Zainab Nusrat
Mrs. Chetty
10 September 2016
ELA 10-1
Essay Prep “Before you judge my life, my past or my character… Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have traveled, live my sorrow, my doubts, my fears, my pain and my laughter. Remember, everyone has a story. When you’ve lived my life then you can judge me.” -Unknow This quote represents andy and the people who were judging him based on his jacket and they didn't know him. Andy was not just a royal, he was Andy. It doesn’t matter what people think of you because in the end of the day it only matters what you think of yourself. In other words, the Guardians, the couple, the drunk men and the police officer all judged him without knowing him. Also, Laura is the only person that really know Andy, as Andy. Andy point of views changes over the time period of the story. The Guardians, the couple, the drunk men and the police
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Before Andy was stabbed the most important thing in the world was being a Royal and at the end, it was being Andy. For example “It was then he wondered if he was dying. No, he thought I can’t be dying, not from a little street rumble, not from just being cut. Guys get cut all the time in rumbles. I can’t be dying. No, that's stupid. That doesn’t make any sense at all.”, “He could remember how happy he was when the Royals had taken him. The royals and the Guardians, two of the biggest. He was a Royal. There had been meaning to the title.”, “He wondered about the meaning. If he died, he was Andy. He was not a Royal.”, “Had they know that he was Andy or had they simply known that he was a Royal wearing a purple silk jacket? Had they stabbed him, Andy, or had they only stabbed the jacket and the title.”, “Even in his pain, there had been some sort of pride in knowing he was a Royal. Now there was no pride at all.” and “ He could only think: I want to be Andy. It was not very much to ask of the world.” Over time Andy's views
The story takes place in Eden Mills, Mississauga, Ontario, Eric Walters’ hometown, and it takes place in present time. This is evident by the modern technology seen in the novel, and the lack of any futuristic technology.
Nathan Scott is main character and the basketball star of the Ravens high school, just like his very proud father. Dan Scott wants his son to be an over achiever, but he gets pushed even harder by his dad than the team's coach. Dan Scott went to tree hill and was a well know basketball player and pushes his son to achieve his best. When the team celebrates a victory they decided borrowing their schools bus. Several arrests were made; Dan to talk to the coach and police and manages to get Nathan out of trouble. Unfortunately others are less lucky and got kick off the team. The coach had to get new players, so the coach invites Nathan's step brother Lucas Scott. Who only plays basketball for fun because his passion was reading books. Nathan
Mr. Van Dann demonstrates people are simply great at heart by singing at Hanukkah and recognizing the present Anne gave him, that she worked extremely hard on for him, at Hanukkah. He also removes food from his own child-Peter Van Dann- then at the end, he cries because he responds to his feelings as ashamed of what he did. MR. Van Dann supports Anne´s quote by singing at Hanukkah. also by recognizing the present she gave him. last though certainly not least by realizing his mistake and apologizing for what he did. Mr. Van Dann through the dark times failed miserably, but in the end, he shows he does care deep down in his small heart he does care for people and his son he just does not like to show it.
Many people in the army feel guilty. They regret all the murders. They see the people they killed everywhere. In their dreams, outside, shadows, they are forever haunted with the faces of the dead. Christopher Lane, a boy with a broken background, is haunted by the killed. After accidentally murdering Mortimer Genever, (vowing to get his revenge) his twin brother Ernest runs away. Showing great determination, hopefulness, and honesty, Chris tracks Ernest down, to apologize for the mistaken murder.
Benny Wilder is the one man Beth never wanted to see again. She avoided the NHL games when he played, and had moved half a country away, but fate is an evil and twisted mother-f*cker; just like her ex.
In the beginning of the year Doug Swieteck was a childish bully and a pest. Toward the middle of the book he starts to learn from his mistakes and makes up for it by standing up to and for others. Now that we are at the end of the book, by now Doug hasn't changed any, so you could say he stayed quite the same from the middle of the book to the end.
