
Ancient Greece And Rome Similarities

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Comparing and Contrasting Ancient Greece and Rome
Most times a web-search for Ancient Greece will pull up many results for Ancient Rome, and a web-search for Ancient Rome will bring up several results for Ancient Greece. The two are interconnected in many ways and sometimes it may seem as though they are one and the same. However the two ancient-classical civilizations have several differences and not just in period of existence. There are several similarities and differences between the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, in the aspects of government, art, and religion.
Ancient Greece, and more specifically the city of Athens, has been called the birthplace of democracy. This is because for a long time the government of the city of Athens …show more content…

These men would gather in meetings, and each would have the opportunity to speak and to vote, usually by raise of hand. Democracy differs slightly from the government ideologies of the Roman Republic/Empire that was soon to come. In 509 B.C. the Roman Republic was established when Roman nobles overthrew the current monarchy. The Republic was based upon the ideology of a Senate being the highest authoritative influence on the government. Senators were accepted through a lifelong career of governmental service. As they started as military officers and worked their way up the ranks it could not have been easy to become a Senator. The Senate had a form of democracy as the Senators would work together to decide foreign and financial policy. However, when the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Empire was established in 27 B.C., most traces of fair say for all vanished and special rights were given to those in the, now less powerful, Senate and plenty were given to the Emperor. Although, both Ancient Greece …show more content…

Massive structures like the Parthenon in Athens, and the Zeus Statue in Greece were crafted by the Greek artists to depict and provide a place of worship for their many gods and goddesses. Tails of the conquests of great heroes like Hercules and his defeat of the Hydra were carved and crafted into stone walls and on the sides of pots and vases. One type of art that was developed in ancient Greece is called black figure ware. This is the act of engraving black colored figures into red pottery. A similar style entitled red figure ware is the act of engraving red colored figures into black backgrounds on pottery. The Romans were fascinated with the Greek culture including their gods. In fact the Roman Supreme god Jupiter is just another name for the Greek god Zeus. Roman artists would create their own statues of the gods and carve their own myths into stone. For a short while, Roman and Greek art was really very similar. However as time passed Roman artists began to take a different approach; they began to make more lifelike images. The Greeks of old would portray their gods the best way they knew by trying to design the ideal or perfect human body. But now Roman officials had busts of themselves that included warts, wrinkles, unibrows and all. This style of realism continued far into in renaissance as well. Though, not everyone wanted their exact

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