Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, was born on March 15, 1767 into an immigrant family. His modest family background and his rise to power gave him the nickname “President of the Common Man” (Everett). Andrew Jackson is known for his aspiration for a unified country, expanding democracy for all white males, and his emphasis on reducing the national debt. However, he is also known for his support of the removal of Native Americans from their homeland, most notably the Trail of Tears, and his participation in slave trading. Even though Andrew Jackson played in a major role in U.S. politics, his questionable personal life and beliefs raised questions on whether or not he deserves to be on the $20 bill (Feller, Daniel. “The, ¶ 8). …show more content…
Despite the fact that he supported Indian removal and made his wealth from slave trading, Andrew Jackson should remain on the $20 bill because of his achievements for the United States that promoted unity, white male suffrage, and paying off the national
Andrew Jackson: the common man or the first king of America? He is viewed by history in many different ways, some see him as the man who granted universal white male suffrage, created a more democratic way to elect electoral voters to congress and replaced caucuses with national nominating conventions; and others, who saw past this false representation and saw how in his eight years in office, he vetoed 12 bills, forced Native Americans from their homeland, ignored supreme court decisions and let his personal life affect his presidential decisions. Jackson, as captured in his portrait in the National Portrait gallery was a stern man with a strong sense of self-reliance. And while these qualities can be seen as
Andrew Jackson helped to provide for a strong protection of popular democracy and individual liberty to the United States. Andrew Jackson known as the people’s president held a strong emotion in the states right’s which advocated to the increase of executive power. President Andrew Jackson was good for his country, because he provided certain decisions that helped form America into a better place than where it was before. President Andrew Jackson showed significant positives towards the people of the United States. President Andrew Jackson’s creation of the Democratic Party still exists today. His great efforts to eliminate the Bank of the United States helped to pay off all the national debts in America.
Awarded the prestigious honor to remain forever engraved on the twenty dollar bill, Andrew Jackson became a figure in American history never forgotten. Future generations of younger students will not need to know Andrew for them to assume he was a great man. Unfortunately, the ignorance of idolizing Jackson because he appears on American currency serves to blanket the realities of his administration. Jackson should be removed from the twenty dollar bill.
Andrew Jackson, the man on the twenty dollar-bill, is a highly respected commander and an individual who should not be reckoned with. In Hickey’s Glorious Victory, he is regarded as the “People’s President” and is arguably one of the best leaders to have ruled this nation (Hickey, 48). Despite his success as president, he is tangled in many contradictions. For example, he is known to be racist to the Natives, but adopting a native orphan; he is also known as a slaveholder, but he also welcomed free African Americans to join his army; he is a general who lectured his superiors and ignored orders, while simultaneously demanded unquestionable obedience from his men. Although some individuals question the appropriateness of Jackson’s face on the twenty-dollar bill, his achievements during presidency and in the military preserved the cohesiveness of the American people through his leadership and unrelenting resilience.
Andrew Jackson was an American hero. He helped fight in wars, such as the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and many people liked him because he helped average americans. Jackson was a slave owner and did not believe that blacks had rights. He also took away rights of Native Americans. I do not think that Jackson should be on the twenty-dollar bill for several reasons.
Andrew Jackson was considered the most modern president. He has many qualifications to be modern. Other candidates had the qualifications to be the first modern president as well. For reasons soon to be mentioned in the proceeding paragraphs he was considered modern. Those other modern candidates did not win the election.
Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 in the Waxhaws region of the Carolinas. His father, Andrew Jackson died shortly before he was born, whom he was named after. Jackson’s two older brothers, Hugh and Robert died due to the American Revolutionary War. Jackson's mother, Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson raised him until she died when Jackson was only 14 while she was caring for injured and sick soldiers. Jackson’s parents’ death left him an orphan and so his uncles raised him. He began studying law and by the time he was 21 he was appointed prosecuting attorney in the western region of North Carolina or present day Tennessee. In 1788 Jackson moved to Nashville where later, in 1796 he was elected first representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. The following year, he served eight months in U.S. Senate.
Andrew Jackson was a war hero of the Battle of New Orleans which took place in the War of 1812. He was also the seventh U.S. president and the first democratic president. Andrew Jackson should be removed from the $20 bill because he used the Spoils System and Kitchen Cabinet as well as breaking the law and he went against the Supreme Court’s ruling.
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States of America. He first became a prosecuting attorney in Nashville and that is where he found his wife Rachel Robards. He became the first man from Tennessee to be elected U.S. House of Representatives ( Staff). He lost his mother and two brothers in the raid of the Carolinas by the British. He would soon become a war hero.
Andrew Jackson’s influence on the politics of his time was remarkable. He was the only president to have an era named after him. He also changed the way this country was run and expanded the country’s borders. He changed much, but the four most important aspects of this era, in chronological order, were his victory over the British, his defeat in the presidential race of 1824, his successful presidential campaign in 1828, and his decision to remove Native Americans to land west of the Mississippi. His victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans lifted his popularity exponentially. He was a newfound American hero, and this pushed his political ambitions towards the White House. In 1824 Jackson was defeated in a close presidential
Andrew Jackson, born on March 15,1767 was the 7th president of the United States, who was a self made man, rising to money and power. He is viewed as a controversial historical figure in American history between being a hero or villain. Andrew Jackson is a villain due to his controversial decisions during his presidency, such as the spoils system, the nullification crisis, the Second Bank of the United States, and lastly the most impactful decision, the Indian Removal Policy. Jackson may have been seen as the common man leader,and did many things to benefit the people, but that can not justify his unacceptable actions.
Andrew Jackson’s presidency made him one of the most controversial presidents that has ever existed in the history of the United States of America. Andrew Jackson for many was a cruel tyrant who reinstated the tax on British goods with Tariff of 1828 and rejected the renewal of the charter for the Second National Bank of the United States. Also, Andrew Jackson created the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which end result would be the Trail of Tears during the presidency of Martin Van Buren. Those who oppose Andrew Jackson being the champion of the common man cite that Andrew Jackson abused his executive power of enforcing the law and the presidential veto. Andrew Jackson was misguided with some of the actions he made during his presidency, but he committed those actions because he thought they would help the common U.S. citizen. President Andrew Jackson used his executive power to be a champion of the common man during his presidency from 1828 to
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America. He came into the presidency during a time when America had plateaued in its expansion west, the issue of slavery causing issues between the states, and corrupt government officials were abundant.
America’s history is rich and full of countless heroes, scandals, and incredible stories. Perhaps one of the most interesting of those stories is that of Andrew Jackson’s. To some, he was a hero, but to others, he was their worst enemy. Being raised in the mountains of the Carolinas, he became the first “backcountry president” of the United States (Wilentz, 13). His fame, though, began years before his presidency.
In the United States so far, there have been dozens of presidents. To be exact, there have been 44 presidents. Every president has made his own, unique contribution to get the country to where it is today. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was perhaps the most controversial president America has experienced. Jackson was a successful president in his own mind, escaping difficult living conditions as a child in South Carolina and fighting for the nation in the War of 1812 to completing his goals as president. Some of his achievements, however, did not benefit the country and its people. His egocentric behavior caused for harsh and brutal actions towards Indians. Although Jackson was able to fulfill his goals