Tiffany Prill
Challenges of Leadership
Leadership Book Analysis
Modern World Leaders- Angela Merkel
The person chosen for this leadership report is Angela Merkel. I read “Modern World Leaders-Angela Merkel” written by Clifford W. Mills. Being born in Berlin, with my pride in being German, as well as being a female with my own leadership ambitions, I felt Angela Merkel was a perfect fit for me. Gaining knowledge on the leadership style from one of the most powerful and influential women in the world, while also learning the values and beliefs my country is grounded on, I find Angela Merkel to be extremely interesting leader to study. Angela Merkel (born Angela Dorothea Kasner), was born in Hamburg, Germany on July 17, 1954. Angela
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In Germany teachers quiet strict and at one point she had a teacher that would punish the entire class if a presentation differed even slightly from what the teacher told them to do. Deep down inside Merkel knew that the students put in extreme effort into the presentations and that this matter was so serious that the students could all be expelled from school. After explaining the situation to her parents, Merkel wrote a petition which she also presented to some GDR officials. Merkels class was saved; the teacher was later disciplined. I characterize her leadership style as one that is based on ethics and morals while also being very direct. She is both task oriented as well as relationship oriented. Merkel focuses on the business task at hand while putting great emphasis relationships and networking… “I don’t think it make sense to go round and round in circles arguing about this crisis. We have to manage it instead. But that’s something we can only do together with our neighbors, our partners, the big ones and the small ones. I think Germany is destined, partly as a result of its geographic position, to be a mediator and balancing factor.”
From this statement I feel as though Merkel is very direct and to the point- there is no point in arguing, let’s do something about it. At the same time Merkel puts emphasis on leader-member relations. Previous chancellor Schroeder was known for his extravagant sleigh rides with
Merkel had worked at Citizens Bank Minnesota in the Bookkeeping/Operations department for three years. She enjoyed working in the Bookkeeping department as I was working with numbers; I enjoyed the detailed work that I was doing. I wanted more responsibility and wanted to learn
Gustav Stresemann born in 1878, was one of the main reasons Germany ever got a break. Stresemann had a significant impact on Germany. He was a German politician and he served as Chancellor in 1923 for only one hundred and two days before he became Foreign Minister until 1929, when he was pronounced dead from a stroke. The main place that Gustav Stresemann really had the sole impact on was the Weimar Republic. Germany vitally needed Stresemann’s help in 1923, because they were considered to be in their “Year’s of crisis.”
For example, German foreign policy seemed to be more realistic as the German economy became increasingly dependent on demand from beyond Europe (Kundnani, 79). Yet, with the Syrian refugee crisis, Germany has set the example for all other European nations, setting an idealist tone. The Economists article called “The new Germans” writes that, “Mrs. Merkel’s decision to keep the country open in the face of huge influx that summer seems to have been based on a mixture of pragmatism and idealism” and “Germany is doing better than most at integrating its immigrants… examples of this Willkommesnkultur (culture of welcome) can be seen across Germany.” Germany isn’t acting as a nationalistic country, rather an idealist one attempting to aid others while still focusing on its
Wels (SPD), Deputy: Ladies and Gentlemen! We Social Democrats approve of the Reich Chancellor’s foreign policy demand of German equality of rights even that much more emphatically because we have advocated it from the very beginning.
Germany is a country that has endured a lot throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, yet they still have their own unique and rich way of living that defines them as who they are. Yet between the World Wars, Germany had many economic and social issues that connect to Hitler’s rise to, consolidation of, and use of power. Germany has just come off a brutal defeat during World War 1, then being forced to face with the consequences that the Treaty of Versailles brought them. Then they are followed by their own great depression which puts a lot of pressure on President Friedrich Ebert and Weimar Germany in general. The problem with Ebert and Weimar Germany, was that everyone was upset with it, there was a lot of left and right wing rebellions, terrorism,
Around this time, Merkel’s political career took off. She was elected to the Bundestag in 1990 as part of the first election after the unification of Germany. Quickly thereafter, she allied with Chancellor Helmut Kohl, which became her political ticket for the future. As Chancellor following the unification, Kohl sat in an interesting position. He needed to unite the East and West, but also there was beginning to be trend to see women in politics. “Seeking to bring in women and East Germans, he asked her if she “gets along with women” Merkel said yes and become German minister for women and youth in 1991” (Crawford 36). Since Merkel could “get along with women,” Kohl had his perfect fit and Merkel would begin to climb the political ladder. Not only would Kohl have his eastern woman, but he would also have a loyal political ally. “Because Kohl had plucked her from relative obscurity, he could also expect her to remain loyal to him, which she did until the major campaign financing scandal broke in 1999” (The Rise of Angela Merkel
The 21st century has experienced an immense growth in the interest for studying leadership (Hunter et al., 2007). Many women are taking the leadership role today and are excelling at it. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is definitely a leader in this 21st century and she is showing the world her leadership qualities by continuing to deliver on her promises to Liberia by; modelling a new approach to corruption, making women and children a priority, working towards making Liberia economically viable and not forgetting her strong stance on policy and ethical practices. Hughes et al. (2012) stated that there is no simple recipe for effective leadership and with that being said women in leadership roles is becoming more important because they incorporate
As The Economist (September 28th 2013) says, Angela Merkel won a landslide victory and became the chancellor of Germany for the third time. The crisis gave us a hard time and most big European countries dumped their leaders during this period. However, Angela Merkel again proved to be a leader that most people follow and admire. Is it purely because she does things right for her people? Or does it rather spark from her personality, including her behavioral, communication skills or influential authority? This paper will elaborate ideas on what makes Germany’s chancellor such a powerful leader and by using psychological theories it will lead the reader to defining the leadership style Ms. Merkel exercises.
