
Animal Rights: Animal Liberation By Peter Singer

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Animal Rights A lot of people think that animals can’t feel anything or that they have no soul, but people should try to realizing that every living animal has feelings. People also ask if animals have rights and the answer should be as simple as “Yes”. Animals dont deserve to be tortured their whole life and should be able to live their lives without harm or abuse. Animals have more value to them than just the usefulness that humans give them. We need to realize, that in today's society, animals deserve just as much freedom as humans have. (Peta) There is a man by the name of Peter Singer who wrote a book called “Animal Liberation” and he states that the basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment, it requires equal consideration. What he is saying here is that we don't have to treat animals as our equal but to take their feelings into consideration and not treat them like they have no soul or mind. Animals have the ability to feel as humans do. Animals feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, …show more content…

The circus industry claims that it only trains animals to do the types of tricks they might naturally perform in the wild. Costumed bears lying on their backs spinning giant balls, tigers jumping through flames, or elephants walking on their hind legs then balancing on their heads, are not natural behaviors. When circuses portray unnatural and inaccurate images of how wild animals live and act, in such an unrealistic context, this creates a greater disconnect between people and wild animals, promoting the notion that it's acceptable, even enjoyable to exploit animals for entertainment. Circuses perpetuate an outdated attitude that wild animals are ours to use at any cost to their welfare-an attitude that PAWS, other animal protection groups, wildlife organizations and zoos work tirelessly to counteract through outreach and education.

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