
And Then There Were None Literary Analysis

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And Then There Were None Literary Analysis Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine. Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.This is how the story went for all 10 characters. In this story, And Then There Were None creates an illusion of suspense and keeps the reader guessing throughout the whole book while at the same time underhandedly revealing the entire story by using plot and conflict, plus an evaluation of the title. First in the story the author used the plot and plot changes to create suspense and keep the reader guessing in a couple ways. It also helps in giving a lot away if you are paying attention and looking ahead. The Ten …show more content…

It never says that person, being Judge Hargrove, died, it just says he went to court and for equality or fairness which at the end we find out is what he wanted. He just wanted fair just rule over these so called killers, but, that ended up making him one himself. It never accused him, because he did not really kill anybody he just sentenced someone as in the book on page--- it stated, “You are charged with the following indictments:... Lawrence John Wargrave, that upon the 10th day of June, 1930, you were guilty of the murder of Edward Seton.” This murder he was accused of was not actually murder it was actually just him sentencing him, doing …show more content…

The title is also used each time someone dies, you get one step closer to there being none. As you get closer to the end and even at the end you wonder how can one of them be the killer when they all are dead, but then you think there has to be one left. The story is very confusing including, because how it says on page 298 it was said by one of the officers investigating all of their deaths, “...but the chair was not found kicked over, it was like all other chairs put back neatly against the wall…” this leads you to believe that a, it is someone off the island or b, it was somehow, one of them, but how if they were all proven dead. It is not until the epilogue that you learn it was in fact one of them who faked his death at the start but then really kills himself at the end, because of this it did end up as And Then There Were

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