It was around the same time she was honored with the best female comedian award that she began starring in television series and appearing in a few sitcoms. In 1994, after the second season of “These Friends of Mine,” starring DeGeneres as a bookstore employee, a few moderations were made to the show; one being the change of title to “Ellen.” As the reviews and ratings of the show started to improve, so did the connection between a mast number of viewers and DeGeneres eccentric, witty persona. This eventually led to consistent nominations for Emmy awards and winning the prestigious Peabody Award in 1997 for all her diligent work.
5. In conclusion, Germany’s open-door policy has resulted in controversy within its nation. The economic impingements of the large immigration have resulted in both positive and negative effects on the workforce. Due to the events in Germany, the United States stands firm on strict immigration laws for refugees in order to secure the nation’s best
Narrative intelligent leaders are significant to organizations, as they lead by storytelling, they are simultaneously influencing others through trust and communication. The purpose of this communication analysis is to highlight and describe how the narrative leader style of Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, ultimately inspires her followers. First, it will provide insight by outlining her narrative approach based on her speeches, presentations, and podcasts in addition to, the literature available in narrative communication and leadership. Next, it will delineate the strengths of her communication style thus enhancing her narrative method. Then, the focus will shift to bring attention to potential areas of improvement to the narrative approach. Finally, this analysis will conclude with recommendations which in turn will refine her delivery, aid in conveying her intended message, and ultimately enrich her narrative intelligent leadership style.
Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany. Last fall, she was elected to her third term as chancellor of Germany, making her one of the only two European Union leaders that survived the economic crisis (The Guardian, 2013). Angela Merkel was named by Forbes in 2014 as the most powerful women in the world (Forbes, 2014). Angela Merkel’s leadership style is pragmatic and methodical (The Guardian, 2013). Anne Applebaum (2013) states “She reigns. She doesn’t tell people what to do, she doesn’t give orders, and she isn’t bossy or pushy. She doesn’t throw Germany’s weight around or make demands. She simply sets parameters, and then lets everybody else make ‘choices’ themselves.” Merkel’s leadership style is prudent, democratic, and modest. Merkel prefers discussion, deliberation and consensus (Zeeb, 2013). The Germans call her “Mutti” (mummy), because she understands what her country wants and makes sure her country gets it (Zeeb, 2013 & The Guardian, 2013). Angela Merkel is a no nonsense leader that is well respected.
Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a small town in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was Alios Hitler and was a customs official. He was 51 years old when Adolf was born. Klara Polz, Adolf's mother, was a farm girl and was 28 when Adolf was born. Klara and Alios had 6 children , but only Adolf and his sister Paula survived childhood.
When we think of a leader, we think of someone who has power and someone who helps others become better. Some of the most important leaders are a political leader who attempts to lead a country into the right direction or attempts to improve the country. Most of these leaders, such as presidents or prime ministers of a country, are males, but women sometimes enter office. One women leader that became the prime minister of Pakistan helped the country improve tremendously. Benazir Bhutto was this leader. She was the first female leader in the Muslim world. Following in her dad’s footsteps, Benazir Bhutto became the leader of the Pakistan People’s Party and then the eleventh prime minister of Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto had an influential life
Imagine yourself living in the early 1930’s with World War I just ending. All of a sudden some insane men comes and starts yelling and commanding all these crazy rules you have to follow... Adolf Hitler was that insane men i was talking about, he was the leader of Nazi Germany through the 1934-1945. Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau Am Inn Austria on April 20th, 1889. He was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi party and was a great speaker. He was also one of the most powerful leaders in the world unfoumos he was also the infamous dicrators of the 20th century. Adolf Hitler was a crul men who did so much mean things, he protected what was his but never what wasn’t.