I'm walking to my lab, 24 tech to get on to my work on why certain animals have fur and are small like the common housecat and why they behave like they do.I come inside to the lab to check-in to reception and I greet my co-workers writing down notes about how the animals appear and then get to my locker to grab my clipboard, notes, and my uniform.I go to a cage and get a chinchilla and I place it down on a clear lab table and it felt as light as a feather.I grab the cat from the cage and put the cat right by the chinchilla to observe it.Then i go look at chemicals to see how they react to it.I look for some chemicals that can be used in foods.I go grab a book on chemistry and read it so I can make compounds used in food.I make an compound
In summary, on 12/20/16 at 2054 hours I was dispatched to 6043 W Roosevelt Rd. (Lucky Dog) in regards to unwanted party with a female subject.
I have seen your posting on the Nextdoor neighborhood web site indicating you do the pet sitting. We are in Mount Prospect and are interested in your service for our two years old dog.
Scan sampling allows you to accurately observe the animal’s behaviours because scan sampling is done at specific time intervals, this allows you to get a more accurate result of where the animal is or what it’s doing within the 30 minutes of your observations. However, scan sampling compared to all occurrence sampling, which is where you observe behaviours but not in time intervals. All occurrence sampling would allow you to observe behaviours to put down on your observation sheet but it wouldn’t be as accurate as using the scan sampling method where its more structured, when you use the all occurrence sampling method you wouldn’t know what time or when the animal has performed these behaviours because it’s not as specific as
For my senior project I decided to volunteer or to shadow a doctor I the animal hospital. I’ve always loved animals, like if I ever saw an animal out in the street that is a stray or lost dog I will feed it no matter what. The steps towards my senior project I had to call every near animal hospital and ask them if I could shadow one of their doctors. First they got my cell-phone number and then the receptionist will give it to the doctor for them to call me back about shadowing them. It took time because some doctors were busy with work and all but luckily the animal hospital near Ashland called me back and would appreciate me coming going to the hospital in having an interview on what I need from them for my senior project. When I went to the interview they told me on what specifics things that I want to learn but I just told them that the only thing I look forward is how
Code P.AW.S program brings a variety of different training methods, that have been proven to be successful. Not only will this provide training for the service animal, but it be a rehabilitating process for the handler (veteran). The rehab is a very important part of the training because the veteran or handler- becomes the “trainer” via proper instruction provider by the P.A.W.S Program. This tactic allows the handler to create a strong bond and partnership with the dog. Creating this relationship will allow the handler to regain leadership skills, communication skills, community rapport and familiarity with techniques associated with public access.
Skipper is a four year old neutered male American foxhound. He weighs 55 pounds and is considered a 3 of 5 on the body condition score (BCS) scale. His owner is preparing to take him on a two week hunting trip and wants to know if he should change Skip 's feeding program. During the trip Skipper will be working intensely for six to eight hours each day. His current food contains 3.0 Kcal ME/g, 22% protein, and 15% fat.
On 04/30/17 at 12:53pm, I Deputy Warden N. Christian was dispatched to 1300 Clarfield Ave on a dog at large, no known owner. I arrived at the location and proceeded to walk to the complainant house, when the complainant came out and pointed where the dog was. A pit bull brindle in color was just west of complaint house loose. I proceeded to try to capture the dog; the dog ran behind some houses and cut through a hole in a fence that went to a house on the next street (Southfield Drive South) over. I return to my vehicle and drove to 1293 Southfield Drive South. The pit bull was confined to this location. I knocked on the door, and an African American female answered.
On Friday, March 31, a observation study was conducted at the L.A. Zoo. The time of arrival for the observation was at 11:48 am and the end of the observation was at 2:42 pm. The weather condition at the zoo was very sunny with a mild gust of wind every so often, which is a perfect weather condition to conduct a study. The main reason for conducting this observation study was to study and gather information about the many different types of primate that are located at the zoo. To see how different or similar each primate is to one anotherin different aspects.
