
Animal Farm Satire

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The people of North Korea lead miserable, laborious, and short lives. The brutal lives of the North Korean people resembles that of the characters in George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a satirical allegory that heavily criticizes the tyranny of the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. It tells a tale of how a group of mostly dim-witted farm animals overthrow their human owners, only to be governed by cunning and callous pigs. Although Animal Farm appears fairytale-like, it has numerous applicable lessons woven throughout the plot. Orwell explicitly warns his readers that the lack of education within a society will ultimately lead to the evolution of a dictatorship and the ignorance of his lesson is evident today in North Korea under the tyrannical rule of Kim Jong-un. Orwell stresses that the absence of education results into a brutal tyranny, like the one seen in North Korea. He shows how …show more content…

The animals do not have enough knowledge about the outside world to realize the ridiculousness of Squealer’s lies, let alone to question his authority. The people of North Korea are similarly isolated and naïve, consequently, they allow Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship to thrive on their ignorance. Additionally, the education in North Korea is inadequate and heavily censored, thus limiting the possibility of an uprising or revolution. Likewise, the animals on Animal Farm, excluding the pigs, are banned from schooling and are therefore unable to describe their emotions and disagreements towards their leader. For instance, shortly after taking over, Napoleon declares that only the pigs will be allowed

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