
Andrew Jackson's Abusing Democracy

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He was known as “Old Hickory” by his troops for that he was as tough as “the hardest wood in all creation” and opponents of his called him a crude and ignorant man who was unfit to be president (257). Even though he had a negative reputation, Andrew Jackson managed to become the seventh president of the United States in 1828. However, these negative attributes triggered many disputes within the nation, showing that Jackson was abusing democracy during his 2 term presidency. First of all, Jackson’s tough and stubborn way of approaching governing was to listen to other’s opinions but would end up doing what he felt was right (261). Therefore, the United States actually was not governed by the people, but was governed by a leader, making the government …show more content…

However, this is just to begin with. Why this shows that Jackson was abusing democracy is because he was replacing many Republican officeholders with his loyal Democratic supporters. This is a major issue because it causes an imbalance in the number of Republicans and Democrats within the government which would possibly lead to the corruption of the government. Although Jackson defended his actions as to give more people a chance to serve in the government and rotate jobs so that workers can return to their lives as normal citizens, he was really rewarding his political supporters with official positions, which is a bribing practice his opponents called as the spoils system. Another example of Jackson abusing democracy was when he passed the Indian Removal Act (264). The purpose of this Act was to trade for Native American territory on the Great Plains so that the Americans could further expand their opportunities and economy. However, this Act showed Jackson’s selfish and unjust personality because it violated several treaties with the Natives that promised them peace and their territories

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