
Ancient River Valley Civilization, And The Development Of The Four Ancient River Valley Civilizations

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The Neolithic Revolution can also be referred to as the agricultural revolution. This was the time period when cro-magnons shifted from gathering food to farming, this was a major breakthrough in history. As time moved on Cro Magnons had to start finding new food resources so they started the domesticating of animals. Since farming and domestication only required a small group of people others ventured out and got more skilled in other jobs. This lead to them have a specialized jobs and creating roles to run a society, soon they had a civilization. This helped start the four most known ancient river valley civilizations. Throughout history these four river valley civilizations shared similarities in geography being that they were located around each other, but they also had differences in writing systems and cities.
All four main ancient river valley civilizations were located in the Fertile Crescent therefore they all shared the same type of weather. Egypt was located south of the Mediterranean and west of the Red sea. Ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile for all of their daily needs. Without the Nile, Egypt would’ve been uninhabitable, being that it made that dry desert area fertile. The Nile was a curse and a blessing. Every year in the middle of July the Nile would flood. If the water was too much land and crops would be destroyed and when the water receded in October silt will be left behind and it was used to nourish their farm lands. Isolation by the surrounding

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