
Ancient German Rockets Origin

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The first known use of rockets was circa 1232 A.D. when the Chinese and the Mongols were at war with each other. These rockets were not used as aircraft or transportation but as weapons for warfare. The “rockets” used weren’t even the rockets we know and consider rockets today, but instead were tinier combustible rockets attached to arrows used to propel the arrows to go farther to which they were attached. The chinese were responsible for the creation of these “arrow rockets” and throughout the 13th-15th centuries the rockets being used increased in size and technology and spread throughout Europe. This was due to the fact the Mongols invaded Eastern Europe and created rockets of their own following their disagreements with the Chinese. Following the spread of this technology, a monk in England by the name of Roger Bacon researched rockets and what could make them go farther. He used different types of gunpowder during these experiments. While Bacon was working on …show more content…

Rockets were only known during these early times as weapons for warfare or fireworks. However some historians claim there are old legends about the ancient chinese empire using rockets as means of transportation. An official named “Wan Hu” during the 16th century supposedly made a “Flying chair” with 47 of the “arrow rockets” as well as 2 kites. The many assistants helping Wan Hu say after the rockets were ignited that a huge cloud of smoke appeared and when the smoke cleared Wan Hu was gone. Experts say Wan Hu was most likely disintegrated by the arrows due to the fact these arrows were meant to eventually explode as they were technically weapons. However there is possibility Wan Hu actually did fly, where he wean’t is the

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