Comparing and Contrasting Ancient Greece and Rome
Most times a web-search for Ancient Greece will pull up many results for Ancient Rome, and a web-search for Ancient Rome will bring up several results for Ancient Greece. The two are interconnected in many ways and sometimes it may seem as though they are one and the same. However the two ancient-classical civilizations have several differences and not just in period of existence. There are several similarities and differences between the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, in the aspects of government, art, and religion.
Ancient Greece, and more specifically the city of Athens, has been called the birthplace of democracy. This is because for a long time the government of the city of Athens
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These men would gather in meetings, and each would have the opportunity to speak and to vote, usually by raise of hand. Democracy differs slightly from the government ideologies of the Roman Republic/Empire that was soon to come. In 509 B.C. the Roman Republic was established when Roman nobles overthrew the current monarchy. The Republic was based upon the ideology of a Senate being the highest authoritative influence on the government. Senators were accepted through a lifelong career of governmental service. As they started as military officers and worked their way up the ranks it could not have been easy to become a Senator. The Senate had a form of democracy as the Senators would work together to decide foreign and financial policy. However, when the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Empire was established in 27 B.C., most traces of fair say for all vanished and special rights were given to those in the, now less powerful, Senate and plenty were given to the Emperor. Although, both Ancient Greece …show more content…
Massive structures like the Parthenon in Athens, and the Zeus Statue in Greece were crafted by the Greek artists to depict and provide a place of worship for their many gods and goddesses. Tails of the conquests of great heroes like Hercules and his defeat of the Hydra were carved and crafted into stone walls and on the sides of pots and vases. One type of art that was developed in ancient Greece is called black figure ware. This is the act of engraving black colored figures into red pottery. A similar style entitled red figure ware is the act of engraving red colored figures into black backgrounds on pottery. The Romans were fascinated with the Greek culture including their gods. In fact the Roman Supreme god Jupiter is just another name for the Greek god Zeus. Roman artists would create their own statues of the gods and carve their own myths into stone. For a short while, Roman and Greek art was really very similar. However as time passed Roman artists began to take a different approach; they began to make more lifelike images. The Greeks of old would portray their gods the best way they knew by trying to design the ideal or perfect human body. But now Roman officials had busts of themselves that included warts, wrinkles, unibrows and all. This style of realism continued far into in renaissance as well. Though, not everyone wanted their exact
The ancient Athens was truly democratic. According to the wikipedia website , Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city state known as a polis of athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica and is the first known democracy in the world. Other Greek cities set up democracies, most following the Athenian model, but none are as well documented as Athens.
For several years, scholars and historians from around the world have been debating about the Roman Republic’s constitution. Many have described their constitution as purely democratic; however, others find aspects of the Roman Republic characterizing despotism or an aristocracy. So, which form of government could best describe the Roman Republic? Currently, there is no exact answer, but because of meticulous studies, observations were recorded and assumptions were made. From a selection of resources, the most common claim inquired that the Roman Republic should not be considered an accurate form of a democracy and there are a collection of reasons as to why this is.
Thesis: The Greek influence of outstanding culture, gods, and their beautiful art to the Romans’ they took this inspiration on to their own creation. Both ancient build devotion to their gods they would bring the most precious things to them temples, however, they would focus on making large empire to rule and to take control of their city-states.
Rome had so much land they needed to create an efficient way to make laws. Each part of Rome would vote for one of their men citizens to become a representative. The man voted to be the representative would move closer to Rome and vote for laws their people would want. In document D it says , “And the law is as follows: Each citizen wrote the name of the man who in his opinion had the greatest power to destroy the democracy; the man who got the largest number of ostraka was obligated to go into exile from his native land for a period of ten years.” In Ancient Greece, there was a direct democracy. They would have 500 men come together to vote for new laws for their city-state. Rome had the more efficient type of government because it was more fair and fewer people had to vote. Lastly, Rome had a social class and Senate. The Senate would be made up of 300 Patricians. The Patricians are wealthy nobles in the upper class. The Plebeians would vote for the Patricians to become part of the Senate. The Plebeians we part of the common class. The Patricians would have to impress the Plebeians to try to get their vote to become part of the consul. If men were picked to become part of the Senate they served for
The Roman government was democratic when it came to the citizens. The citizens could elect their own officials, and the officials were supposed to represent every level of Roman society. There were many types of officials. The two consuls were the chief officials of Rome. Once elected, they served for two years (Trueman, Chris). One of their most important powers was controlling the army (Government under Roman Republic). When they were unsure of a course of action, they were advised by the Senate, a council of around six hundred male citizens (Trueman, Chris). Those six hundred men were usually from wealthy patrician families and were the ones in charge of making the laws and controlling the spending. Contrary to the election of the other officials, the Senate was appointed by the current Consuls. Once they were appointed, they served for life. When one member died, another was chosen in their place (Government).
