
Ancient India Research Paper

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Due to its government systems, legal systems, religious beliefs and systems, economic systems, urban culture, and writing and history, Ancient India was a very complex civilization. Ancient India lasted from 400,000 BC to 1000 AD. The Ancient Indian civilization first began in India, which is located in South Asia. Some of the world’s largest religions originated in Ancient India, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Ancient India was one of the most compound civilizations in the world.
First, government systems in Ancient India were very intricate and changed over time. The Aryan tribes were led by rajahs, who led tribes in war over property and trade control. Soon, the system began to change into a system based on a caste system, which ranked people …show more content…

The legal system included a hierarchy of courts ranging from family courts to king court (the highest of courts). The courts included no lawyers but many judges. Concrete evidence wasn’t necessary and oaths were completely trusted, when making judgements. The Dharma Shastra includes laws that come from religious beliefs and it emphasizes that the chief/king has complete control over the laws. Punishment was decided based on the caste of the accused. Only four types of punishment were allowed at first, but later other forms of punishment were added. Thus, the legal system had many rules and structures that made it …show more content…

The three main religions that originated in Ancient India were Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Hinduism grew out of overlapping beliefs and is currently one of the most complex religions. Hindus believe in brahman, gods representing natural forces or animals, and that gaining moksha is the ultimate life goal. Next, Jainism was founded by Mahavira and it emphasizes self-denial, extreme Ahimsa, and meditation. Lastly, Buddhism emphasizes the Four Noble Truths and the final goal of life is nirvana. Buddhism spread throughout the world, but soon began to decline in India. Therefore, Ancient Indian religions became not only very crucial to them but also to the rest of the world.
In addition, the economic system in Ancient India was composite. Farming depended on the monsoon and crops such as barley, rice, and wheat were grown. They mostly traded for salt, spices, and other manufactured goods. Trading deals usually occurred in marketplaces and other villages. Some trading deals even happen at weddings and visits. Trade was key to survival and food supply, since there wasn’t enough food to support the entire village. In conclusion, the economic system of Ancient India was multifaceted and completely

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