My greatest role would probably be the legendary tennis player Andre Agassi. I understand the difficulty in having a personal connection with someone who is at an exceedingly high level of fame and distance. However open reading his auto-biography and following his tennis career, I realize that Agassi has done a lot for me and my growth as a human being than most people I know. I believe a Role Model is an individual who we strive to follow, someone who we imitate and give our utmost respect and attention too. We copy their opinions, adorn there wardrobe and even consume the same foods as they do. However Agassi is different. I would not want to have a pink Mohawk, I would never want to drugs, and I would certainly never call my opponent a
Idols, role models, heroes: These are the people that we all look up to. As Christopher Reeve, who played the role of Superman in various movies, once said, “a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Throughout my life I have had multiple heroes, for a multitude of reasons. Helen Keller, for her ability to persevere despite the fact that she was both blind and deaf and yet was able to positively impact others. Amelia Earhart, for her bravery as the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Heidi Berry Krahn, for her incredible strength in times of hardship and her dedication and sacrifice as the founder and executive director of the Center for Animal Research and Education. People look up to their heroes, look up to their many attributes and accomplishments, and aspire to be like them. I have one hero that stands above all the rest, one that does all of the things my other
A role model is an irreplaceable person who often has a following of people who attempt to emulate their actions and reactions. They often are in places of authority or, rather, noble in the eyes of their attendants. Role models yield a lot of value in many societies proven through literature in “The Color of Water” by James McBride, observations of mentors both in history and the present, and my personal experience with leaders who I appreciate.
It is really hard to be a role model but Lupe from the short story Marble champ by Gary Soto is a great role model because she is a good sport,a hard worker, and above all, an intelligent person.
Most people have a role model. Who is your role model? For me mine is Cam Newton. He is the quarterback for the Carolina Panthers.
Kobe Bryant 10/27 6th My role model is Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant is a basketball player and my favorite sport is basketball and he was really good. Kobe puts in hard work, dedication it is his lifestyle, and job. I want to be like Kobe Bryant because he has fame, money, basketball, a big house and lots of cars.
In three years the summer olympics will take place, it is a time when the best athletes gather to win in what might be the most prestigeful competition in existence. Not just to win but to even be able to participate in the event they have to be at a high level. Each of those athletes have practised hard in a ton of various ways. The sport that interests me the most is tennis since I used to play that in high school. And from previous experience I have learned that it is impossible to win a match by just using one move. When looking at a olympics tennis game one can watch Roger Federer use a combination of different moves to eventually beat his opponent. The same process of training that Roger Federer uses to beat an opponent can be used to
Growing up I had a role model. He is the most inspirational person I have ever had the chance of meeting. He took care of me when I was sick or when my parents would have to work late into the night, and honestly I am proud to say that this inspirational person is my older brother, Trey Hampton. Not only has my brother been there for me through thick and thin he even managed to introduced me to one of my greatest passions.
I would have to say my role model would be Carrie Underwood. Carrie Underwood cares about the world and the people in it.
A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially younger people. Professional athletes
Novak Djokovic One of the best tennis player in the world, for the first time gripped a racquet in his little hands when he was 4 years old. Although he liked skiing and football, but tennis was his ultimate love. Whether it’s rain snow or holidays nothing was able to keep him from hitting balls with his tennis coach Jelena.In 1993, he was spotted by Yugoslav tennis player Jelena Gencic. She complimented the 6 year old Djokovic as the greatest talent she ever saw since Monica Seles. She trained him for the next 6 years. When he was 13, he went to the Pilic Academy in Munich, Germany, to pursue higher levels of competition and when he was 14 he began his international career.
Most people grow up having someone they look up to, their role model. Whether that being one of your parents, or a celebrity, you respect them and would like to grow up to imitate their actions or success. My role model is Tyler Joseph. He is the singer in the aspiring band, “Twenty One Pilots”. He is a kind-hearted person, an influential writer, and a unique person in general.
From the moment babies are able to walk they are influenced by older people in the world. Kids look up to people because there hair, sport ablitity,clothes,people skills. Having a good postive role model in children and young adults to being a parent. Stephen curry is my role model because he is a outstanding althlete , an sublime teammate, and is a high awarded basketball player.
True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have. Role models are those who have affected us in ways that influence us to be better people. They are people who others imitate, emulate or look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are bad influences. There are even anti-role models, pegged by the media as "bad girls" or "bad boys" who serve as good examples of what not to do if you want to become a successful, respected person. With the majority of my time spent as an athlete throughout high school and college, I believe athletes should pose as role models.
Many people have a person that they look up to and who encourages them. It's someone who I think doesn't give up and gets back up when they fall down, who has an impact to other people around them and they work for what they have earned. A person that is a role model to me is a man named Kobe Bryant. He is a basketball player that accomplished many things in his career. He was also born on August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Biography Today 44). He is someone who overtime has shown persistence and courage throughout his career in basketball. Kobe Bryant was a role model and inspiring basketball player that had a great legacy in the NBA.
Me and you right Know have someone who inspires us, so much that we want to Exceed his or her achievements. There are many Different types of role models, they can be singers, Public speakers, Friends Or family. But above them, all is Opera Winfrey.