
Animal Farm Quote Analysis

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George Orwell's, Animal Farm is regarding a group of animals living on a manor farm, that transforms into an animalistic society. This story symbolizes the reforms in Communist Russia. As the story progresses the system resumes to a dictatorship, where Napoleon completely takes over. The seven commandments are considered an important and foundational step in the revolution of the farm. These laws, "form an unalterable law by which all animals on Animal Farm must live forever after." These commandments were so principle that they were painted by squealer and snowball, "in giant white letters that could be read from thirty yards away." These commandments were gradually altered by the rulers of the farm, the pigs. “All animals are equal” was the first commandments to be violated when the windfall apples and cows’ milk went directly to the pigs. This was justified by squealer saying, "It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples." Secondly, the commandment of not to sleep in a bed has also been violated, when the animals move into the barn house. Later the commandment is found to be read “No animal shall sleep in a bed, with sheets”. …show more content…

Boxer grows weak and eventually collapses due to a lung ailment. The animals are told by Squealer, that boxer has been taken to a hospital, but in reality, Boxer is taken to the knacker or glue-boiler. Clover screams ”Boxer! Get out quickly!”, but Boxer is too weak to kick his way out of the van and is never seen again. The words ”without cause”, are added to the commandment, which gives Napoleon rein to kill whomever he

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