator to bring himself to be and create other beings, are often conceptualized as deities. The most important of these gods are Sia, Hu, and …show more content…

It is true of all deities, except when gods seem to lose “employment.” They lose employment once many people stop believing in them and worship them. At low points like such, deities become personal tools to magicians. On the other hand, if the god is still popular, the faithful must obtain favor from a god in order to get the god’s help. The faithful has to lay a hand on the god and has to perform a number of rites, sacrifices, prayers, and chants. Once the whole ordeal is carried out, the god is complied to accept and carry out the follower’s

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