Without cells no living creature would be able to function: that is why cells are so important in our life. Cells help us maintain homeostasis and keep our genetic code in the nucleus. They also make up our tissues which make organs and work together in organ systems. So without cells the human race and the beautiful things on earth wouldn't exist. To perform functions in the body there is cell specialization to do certain tasks. Each cells is made up of many different organelles to help the cells carry out these tasks. Every animal cell has a nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, cytoplasm, chromosomes, lipid bilayer, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, many ribosomes, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuole, cytoskeleton, …show more content…
To start out, the nucleolus make ribosome and then send them out to attach to the rough ER(endoplasmic reticulum). After it is at the ER it starts to create protein to send to the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus make particles ready to be shipped across the body. At the smooth ER it has the same functions as the rough ER except it makes lipids instead of protein. Next the mitochondria is the cell power factory that transfers something not useful to the cell into energy. After that we check on the lysosome, it is the waste disposal of the cell and if necessary can kill the cell. Then we see the brains of the cell, the nucleus. The nucleus hold the genetic info and carries out functions in the cell. Next is the cytoskeleton, this is a support for the cell so it doesn't collapse on itself. After that is the cell membrane or the guards of the cell. The membrane can decide let things in or keep them out. Another thing that sorrounds a cell could be the cell wall. The cell wall is found only in plants and it protects the cell in a hard shell. Another organelle found only in plants is a chloroplast. A chloroplast converts energy from the sun into chemical energy. Then it is the centrioles, they are made of microtubules and organize the assembly of more microtubules. Surrounding all of these organelles is cytoplasm: a liquid that fills a cell. That is what happens within the various parts of the cells that permit it to perform the functions necessary for
The human body is made up of millions of cells. These cells are considered to be the building blocks of
▪ Know the functions of the various organelles, e.g., glyoxysomes, peroxisomes, ribosomes, chloroplasts, mitochondria, rough and smooth ER, Golgi, etc.
* Cells allow things to go in and out of the organism (allows diffusion to happen so good things go in and bad things go out)
For a plant cell, the nucleus, without a doubt, is the most important organelle; but in the animal cell, the most vital structure is the mitochondria.
It is in charge of how much the cell eats, where and how the cell moves, and the reproduction of the cell. A nucleus makes a cell eukaryotic, which is a complex cell type. The head office makes a zoo run smoothly, and makes it more complex and interesting for visitors. Both the paths and cytoplasm fill out the cell. The cytoplasm is the fluid
A cell is the basic unit of life, essential to maintaining the physiology of the larger organism. In animals, certain organelles metabolize food into energy, and then uses the energy for repair, growth and reproduction. Similarly, chloroplasts in plant cells transform sunlight into energy, a process known as photosynthesis.
These parts are all paired to parts of cells. A quarterback is compared to a ER because it throws the whole game when he throws the ball. A cell wall is compared to the center because it protects the quarterback to throw the ball. A football field is compared to the cytoplasm because it is where all the players are at. A coach is like the nucleus because it controls the plays and tells the play. A golgi apparatus is compared to the running back because it sends the
There are many parts of a cell, they all have specific duties, and are all
P1: Outline the function of the main cells of the body. Cells are the main structure of the body as they all come together to form one cell. They are very important because without them, we wouldn’t be able to live. The cells carry out numerous of chemical reaction that we wouldn’t have heard of or even felt and it is simply done it on its own. Cells make up all the organs in the body.
P1 – Describe the microstructure of a typical animal cell and the functions of the main cell components. A typical animal cell is seen as a tiny, three dimensional sac which is in fact made up of many components, each as important as the other. The microstructure of an animal cell was in fact uncovered mainly through the use of both cell fractionation and electron microscopy. Each main component has its own, individual function which helps a cell to function and maintains the cell membrane. The components that I will be describing include the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum (both smooth and rough) and ribosomes.
Breaking down an organism leads scientists to identify cells. A group of cells create tissues, tissues combined are organs, and organs and their functions make up systems. Basically, cells make up living organisms. There are 2 kinds of cells: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic. Within a prokaryotic, it doesn’t contain a DNA bounded nucleus; however, a eukaryotic cell does. Though the prokaryotic cell differs from a eukaryotic cell, they share a cell membrane. The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer and proteins, which makes it selectively permeable. It is located outside of the cytoplasm and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Its basic function is to protect the cell from its surroundings by selecting what can enter and exit the cell.
All the organelles have to work together. They all have a certain task to do and they carry that task on and on with every organelle. The cells have to make and transport protein to the nucleus to create RNA. The animal cells need protein for the growth and damage with tissues. First, is starts with chromosomes which contains information to make the protein. Since the DNA isn’t allowed to leave the nucleus its copied onto a temporary carrier called a messenger RNA. Next, the messenger RNA would transport to the cytosol. While in the cytosol and get help to transfer the protein to the ribosomes docked onto the endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosomes has to use amino acids to build the protein. Lastly after the protein is built it goes through the endoplasmic reticulum to have a few last finishing touches.
In regards to their basic structure, according to the SEER Training website, “cells consist of three parts: the cell membrane, the nucleus, and, between the two, the cytoplasm.” (Training.seer.cancer.gov, 2017) This is true for animal cells however plant cells contain a fourth part which is known as the cell wall, it is located on the outside of the cell membrane and allows the cell to keep its rigid shape. It should also be known that there are types of cells that do not contain a nucleus, these are called prokaryotic cells and generally still have the same characteristics as cells that do have a nucleus which are known as eukaryotic cells. (Study.com, 2017) As seen in Figure 1 cells also contain organelles which keep the cell alive and allow it to function effectively.The cytoplasm of the cell which resides between the cell membrane and the nucleus is a gel-like liquid filling the inside of the cell. The cytoplasm allows the cell to have shape and allows the cell 's organelles to move around the cell as needed and function correctly. The nucleus is widely considered to be the control center or
Organelles are the internal structures of the cell that are important for the cell to survive. Each organelle has a specific function for the cell. The types of organelles in the cell can be different from each other depending on the type of cell. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), golgi apparatus, mitochondrion, nucleus, plasma membrane, and ribosomes. Animal and plant cells also have vacuoles, but they are rarely found in animal cells. Vacuoles in animal cells are very small compared to the vacuoles in plant cells. Lysosomes are also rarely found in plant cells but mostly found in animal cells.
Cells are some of the smallest organisms around. All living things consist of cells, and yet they are invisible to the naked eye. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life. Cells are made up of many different parts which allow them to function properly.