
Ancient Rome Essay

Decent Essays

The story of ancient Rome is a tale of how a small community of shepherds in the central Italy grew to become one of the greatest empires in history, and then collapsed. According to Roman legend. Rome was founded in 753 B.C. By 275 B.C., it controlled most of the Italian Peninsula. In the A.D. 100’s, the Roman Empire covered about half of Europe, much of the Middle East, and the northern coast of Africa. The empire then began to crumble, party because it was too big for Rome to govern.
The millions of people who lived in the Roman Empire spoke many languages and followed many different customs and religions. But the Roman Empire bound them together under a common system of law and government. The languages …show more content…

At the heart of a Roman city laid the forum- a large open space surrounded by markets, government buildings and temples. Rich and poor gathered together in the bustling forum and at the baths, theaters, and arenas.
The earliest Romans believed that gods and goddesses had power over agriculture and all aspects of daily life. During the 300’s B.C., the Romans came info increasing contact with Greek ideas. They then began to worship Greek gods and goddesses. They gave them Roman names and built temples and shrines in their honor.
The government controlled the religion of ancient Rome. Priests were government officials, who were either elected or appointed to office. But by A.D. 100, many Romans had lost interest in their religion. They became attracted to the religions of the Middle East, which appealed strongly to the emotions. Christianity, one of the Middle Eastern religions, gained many followers.
The Romans began their day at sunrise. Breakfast was usually a light meal of bread and cheese. Most Romans ate lunch just before midday. For wealthy Romans, it consisted of meat or fish and olives or fruit. Dinner, the main meal, began in the late afternoon so that it would end before sunset.
Wealthy Romans ate several courses at dinner. Their first course might include eggs, vegetables, and shellfish. The

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