Of all the presidents, do you know why Andrew Jackson was chosen to be on the $20 bill? Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States of America and the most controversial. Considering his life and presidency, Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the $20 bill because he was a war hero, strongly believed in the common man, and made major national decisions that made America what it is today. The rich man most definitely didn’t favor the common man as Jackson did, but he somehow preferred the common man a lot more compared to the rich man. One reason Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the $20 bill is because he was a war hero. This title many people considered him to be. It all began when his forces defeated the Creek and Seminole Indians which at the time made him a national hero. He then went to battle the British in the Battle of New Orleans during the war of 1812. Defeating the British gave him even …show more content…
He not only provided a party for the common man and had a large block of cheese, but challenged the bank on behalf of the common man. Also defending the common mans rights and giving them the ability to vote. This was extremely important at the time because a lot of people didn’t favor the common man as Jackson did and giving them the ability to vote gave America opportunity for change and much more. Lastly, Jackson deserves to be on the $20 bill is because the major national decisions that shifted America’s history. For example, Jackson is the only president to pay the national debt off, gained control over the economy, and convinced congress to lower a tariff. These were 3 very important things that he chose to do to put America in good hands. Not only that, but he is the only president to have a positive income than outcome, and also paid the Indians. He made very smart decisions for vital situations that put America in a good
Jackson is very important because he created or instigated the two dominant political parties we use today (democratic and republican). The beliefs in these parties switched several times in history but initially Jackson was a democrat. The major beliefs in democrats in the 1820s-1850s were the beliefs in a small national government, pro states’ rights, and a strict interpretation of the constitution. The republicans (initially known as the Whigs) essentially opposed all of Jackson’s beliefs and therefore had more or less the complete opposite beliefs of the democrats. By starting these two political parties, he started the way people would categorize political candidates throughout the rest of American history.
Yea, Andrew Jackson was not a very nice president. He surrported slavery and removed Native Americans from there land. But even though he did all those terrible things we still can't forget someof the amazing stuff he was able to do. Like complety abolishing the federal debt the only president in American history to do that. And possible the greatest achievment of all, his face on the twenty dollar bill!
Awarded the prestigious honor to remain forever engraved on the twenty dollar bill, Andrew Jackson became a figure in American history never forgotten. Future generations of younger students will not need to know Andrew for them to assume he was a great man. Unfortunately, the ignorance of idolizing Jackson because he appears on American currency serves to blanket the realities of his administration. Jackson should be removed from the twenty dollar bill.
“Was it a good idea to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?” Justify your reasoning with textual evidence.” I believe Harriet Tubman should replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. I will get my point across through several reasons and sources. My first piece of evidence for why Harriet Tubman should be on the $20 comes from http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/history/harriet-tubman/#harriet_lg.jpg.
Andrew Jackson was an American hero. He helped fight in wars, such as the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and many people liked him because he helped average americans. Jackson was a slave owner and did not believe that blacks had rights. He also took away rights of Native Americans. I do not think that Jackson should be on the twenty-dollar bill for several reasons.
I do not believe that President Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill. He was not a man of good; all he cared about was pleasing himself and making other people believe he was doing good; manipulating them. Andrew Jackson was only concerned with keeping the union together. If he could get people to see that he could keep the states one nation then he would gain fame. I find
Andrew Jackson is not an honorable man and should be taken off of the twenty dollar bill, because he bought and sold slaves just for his own profit, he signed the Indian removal act, and he implemented the tariff of abominations. Being on a bill is an honorable thing and I don’t even think that jackson should have even been an option for that.
When Charles Dickson called Jackson a worthless scoundrel, a poltroon, and a coward in a local newspaper during 1806. Jackson challenged him to a duel. Dickson fired and hit Jackson in the chest. Despite of his wound, Jackson stood his ground and fired a shot that struck Dickson dead. Jackson was chosen to head the state militia. He held this position when war broke out with Great Britain in 1812. As a Major General, Jackson led victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans, in 1815. This win occurred before news of the Treaty of Ghent had reached Washington, and elevated Jackson to the status of National War Hero. In 1818, Jackson ordered an invasion of Florida. Jackson’s popularity led to suggestions to run for President. He became America’s most influential political figure during the 1820’s and 1830’s. When he first ran for President, in 1824, he lost to John Quincy Adams. Jackson returned four years later for redemption and defeats Adam. Jackson then became the nation’s seventh President. Sadly, on June 8, 1845, in Nashville, Tennessee, he died. He is known to be the face of the $20 bill. This has been your For Real
From this day forward, money has been used frequently, different number of changes, dollar bills or coins. On dollar bills, there’s at least different people printed that are known from the past. The one that people usually see is the one dollar bill that contains our first president, George Washington. He’s not only just there on our one dollar bill, there’s also the quarter. Back then when he was president, he was a decent leader. He lead a Constitutional army to victory in the American Revolution. Not only he made sure the Constitution was ratified, he served as the President of the Constitutional Convention.
“No one needs to think that the world can be ruled without blood. The civil sword shall and must be red and bloody.”(A. Jackson Quotes,). Andrew Jackson should not be placed in the Presidents Hall of Fame for reasons such as spoil system, the indian removal act, and the second bank. He was the seventh president and had other names such as Old Hickory or King Andrew. He saw himself as the common man’s president, the public saw him as an indian killer.
Today, he is honored on the U.S. twenty dollar bill. In 1832 Andrew Jackson strongly opposed
Andrew Jackson has always been a very controversial president. Although he is featured on the twenty dollar bill and it often described as one of the greatest presidents ever, whether or not people think he was actually “good” president varies between opinions.
“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in” -Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson seemed to live by this quote because he would stop thinking and make some bad choices for America. During the early 1830s, Andrew Jackson became president. His main goal was for the common people's voices to be heard because he was a common man himself. He was born into poverty, but made worked hard and made success happen for himself, he was the ´American Dream’. Jackson was powerful and didn't care about other people's opinions about him which led to some bad choices while he was serving his term as President. Andrew Jackson should not be on the $20 bill because he forcefully moved the natives from their own homes, got rid of the National Bank after it was proved to be constitutional, and gave important political jobs to his supporters.
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He has been a topic of debate since 1829 when he was elected president. The debate, argued by professional historians and students, is whether or not he is counted as one of the great presidents. I am of the opinion that he deserves a place in the top ten. During his presidency he was known a man of the people. He, like many great presidents, was a self-made man and a military leader that led our country through many victories. He had a strong personality and was a very decisive man. He was a forefather of the democratic party we have today, he ended the national bank, he is the only president to have eliminated the national debt even though it came back, he conquered the nullification
First reason why Andrew Jackson does not deserve to be on the twenty dollar bill because he put the indian removal act in motion. According to Liberty of congress.gov Indian Removal Act, the indian removal act was signed on May 28, 1830 to remove the indians of their land and move them towards new land. This act forced the Indians to relocate. This land was owned by the indians and a treaty was signed by both the U.S and the cherokee saying the land is theirs. Andrew Jackson went against the treaty and still helped to pass the act. This caused the trail of