Imagine being experimented on daily, only to result in being locked up in a enclosure with nothing and nobody. Envision being deprived, isolated and used over and over again. Undoubtedly, animals go through these situations constantly with nothing but themselves. Scientist develop theories and statements, with the aid of animals, for a better understanding of life threatening diseases, when in reality their experiments keep animals secluded and distressed. When confronted with animal cruelty many people have mixed emotions of disgust and rage which eventually leads to combat for justice. Although experiments executed on animals may be useful for understanding life threatening diseases, it is brutal and can proceed to failure of the experiment, as well as deprivation and isolation of the organism. Many experiments conducted result in failure for the examination and human lives. While some tests govern to success, the number of fails overpowers the number of accomplishments. For instance, according to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes (PMC), more than 96% of animal Testing operations develop faults and end in failure. Convincingly contending that many scientists continue to use this alternative when it is not a reliable source. Moreover, human lives have been in jeopardy when consuming animal tested advanced drugs. For example, in 2006, according to The 2015 Lush Prize Supporting Animal Free Testing, “In 2006, six men took a drug (known as TGN1412) in a
Murder and abuse cases never fail to startle society. Moral codes are flouted with unmatched rigorousness by these indubitable egregious crimes. Sufferers in these cases are often people. Nonetheless, these callous obscenities should not be seen as less important when animals are the victims. Animals undergo horrendous abuse due to barbaric individuals, greed, and unnecessary lab testing.
There are so many products being tested on animals , from being lipsticks, shampoos, makeup, skin care etc. But have you ever wondered the side effects these animals experience while using these products? They will experience Burning, torturing, pain, hunger, thirst etc. How is living in a cage living? It's not it is just surviving.
“Would we imprison our children in cages too small for them to move? Would we violate our sisters and steal their babies? Would we deliberately infect our friends with diseases and leave them untreated? Of course not so why would we do the same to animals? We must abandon the archaic and incorrect boundary of “human,” which we use to justify the ongoing massacre of billions of beings (PETA)”. According to the New England Anti-Vivisection Society, “There is an estimate of 100 million animals that are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in laboratory testing every year. “Most animals in laboratories never will experience fresh air or sunshine, only bars and concrete sound more like a prison well that’s just the beginning of what animal’s experience. There are few facilities that provide some outside caging, and they typically rotate the animals, giving them limited and infrequent amounts of time outdoors. Standard lab conditions, such as small, crowded cages, lack of enrichment, loud noises, and bright lights are all known to create stress in animals. When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a fine line between our needs and taking advantage of these animals just because we consider them to be inferior (NEAVS).”
Imagine being poked and prodded with a needle, all to test for a new drug against
“Lots of people talk to animals…Not very many listen, though…That’s the problem”(Ben Hoffman). The controversy of animal testing is phenomenal; it always has been. I remember dissecting animals throughout my years of school in the "name of science". It was only until recently that I started questioning the government 's methods to teach us. We dissected a dog shark in my oceanography class last year. There had to been at least 80 dead sharks in about four different buckets; that was when it crossed the line. I understood a lamb eye or something, but breeding sharks in captivity just so they can be killed? Animal testing is wrong in every way to me.
Many of us are unaware of the sheer number of animals that undergo constant suffering in the name of human vanity. Animal testing was originally introduced in the early 20th century and is still prominent today. It is morally unacceptable to experiment on animals for human purposes. The procedures used in animal testing are cruel and inhumane, nor are they the most reliable source of data; resulting in many mishaps. Moreover, with the perpetual advancements in technology, there are several alternative methods making animal testing unnecessary. If testing cosmetics and drugs on humans is unacceptable, what makes it acceptable to test on animals?
Over the last couple hundred years, our world has expanded beyond its horizons and the new equipment and advanced technology has allowed humans to succeed in many areas, but has also damaged the basic ethics and morals in some of us. Today on television, we see the over dramatized body spray commercials or a famous celebrity advertising their favorite shampoo and stating its claims, but what most do not know is that a couple or couple hundred, animals were killed to approve, by law, of that product. This act is called animal testing, which is the method or experiment that forces an animal to go through any harm or distress (Thew). I do not agree with this practice simply because it harms innocent animals for products that we do not need
Adversaries to individuals against animal tests, such as the Draize test and LD50, focus their attention on the component of animal testing that results in the creation of safe products for human use and life-saving treatments and drugs, not the ethical and pain aspects. These individuals believe that testing on animals is vital in order to experience continual success within the medical field, “The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals” (“Should Animals”). Without animal testing, this side argues that we would not be as advanced as we are today on a medical level when it comes to both major and common health issues.
Fatima walks into the cosmetic section of Macy’s and is interested in buying some acne skin care products. As she was paying for them, she notices plenty of harmful side effects the acne products contained. Fatima is glad she is aware of these symptoms and knows that these side effects are rare and that the product is almost completely safe to use. If it was not for animal testing that is currently being used in some laboratories, these side effects would have been discovered on people and that would create an unsafe environment. Less people would want to buy care products and medicine since it would be viewed as a risk instead of something helpful. Animal testing is becoming a more controversial topic, despite its many successes over the years. Since people have various misconceptions about it, such as it being an unsafe and cruel technique, it has become a more unpopular method. However, the benefits of animal research and testing have been less spread due to negative media attention, which created a bias among the public. Animal testing is a practice that has proved to be beneficial and should be continued because of the close similarity between humans and animals, the many lifesaving cures that it contributed to, and the regulation of the practice that makes it safe and humane for animals.
The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide, catering to both men and women. Cosmetics seem to be so pervasive that everywhere you look, you can find some sort of cosmetic advertisement or commercial. Considering this high demand for cosmetics, many companies strive to produce products that will satisfy the consumer. However, in order for some cosmetic companies to manufacture their products, testing is conducted in the expense of animals. In the following report, we will examine many of the adversities that are associated with animal testing while offering some recommendations on how to remedy this issue.
Throughout history, animal experimentation has played an important role in leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many people tend to forget are the great numbers of animal subjects that have suffered serious harm during the process of experimentation. Many people are believed to be ignorant or misunderstand the nature of the lives that animals actually live, and are unable to understand the actual laboratory procedures and techniques. Other than the philosophical questions that arise, ethical (moral) questions are the main reason why many animal right activists want it banned in every country. Activists feel that to this day, there should be no good reason why any living thing should be subjected to this cruel punishment and unwanted torture just for serving another being’s needs.
When I first started wearing makeup, my mom told me that beauty is pain, but it was not until later on that I began to realize the scope of that pain extended beyond the times I would sneeze while applying mascara and accidentally stab myself in the eye.
“Many medical treatments have been made possible by animal testing, including cancer and HIV drugs, insulin, antibiotics, vaccines and many more” (Murnaghan 1).
“With all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one” (William of Ockham). Animals generally are used to be tested on by researchers for a various amount of reasons. Researchers and scientists worldwide, are determined to find solutions to finding cures to diseases, and any other consumer products that include cosmetic products, that humans use. The term FDA (Food Drug Administration) was created in the year of 1906, by Theodore Roosevelt and Harvey Washington Wiley. This act was made to ensure that all consumer products are to be approved and protected by the public health before the products are released to be used by people. Animals are tested on by researchers before all consumer products are released
The controversy behind animals as research subjects is mainly one of morals and the ethical treatment of said animals. Many people believe we should use them in this way, so we aren 't actually harming people in the pursuit for better things for humans. Though animal testing was a viable resource for many years, it has proven to be extremely controversial and unethical, therefor the use of animals as research subjects should be outlawed.