
Ancient Rome Reading Challenge Essay

Decent Essays

Ancient Rome Reading Challenge

Required Reading: Ancient Rome:

1. Who was the first Roman emperor? Who was the last?

Augustus was the first Roman emperor. His actually name is Octavian. The last emperor of Rome is Romulus Augustulus.

2. Why did rhetoric play an important role in higher education in ancient Rome?

The study of rhetoric is the art of public speaking. The upper-class Romans valued the ability to argue in a persuasive way in courts or to debate effectively in the Senate.

3. What two engineering achievements made it possible for the Romans to construct large buildings?

The arch and concrete made it possible for the Romans to construct large buildings.

4. What led to the Conflict of the Orders?

The dispute between the patricians (landowning upper classes) and plebeians (other classes) in the 400’s and 300’s B.C. led to the Conflict of the Orders.

5. Who were the Etruscans and when did they control Rome? …show more content…

They had the most advanced civilization in Italy.

6. Name the river on which the city of Rome was built?

The city of Rome was built on the Tiber River

7. What three groups made up the army? How were they different?

The legions, the auxiliaries, and the Praetorian Guard made up the army. The legions consisted of Roman citizens. They had doctors, surveyors, and engineers. Their main focus was the military, but they also built roads, aqueducts, walls, and tunnels. The auxiliaries consisted of noncitizens and fought along with the legions. The Praetorian Guard were the emperor’s personal bodyguard. They were an elite group of soldiers.

8. What steps did Diocletian take to restore order in the Roman Empire?

He changed the way the empire was governed. He divided the provinces into smaller units and each provinces had its own government and army.

9. What were the Punic Wars and when did they take place and which peoples did the Romans fight during the

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