I give the book Michael Vey 1 The Prisoner of Cell 25 5 out of 5 stars because it is action filled, the main character goes through many different emotions, and because it has many unexpected turns.
Some things Andy thought was important, like the jacket, was not as important morally, but for the story, it symbolically means something other that just a jacket. “ ...the jacket read the Royals”(Hunter 1). The jacket was used to mean importance or dignity in Andy’s life, but after some shocking realization and dying, he found the real symbol, the real name of the jacket. Death. More key symbols were scattered throughout the story, what they represent is obvious and it connects to the theme of titles not being as important as they seem to be. When he left the dance, a knife was plunged into his purple Royal jacket, and under that jacket, there was a kid named Andy who bled out on a sidewalk thanks to the knife. “...the knife…”(Hunter 7). The knife was portrayed as anger and ignorance; there was anger in the knife, and that anger hated the jacket that Andy was wearing. Ignorance of the person underneath the detested jacket led to an unneeded murder. Without that anger, without the stabbing, Andy would have gone through his life thinking that his jacket was who he was. The jacket was shredded by a knife brimming with anger and the jacket suddenly lost all of its value, and yet Andy still had more to figure out in his life before his last breath. The whole reason Andy left the dance was his need for some more cigarettes. The cigarettes played the whole
Even though the ride to Yosemite was grueling, the main character learned a valuable life lesson that he will carry for the rest of his life. The main character ventured on a long, tiring ride, learned an important lesson, and discovered how they play together. After his bike ride to Yosemite he learns his lessons on the difficulties of life. He will carry the lessons he learned with him onto future adventures. He will also never venture onto such a grueling task based on other people's views.
“You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”- Thích Nhat Hanh . This quote means that it doesn't matter what others think of you it’s just matters what you think of yourself. In the novel, The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton addresses the theme of accepting yourself for who you are, and not to let others change you. It is implied by S.E. Hinton that people should learn to embrace themselves for who they are and not to change if others don’t accept you or have prejudice towards you.
Charley is neighbors with the Loman family, the father of Biff’s best friend, Bernard, and also a very successful businessman. Charley is considered humble throughout the play principally towards Willy, “I offered you a job. You make fifty dollars a week, and I won’t send you on the road” ( Miller Act II:70). After finding out that Willy was previously fired from the only job he had Charley quickly offered Willy a job with him but instead Willy rejected it. Willy is always declining the help from Charley.
In addition, a robot is heartless and Adri displays a high degree of coldness by volunteering Cinder to risk her life in finding a cure for the plague in compensation for her stepsister’s death (66). Evidently, Adri holds a barbaric mentality in seeking revenge, if her biological daughter dies then it must be caused by the cyberonic beggar in her home so, Cinder must die too. Moreover, this is a selfish act because Adri receives compensation for Cinder’s forced voluntary exposure to death. Cinder realizes the profit of this punishment, “ You don’t care about Peony, you don’t care about me, you just want the stupid payout!”(67). Adri is an uncaring mother who seeks profit even in her daughters, orphan or not. Peony is merely a dowry and Cinder
The people on Maple Street were very flustered at everything, so their human minds started to blame all their long-time friends. One of the many times they did this was when they tried to say that Steve Brand, (the person who was fixing his care while this whole incident happened), was the monster. On page 8 of the play, it quotes “there’s been plenty of times you spend hours down in your basement workin’ on some kind of radio or something. Well, none of us have ever seen that radio.” Also, Charlie was the person that really drove everybody to believe in the monster. Towards the end of the story, Charlie shoots Pete Van Horn in the quote, “Charlie swings around, raises the gun, and suddenly pulls the trigger. The sound of the shot explodes
"If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution - then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise."
Becoming of older age, I began to understand that it’s perfectly fine to be imperfect. The extraordinary person I believed I would never become started off by committing faults and mistakes. Despite the fact that I was treated differently it pushed me toward understanding that I am enough. No matter what obstacles or battles I come across I’ve convinced myself to ignore the negativity surrounding me and converting it to positivity.