
Anil's Relationship With His Father Essay

Decent Essays

In the short story Anil, families are central, something to be dependent upon and as loyal, selfless entities. Whereas Anil, the protagonist, may have a negative view of his father – it seems clear to the reader that his father has the best intentions in regards to his family.
Ragunathan (the father) is portrayed as the headman of the household – and seems to be more than willing to exert his power. Due to the fact that Anil’s mother has a “bruise on her shoulder” and Anil’s fear of being “walloped” by his father is indicative of an abusive character. After the reader finds out he works for the petrifying headman of the village, a certain amount of sympathy is gained for him. He seems to deal with authority badly and therefore thinks it is appropriate to “bully” his wife and son.
Whilst Anil’s fear of waking his father is daunting, Anil has no trouble trying to wake his, presumably more loving, mother. Although Anil’s description of his “burly” father is concise and barely derogatory, Noor’s portrayal of the Mother is far from flattering – a “wet patch around her armpit” combined with “layers of fat protrude[ing] from her midriff” demonstrates the poverty of the surrounding. Further demonstrating poverty is the “faded sari” she wears; this could infer faded dreams. …show more content…

Whilst his father sleeps on a “rattan bed”, Anil and his Mother are forced to sleep on “mats”. Although his father seems to disregard Anil in the household, when the village sees the woman hanged, he “held Anil behind him”, presumably protecting him. Anil even “clutches” to his father’s shirt, indicating that in real need – he feels that he can turn to his father. Yet when the headman needs Ragunathan, he “hurries away, leaving Anil exposed”. Perhaps this action was out of fear for the headman and what he would do to his son if he didn’t

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