
Animal Cruelty Must Be Stopped

Satisfactory Essays

One minute you are driving down the street, happily jamming out to the music playing in your car until you drive by a house with trash all over the yard. You slow down and notice a beat up metal cage next to the house with several dogs inside. The bottom of the cage is covered in feces and there is barely enough room for any of them to casually walk around not to mention lie down. Their water and food bowl appear to be flipped upside down and the grass surrounding the cage is so long it looks as if it hasn’t been touched in months. Before you pass by the house, you get a better view of the dogs. Their rib cages are very visible and they jump up onto the fence, barking as loud as they can as if begging, pleading to be released from the torture they have been going through. The owner bursts out of the house, heads straight towards the cage with a blunt object in his hand and starts screaming. You speed off because you don’t want to see what is about to happen but that situation and the image of such cruelty will be engraved in your memory for years because it was so sad and disturbing. Situations like this are not limited to the United States but happen everywhere around the world. There are several forms of animal cruelty and abuse in addition to the neglect described above, such as hoarding, using animals in laboratory testing, and keeping animals isolated and locked up in captivity. In society today, people may not think much of it, but after looking at the facts about

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