
Angel Fish Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Pterophyllum scalare, also known as freshwater angelfish, are a species of cichlid that many aquarists enjoy. Typically, these fish need very specific water conditions in order to ensure survival and are therefore not recommended for beginners. Along with that, breeding angelfish is difficult as well. Before angelfish can breed, they must be paired with another angelfish in the aquarium of the opposite sex. It is nearly impossible to tell the sex of an angelfish until you see them lay or fertilize eggs. If two angelfish of the same sex pair, they may lay eggs, but will not be able to be fertilized. Angelfish pair for life, so they will not breed with a different angelfish unless the pair is separated. The process of angelfish laying their eggs is called spawning. When spawning, the female angelfish …show more content…

The parents typically pick them up in their mouths as they fall and move them to a safe place. At this point, the eggs enter the wiggling stage. In this stage, they attempt to swim around, but are stopped by their sticky egg sac which still remains. The fry remain in the wiggler stage until they reach seven days old. On the seventh day, they consume their remaining egg sacs and now must be fed baby brine shrimp to prevent starvation. On this day they will begin to swim freely as well, since they will no longer stick to surfaces without their egg sacs. Until they are roughly four weeks old, the fry look very similar to clear tadpoles and not at all like angelfish. Once they reach four weeks, however, their fins become longer and their shape starts to develop. Dark colors like black appear very early on, but any place where they will have lighter color will be mostly transparent for months, with merely a hint of the brilliant colors they may form in the future. It can take up to, or even longer than, a year and a half for angelfish to fully show their brilliant

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