
Ancient Mesopotamia Geography

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The geographical location was an important factor in many of the ancient civilizations. Where the people settled determined whether they would have success at surviving. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were ancient civilizations founded in roughly the same longitude and latitude area of the world. Hot dry areas full of dessert. What drew early civilizations to settle on these locations was the same for both places, land near water that was good for planting. What is different about each location is what makes these two early civilizations vastly different yet extremely important to our world today, the natural resources and the way the early settlers utilized them. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were founded near large rivers. To be a farmer and …show more content…

At the northern tip of Mesopotamia were some mountains that flowed water down into the Tigris and Euphrates. The rivers made the land closest to the edge of the river beds the most fertile land in the area. When the rivers flooded they carried silt to the banks. That silt was full of rich minerals providing the land its best place where crops could be planted. There was limited amount of timber to build houses in the area so many early settlers had to travel further into Mesopotamia’s mountainous region to locate actual trees to use. Many of the houses were built from the mud and clay that was located closest to the river edge. Early settlers also had to get their Stone from the mountain regions and they had limited availability of that as well. Egypt, like Mesopotamia, built their civilizations and cities closest to the river’s edge where they were able to farm their land and develop their city centers into thriving communities for many years. Southern regions of Mesopotamia were also barren but the area nearest where the rivers converge there were many marshy lands. This afforded the early settlers the ability to understand irrigation as they watched the water flow over the land. This was one important factor in Mesopotamia’s success as the settlers were able to carry the vision of water flowing over the land into developing irrigation for the dryer lands nearer to the northern civilizations. The …show more content…

Egypt also had Oasis’s, where natural water can be found in the middle of the desert. Some settlers settled around the Oasis because of the fresh supply of water. The nomadic travelers moved their herds of animals through the desert did so from Oasis to Oasis. Another key geographical feature of Egypt is the Sinai Peninsula which is in the northernmost portion of Egypt that it connects that main area to the Red Sea. The ancient Egyptians referred to the fertile area along the Nile river bank as the black land and the desert as the red land. Egypt has flooding from the Nile that brings the silt which is black to the riverbanks making the land extremely fertile and very easy to plant in. This afforded Egyptians the opportunity to plant many farms with crops as well as provide the necessary nutrients to have farms with animals. What is a major difference between the Egyptian and Mesopotamia civilizations is the difference in the natural resources. Mesopotamia had a limited resources, Egypt had best amounts of resources, such as minerals, limestone, gold and other very valuable precious metals and stones. These resources the provided the Egyptian people with many things to trade and it helped set the course for the type of life that the Egyptian lived. Mesopotamia peoples had to make do with what the land provided. These abundant Egyptian

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