
Best For Kalakut The System Of Government

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The system of government that will be the best for kalakuta is federalism because federal constitutions bring government closer to the people as decision making is decentralized, the personal vote is stronger, and politicians are more beholden to local interests. This means that elective bodies may be more responsive to local needs and concerns, more flexible, and in a certain sense more democratic (Elazar 1987; Main 1974; Storing 1981).
Federalism is a form of governance in which power is constitutionally divided between different authorities in such a way that each authority exercises responsibility for a particular set of function and maintains its own institutions to discharge those functions (Robertson 1985).
Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a national (federal) government and various state governments. The federal government determines foreign policy, with exclusive power to make decisions, declare war, and control imports and …show more content…

Disadvantages of federalism
• Federalism allows special interests to protect their privileges. For many years, segregationists used the argument of states' rights to avoid federal laws designed to guarantee equality and prevent discrimination. Indeed, the states' rights argument has been used so often in defence of racial discrimination that it has become a code word for racism.

• Federalism allows local leaders to frustrate national policy. They can obstruct not only civil right policies but also policies in areas as diverse as energy, poverty, and pollution.

• Federalism allows the benefits and costs of government to be spread unevenly. Some states spend more than twice as much per capita as other states on education.

• Federalism creates disadvantages in poorer states and communities, which generally provide lower levels of education, health, and welfare services; police protection; and environmental protection than wealthier states and

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