Back during the ancient Greek times lawyers were excellent speakers, people had to present their own case but they were able to have a friend speak for them to help them get their message across. Around the 300 years the Greeks eliminated where people could have a friend come in to get their message across. Now where you must pay thousands of dollars to lawyers to plead your case back then the public speakers were not allowed to take money to speak on your behalf. This law wasn’t taken seriously by the public speakers but they had to show they weren’t taking money from others so they couldn’t present themselves as lawyers. Although they were not officially lawyers they practice law openly which made the first lawyer a public speaker from Rome
Did you know that at present, there is only one lawyer for every 247 Americans in the Unites States? A lawyer is “a person trained in the legal profession who acts for and advises clients or pleads in court” (Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus). According to about careers, there are many different types of lawyers, among the top five highest paying legal professionals around the globe are trial lawyers. The first lawyers, also known as the “Gilded Lawyers” arranged the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the early 1930s (“National Lawyers Guild). The actions the Gilded Lawyers made gave them useful experience for defending the rights given to us by the First Amendment and suffused the work of the business in later years. Today, trial lawyers must meet specific job requirements and qualifications such as working under stressful conditions for long periods of time, making a profitable salary, and keeping up with the ever changing future needs for the career.
In court, lawyers intercede the place of the defendants and plaintiffs and talk on their behalf.
Unfortunately, law is not like that anymore - if it ever was - and today's attorneys must juggle a number of different responsibilities all at once. They must act as marketers to attract new
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), was a Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a various ways. Aristotle was born in Stagira in northern Greece, and as a young man he studied in Plato's Academy in Athens. After Plato's death he left Athens to proceed in philosophical and biological research in Asia Minor and Lesbos, and he was then invited by King Philip II of Macedonia to tutor his young son, Alexander the Great. Aristotle was extremely successful in tutoring Alexander, as he develoepd a great mind and was widely known for launching the invasion of the Persian Empire. Aristotle returned as a resident to Athens, and it was during
When all the tribunals were present, two ballot boxes were placed in the first courtroom, as well as some copper dice in the same color as the court, and the other dice with the name of the presiding officer. Two by the lottery to the judicial council, respectively, to vote two groups of the child. One will be colored into the ballot box, and the other into the name of another executive box. That one officer in the first sign, the other will announce that this person will use the first court assigned to him, the next one assigned to the second court, more than analogy. The purpose of such an approach is to avoid his court being known, and each person can only preside over the court designated by lot.
We are comfortable breaking the law when we feel it does not apply to us, that laws such as the speed limit are not real laws because everyone breaks them. In 399 BC, Socrates would have disagreed with this assertion, and died in part to keep this idea from spreading. Socrates was sentenced to death by an Athenian court, though the punishment did not fit the crimes he was accused of. We assume that any knowingly innocent person would have escaped this sentence if given the opportunity and support to do so, yet Socrates refused to and died soon after. Over 2,000 years later, Martin Luther King, Jr. is also imprisoned for a petty crime and saw his actions in line with Socrates, as they were both unjustly jailed for questioning their
Legal advertisement can be related to sociological perspective. With the help of Marc Galanter's Essay "Why the Haves Come out Ahead" lawyer’s advertisement can be held to be useful. Marc Galanter says that Law and Inequality persist in the society; he says that social inequalities produce legal inequalities. This is because the dominant classes and social groups have interests in perpetuating their dominance through wealth, status and power. They have myriad resource advantage for influencing legislation. With this he defined two groups in society with respect to litigation; he distinguishes between one shot players and repeat players. The former have only occasional recourse to courts whereas the latter are engaged in similar litigation.
Socratic Justice is defined as the argumentative reasoning that relies on fairness and justice and ultimately doing what is best for your country. In this paper I will explain how Socratic Justice plays a big role in The Trial and Death of Socrates. I will also go into detail about the differences between Machiavelli’s views of government as opposed to Socrates’s.
having a friend that was better at publicly speaking and/or more experienced with the law and the courts to speak on your behalf and present your defense for you. Not a while after, the Greeks banned the right to request a “great speaker” and furthermore made it a rule that no one could accept a fee to plead the case of another. This stopped the orators form being able to present themselves as legal professionals or experts. The new rules also made it impossible to establish organized and professional lawyer services, like those that are available today, and, therefore, slowed the progression of the legal profession almost to a stop.
Picture a world of nothing but oligarchies, and you’ll see what ancient Greece was like. Ancient Greece consisted of a large amount of city states that were interconnected only via trade routes and alliances and, most of them, were almost all ruled by oligarchies and aristocracies. In 508 B.C., a city state set itself apart from the rest of the world by becoming a democracy. Athens, an influential “polis,” which is an ancient Greek city-state. Athens, which was located in the southeastern Grecian peninsula known as Attica, was the world’s first democracy. The Athenian Democracy lasted for 186 years, and even after it fell in 322 B.C., there were still traces of democracy in the Athenian government.
In the readings, there are many trends regarding ancient concepts of law, government, and social structure. The code of Hammurabi played a significant role in Mesopotamian law, while the Nile River had a large part in the development of Egyptian civilization. In addition, the Hebrews moved toward pure monotheism and the Persians enhanced the Near Eastern model of monarchical government. “The evidence reveals that on the one hand, peoples then living in the Near East, Africa, and the Mediterranean developed their own distinctive beliefs, mythologies, customs, and sense of identity. On the other they shared many attributes such as large populations, the use of writing, devotion to religion, and economies based on trade and agriculture.” (Lualdi, 15) Overall, each society had similarities and differences in their way of life, but some are key to showing the maturation of the area as a whole.
Lawyer is a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters. Lawyers serve as both advocates and advisers. As advocates, they speak for their clients in court by presenting supportive evidence. As advisers, they counsel their clients on their legal rights and obligations. Lawyers, also called attorneys and counselors, can interpret laws and apply laws to specific situations, and draft new laws. Much of their work involves researching precedents, which are earlier interpretations of laws and the history of judicial decisions based on that law. Lawyers use precedents to support their cases in court. Many resources from law libraries and public documents to computer
one essential conviction, expressed in the word democracy itself: that power should be in the hands of the people. Although democracy today has been slightly inefficient in this idea, with the wealthy, elite class challenging this right, “it nevertheless claims for itself a fundamental validity that no other kind of society shares….” To completely understand the structure of democracy, one must return to the roots of the practice itself, and examine the origins in ancient Greece, the expansion in the Roman Empire, and how these practices combined make what we recognize as today’s democratic government.
The career I have chosen is to become a lawyer, in either a private practice or firm, or for the government. The definition of a lawyer is an advocate or advisor in society, that is as an advocate, to represent one of the opposing parties in a criminal or civil trial, and as an advisor to counsel clients as to their legal rights and suggest courses of action. But that is not all a lawyer is about. Being a lawyer takes hard work, dedication, and many years in school.
The legal profession has been around for a long time, as it is one of the oldest information professions . The service it provides is essential, as it