
Ancient Greece's Influence On The Western World

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The ancient Greek civilization ranged from 1900- 133 BC. Greek civilization came to an end more than 2,000 years ago, when Greece became part of the Roman Empire.
However, its impact on the Western world lasts to this day. As the Greeks expanded their empire, they spread their ideas to other countries, while also borrowing from other cultures. During this period of time, the Greeks made many significant and long-lasting contributions to our modern world. Moreover, the influences of the Ancient Greeks are still felt by us today.
Philosophy was a huge part of Ancient Greece, and probably what Greece is most famous for. Philosophy is an organized system of thought; love of wisdom in Greek.
One important contributor to the field of philosophy was Socrates. Socrates was a great …show more content…

Asclepius and Hippocrates focused medical practice on the natural approach and treatment of diseases, highlighting the importance of understanding the patient’s health, independence of mind, and the need for harmony between the individual, social and natural environment, as reflected in the Hippocratic Oath. Hippocrates established the basics of clinical medicine as it is practiced today. He introduced numerous medical terms universally used by physicians, including symptom, diagnosis, therapy, trauma and sepsis. In addition, he described a great number of diseases without superstition.
Their names are still used in modern medicine, for instance diabetes, gastritis, enteritis, arthritis, cancer, eclampsia, coma, paralysis, mania, panic, hysteria, epilepsy and many others (Kleisiaris 4). Today some medical students and doctors still take the oath and learn about it.
Ancient Greece’s politics affected western civilization too. The Greeks affected many of our constitutional rights. In both the US democracy and the Athenian democracy political power can be exercised by citizens. An example of the political power to

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