
Angela Sims Lynched Summary

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Angela Sims’ Lynched: The Power of Memory in a Culture of Terror, seeks to give a voice to the silenced African American people who lived during a period in which lynching was a widespread phenomena. It seems that her central purpose is to examine the relationship between lynching and the interconnected ideas of race, gender, class, and other social categories that shape a person’s self-understanding. Yet, though she provides an analysis of these memories, she simultaneously preserves these memories of aging African American people. This seems to be a central focus of her book. For instance, she states, “if lynching narrative… provide another aspect about a shared existence in this country, the time to preserve these conversations is now” (Sims 67). Thus, preserving these memories is one of her central goals. Moreover, she aims to define and show the embodiment of what is good. Sims considers the African Americans who …show more content…

According to Sims, this recount of lynching gives African Americans an opportunity to come to terms with their initial hatred towards those who committed egregious acts upon them. There is a conscious decision “not to be controlled by internalized rage against persons who choose to behave inhumanely… a decision is made to redirect energy into areas that can yield a positive energy” (Sims 48). I think that this is a crucial point that really influenced and impacted the way that I conceptualized the reluctance to speak about lynching. African Americans who lived during the lynching society were able to forgive the people who acted inhumanely and, instead of seeking revenge and dwelling on the past, made a conscious decision to focus on other areas that could bring about a positive difference. This is incredibly important to understand and apply in our modern society as we seek to establish equality for all

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