Did you know that there were Olympic Games over two thousand years ago? Men and women would cheer when an opponent would compete a task well done. This shows it could be either modern or ancient Olympic Games going on. In this essay I will be talking about modern and ancient Olympic Games, these include a time and location, a purpose and events, and participants, observers, and awards given. There are many differences and similarities between these two and with this essay I will show you what those differences and similarities are. The first Ancient Olympic Game was held in 776 B.C in the Peloponnese (a peninsula in southern Greece.) The games were held in honor of the Ancient Greek gods. The first Modern Olympic Games were held in April 1896.These games going on attracted athletes from the United States, Great Brittan, and 11 more countries. Furthermore, Ancient Olympic Games didn’t allow women they only allowed men to participate, but now in Modern Olympics they allow all men and women to participate. Telling you this information you can now see what the Ancient Olympics did not allow back then compared to Modern Olympics. …show more content…
Ancient Olympic Games were held in honor of the Ancient Greek gods. In Greek mythology, the great hero Heracles’, was responsible for staging the first games. The games Ancient people played were running, jumping, discus, wrestling, and boxing, martial arts, horse racing, chariot racing, and shot put. With that Ancient people played a total of 8 sports. The Modern Olympic Games started off with the athletes parading into the stadium, led by the Greek team, in honor of the founding of the Olympic Games. Furthermore, the modern Olympic Games had 42 events and 9 sports. With reading this passage you can see how many differences and some similarities they
The Olympic games were an athletic competition help in Greece around every four years from 776 B.C.E. In 776 B.C.E, the first olympics were held in Athens where many competitors clashed during the sporting events. The olympics then stopped in 393 C.E. due to Theodosius I’s orders on stopping the olympic events. Later during 1896, the modern olympics began to take place. The olympics were different from the ancient olympics in that the competition was shaped due to social, political, and economic reasons.
The first accounts of the Ancient Olympic games trace back to the year 776 BC. Held at Olympia, the games were thought to have been dedicated to the ‘Olympian gods’, Hera, Athena, Apollo and most prodimately, Zeus, the god of the sky and the ruler of the Olympian gods. Ancient myths associated with the beginning games stated that Zeus, the father of humanity, have fought and defeated Cronus in a battle for the throne of the gods. Others predicted demigod Herakles staged the games in Zeus’s honour, as he had assisted him in conquering Elis. Olympia, the site in which the games were held, was located in the Western part of the Peloponnese. The sacred area held numerous temples and sporting facilities, as the site was used for both the Ancient Olympic games
It is commonly believed that the modern Olympics are similar to the Ancient Olympics, however, that is completely false the Ancient Games and modern games could not be more different. The Ancient Olympics were created in 776 BCE and the games were played in Olympia, the home of the gods. They were played in the honor of the gods and were experienced by many poets, artists, and important people (Jacobson). The modern games were invented along the ideals of the Ancient games, but none of the events, athletes, and how they were actually created even compared. The Ancient games were played for the gods, the athletes wanted to honor the gods with their athletic ability.
In the ancient Olympic Games, there were only six different events to compete in. The original events were boxing, pankration, wrestling, running, equestrian and the pentathlon (Top End Sports). The first event ever held was the “stade” which is a 192-meter foot race. A cook named Coroebus won it becoming the first Olympic champion.
The Olympic games originated in Athens in 776 B.C. The more popular modern day Olympic games began nearly 2300 years later in 1896. The games no longer represented a religious festival, but a sports competition instead. The games can be studied via multiple aspects such as political, social, and economic, but this paper will concentrate on the economic aspect of the games and more specifically, the macroeconomic impacts the games possess.
The Olympics originated from Greece in 776 BCE and are still seen every four years, with the summer and winter Olympics in alternating two years. In the Greek Olympics they would hold various sports including running, jumping, disc throwing, wrestling, chariot races, and much more. Since then many games and events have been added and some have been removed, but the idea of showing strength and having different peoples come together is still there. The ancient Olympics were a time that all free citizens could come together and compete; even unmarried women were allowed to participate. The modern day Olympics is still a huge event for people to come together.
The Olympics today and the ancient Olympics are similar and different in some ways. The celebration of the modern Olympics and the ancient Olympics are the same as they take place after every four years and the competitions are still the same. The same competitions that were there in the past such as javelin, long jump and sprinting among others are still done today.
In modern Olympics women and men compete together. In ancient Greece they never had a winter Olympics, the winter Olympics started in 1924, the modern era in France with 258 athlete participating. Three similarities being
A powerful roar of excitement only adds to the already excentric level of thrill. An energy driven by the athletes pushing their physical and mental strength to glorify the Gods fills the stadium. The crowd filling the stands radiate with delight as heat after heat of men race down the two stade sprint (Ancient Olympic Games). The authors at Olympics.org have traced the start of the Olympics all the way back to 776 BC. The catalyst for the modern day Olympics that started in 1896, many of the sports and ceremonial things that take place today are nearly the same as in ancient times. The same as today, they were the ultimate stage of modern sports. However, the motivations, cultural effects, and history are nearly completely different from today.
These athletes were admired upon. I found quite a lot of similarities between ancient olympics and modern day sports. First, the ancient Olympics were the first competitive sports competed and largely publicized. Second, the athletes are held up to a pedestal. Third, they are admired and honored for anything positive they do.
The ancient Olympic Games started when Koroibos, a cook from the close-by city of Elis, won the 600 feet long foot race in the stadium. This race was the only athletic competition of the Olympics for the initial thirteen Olympic games until 724 BC. The Olympic Games, initially created to respect Zeus, were the most critical national celebration of the ancient Greeks, and a center of competition among the
Greeks were the first people to formally introduce athletic contests all the way back in the eighth century B.C., and they actually became more and more popular until they were finally a central part of life in ancient Greece by the time they reached the fifth century A.D. Back then, organized athletic games were part of religious festivals held all over the Greek lands where they worshiped the gods. However, nowadays they are just a way of entertainment for most people. Team games were not very common during the emergence of athletic games because they were of very little interest to the Greeks. They preferred to participate in contests as individuals to demonstrate their own personal excellence. Also, throughout Greek’s history, all contestants were males. This is a very different story in modern society because many women are recognized as some of the best athletes in the world today, and they have become much more athletically involved, driven, and competitive over the years. The only events that were performed during the early age of athletics were what we now know as track and field events. They ran some of the same races as we still do today, and they do some of the same field events as us, too, such as the long jump, the discus throw, and the javelin throw, which is less widely performed today than it once was. Without ancient Greece, we also would not have the Olympic Games. They
According to the Olympics Game timeline, the first ever Olympic Games was held in 776 BCE, in Olympia which is in Athens, Greece. They were held there at olympia for 13 years. We don't know how the games began according to Robert Woff, some stories say the Zeus started the game. According to this story, it started out with Zeus and his father, Kronos were wrestling in olympia, who knew it would turn into what it has become. Wrestling wasn’t the only sport in the ancient greek olympics, there were many more that were involved. Some of the original events according to “Ancient sports” are boxing, equestrian events (chariot racing & riding), pankration, pentathlon (discus, javelin, jump, running, wrestling).
The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. These games had the first weird Olympic sports, one-handed weightlifting and rope climbing. The athletes who competed in one-handed weightlifting had to raise a weight with only one hand. Rope climbing was a part of the gymnastics competition.
The Olympic games today are a mix of various games like running, swimming , and more. They're intense and entertaining even though Nowadays we have technology , there are still many benefits of the games with ancient civilizations, here are a few.