In the year 509 BC the Roman Republic began.The Roman Republic had many Greeks who wrote about them in the time they were developing.One example being Polybius, he was a Greek historian who wrote about the Romans and their rise to power in the years 167-119 BCE. Another historian was Alan Ward, who was a professor and historian at the University of Connecticut. The last example being Fergus Millar, a British professor and historian at Oxford University, here’s what they think about democracy in the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was very democratic because it lets every man vote, its government consisted of normal people , and they elected people to the throne it wasn’t a monarchy at all.
Despite all their similarities, The Greeks and Romans engaged in substantive culture differences. Their religions derived from a complex set of gods and goddesses, called deities, who were seen as regulating human life. Since the Romans embraced culture from the Greeks, many traditions were the same. However, the Greek and Roman culture, although similar, are very different and appealing. For instance, the Greeks did not acknowledge an all-powerful god; they believe that deities controlled everything that transpired on earth. In other words, the Greeks sought religious cults to explain the forces that shape the world (Bentley et al, 2008 p.143).
To begin with, both of their ways that they chose the officials were similar but also differed. The Athenian Government and the Roman Republic both had the citizens of each side choose the officials, but they both had a difference in limitations on how they chose the officials. In Athens, the citizens would vote for the officials, but the people who were official citizens were the ones who were 18 or over, born in Athens, and had to be males. This means that outsiders, slaves, or women could not vote because they were not considered citizens. Additionally, the Athenian Government system for voting was organized with citizens by the name of demes or demos; who belonged to tribes and where combined with others of the same area to make a larger group, which in turn were combined to form ten tribes. (Gill, thoughtco 2017). In contrast, citizens of Rome had to be over 15 years old, male slaves could also vote if they were granted freedom, the women were considered citizens but had no voting rights. The
From 509 BC to about 27 BC, Rome was considered a republic. During this time there was no single leader of Rome and the government was run by elected officials. The main leaders of the Roman Republic were the consuls. There were always two consuls in power at a time. Each year new consuls were elected to serve for a one-year term. This kept any one man from becoming too powerful in the government. At the time the Senate was the most powerful governing body in Rome. The Senate had control of the state’s finances and foreign policies. Senators were elected by the people to represent them in government. The Senate was made up of 300 of the most elite and wealthiest of the Roman Republic. One of the most important roles of the Senate to undergo the checks and balances of the Roman government. Checks and balances are the “principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power” (The Editors). The checks and balances of Rome helped to stabilize the government and allowed the power to be distributed somewhat equally between the consul, the Senate, and the people. However, the fall of the Roman Empire eliminated this type aspect of government in Rome (Kagan 101-103).
Classical Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of the Mediterranean region and Europe. Greek culture influenced the development of Roman civilization because at first Rome absorbed ideas from Greek colonists in southern Italy, and they continued to borrow from Greek culture after they conquered Greece. Ancient Greece has had an enormous amount of impact on culture in the western world. For this reason, Classical Greece is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western civilization. Rome conquered the Greek empire and its civilization, but Greek culture conquered imperial Rome. Furthermore, the Romans willingly
Greece was one of the first people to have recorded the events of their democratic system. Democracy is a Greek word literally meaning the power of the people to rule. Early democracy was established in ancient Athens, a Greek city-state, and was probably the single most powerful and stable democratic government in Greece.
Democracy began to emerge in Greece during the archaic (800-500) and classic (500-323) period, and it has expanded through the country over time . Greeks came up with the idea of democracy through discussions among citizens and with the majority voting; this was called direct democracy as everyone could debate and vote in one place to determine new policy for the country. During this period, only men were allowed to vote and give their opinions, others were not allowed to participate in government’s decisions . However, over time, the democratic government in Greece changed to be more open for every citizen. The poor, men and women, had the same rights, and equal share of power.
The Romans borrowed almost all of its mythology from Greece. The only thing the Romans changed was the names of the Greek gods. And the Greek gods lasted much longer Greece. That is another reason Greece was better than Rome.
Ancient Egypt vs Ancient Greece Two ancient civilizations with rich history. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. They have also been the center of my interest for the longest time. Said civilizations have many similarities and differences. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece have many similarities.
The next governmental institution, which represented the democratic element of the Roman Republic, are the Assemblies. These Assemblies were theoretically made up of all adult male Romans (the only exception is that they had to be present at the meetings). Their primary functions were the annual elections of consuls, approving or rejecting laws, and deciding issues of war and peace. One great flaw of this body was that the wealthier citizens voted first and thereby had a great influence on how the rest of the Assembly voted.