Ultimately, these particular articles hit a spot that I hold very dear to my heart and that is my undeniable love of animals. Therefore, by reading Pollan’s “An Animal’s Place” I finished it wide eyed and horrified by the burger I had the night before for dinner. I was given a reason to question an industry that before I hadn’t batted an eye at, yet now I was filled with questions. However, upon reading “The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals” by Blake Hurst and I realized that in some instances the industry necessarily a terrifying thing. In the end there is a continuous theme of the welfare of animals, human needs and the environment. I learned a lot about the personal perspectives of Pollan and Hurst when it comes to the
Eating and foraging were similar events, but categorized differently. Eating was any time the monkey stayed in one location to eat. He could be sitting or standing. This was most notably seen when the monkey would grab a leaf or stick, climb up to a branch, and sit there while eating. Foraging was when the monkey would walk or climb around to look for food, occasionally eating what he found. The monkey we observed was seen foraging arboreally by picking at leaves through the fence and terrestrially, where he would sift through the grass or debris on the ground to find things to eat.
We took Lillie to Bass Pro Shops dog event. It was quite interesting to watch her mingle in the aisles, play with other dogs, stare down taxidermy, and run from the aquarium because it sounded like her bath. I enjoyed talking with several rescues and dog organizations. Olathe is a very dog friendly city
In this experiment, I have learned that the unknown object is living. During this experiment, we put hydrogen peroxide in the beaker of the unknown object. Then, we checked for the bubbling or foaming chemical reaction from the cells to see if the object is living. If the unknown sample is living, then bubbles will form indicating the presence of cells. The hypothesis (If the unknown sample is living, then bubbles will form indicating the presence of cells) is supported by the data because the living things bubbled and floated like the potato, while the non-living things showed no reaction like the marble. These results can be explained because the text mentions “All living things are ...composed of one or more cells.” (pg 52) When the cell
(54), who wrote an auto-ethnographic study built upon his own experience with his dog guide Smokie, says: „We are often compared to other dog guide teams, and I am compared to other blind people, Smokie to other dog guides.“ However, could we compare a guide dog to other guide dogs and a blind person to other blind people without keeping in mind their mutual relation? We say that some dogs are calmer than others, some are stubborn while other dogs obey the orders without any complaints. Nevertheless, does it say anything about a “dog guide team” without knowing how these attributes are actualized in the process of becoming, in different words, how a guide dog and a human “work” together? Is it possible to assert that someone is stubborn, or rather someone is becoming stubborn related
In our experiment we observed a miniature potbellied pig and the way different food would affect the pig. Naturally the feces of the pig will change due to the different food it is fed. A healthy pigs’ stool is supposed to look dark brown and firm, yet not hard. We closely observed the pigs feces for any changes. It also can affect the pig’s weight and fur color. The way we set our experiment was to determine what kinds of food would affect the pig in a positive way. The environment of the pig pig consisted of being in a stable surrounded by sheep and chicken. However, she had her own space to eat.
Last week I had the opportunity to visit the Los Angeles zoo on a beautiful, sunny Thursday (October 19th). Although I arrived off schedule which left a minimal amount of time to observe primates, I managed my time well. After being told that the larger animals get put away earlier, I figured my first stop would be at an ape enclosure. The ape I chose to see that day was the gorilla. The time that I began my observation was at approximately 3:05. At that time only one ape was quite visible and he was sitting at the front making eye contact with me making it seem as if he is HABITUATED. Next, post gorilla watching, I had the chance to take a gander at the ring railed lemurs at 3:40. These prosimians all had their own personalities which interested me deeply. Lastly, and certainly not least on my journey through the LA zoo, I had the chance of looking at the mandrills which were once classified as baboons. Considering that two baby mandrills were present and only a month old, this was my favorite exhibit to see because of their high energy and randomness of actions.