The major I chose is Animal Sciences. In high school I discovered my passion of working with animals by volunteering at a local animal shelter. Being able to assist in caring for and socializing the animals inspired me to take further steps. My high school offered an animal science class my junior year that I decided to take. That class revealed to me that Veterinary Medicine is my main goal in my education. I have continued to gain experience through shadowing veterinarians at local clinics and taking the dogs from the shelter to obedience classes. While it is difficult to find jobs in the animal industry while still in high school, I have taken as many steps possible to master my passion. Even though all these experiences have prepared me
My major is Biology Pre-Med. I chose this particular major because I eventually want to become a doctor. The thing I like about this field is I like helping people; I want to save as many lives as possible.
If I had to pick a major right now it would be nursing for a number of different reasons. The main reasons I would choose nursing is because I like interacting with people and over the years my people skills have flourished. I tend to also find myself caring for others whether that be physical needs or emotional needs. This major has many different avenues of opportunities from working at a doctor’s office, to a hospital, and the range of people varies as well from kids to elderly people. As of right now I am pretty certain that I want to pursue this major as I continue going to school, but I have entertained the thought of selecting another major such as business or even becoming a veterinarian.
I have investigated making Veterinary Technology as my career in many ways. I began to have a large interest in animals from a young age. I started 4-H when I was nine years old and raised dairy goats as my project. I had always researched the Veterinary Field for every project I had done through school. I had the amazing opportunity to go to Grant Career Center for my last two years of high school in a Veterinary Science program. I was able to have a lot of great experiences with my instructor. We had rescue animals come to the school so that we could run heartworm tests on them and give them some of their vaccinations. I was able to run basic tests, learn how to draw blood, and multiple different skills that will help me in this field of work.
The program of study i chose is Agriscience. Agriscience is the application of science to agriculture. It will involve studying animals and farming techniques. Agriscience relates to small animals and large animals and eventually veterinary science. Eventually if i take my freshman year Agriscience and then the my sophomore year small animal and then junior year large than i will eventually take veterinarian science that will put me on the path to be a veterinarian. Agriscience will also give me the opportunity to work with animals and learn how to take care of them and treat their illness with medical science. Agriscience is designed for you to be able to test and see how you like the veterinarian and animal science. In Agriscience i will learn about many ways to use agriscience. Crop rotation and how to improve crops are some examples of things i
As I began college, I decided not to choose a major at first. It was not until the beginning of this semester that I declared Biology as my major. I have always been interested in science, and it has always been one of my best subjects. Since I was little, my dream has been to become a doctor. As I have taken more classes, trying to weed out what I do and do not like, I have discovered that sciences are what interest me the most. Currently I have an emphasis in pre-professional studies which means that my major is leading me to attend a medical school after I graduate from Arkansas State University.
I love animals and I would love to work with them. Ever since I was a little girl I knew I would want to work with animals because they interested me so much. Becoming a veterinarian isn’t just about playing with dogs and cats all day; you are actually in charge of taking care of them and this is a no messing around job. You are responsible for whatever happens to that dog or any other animal. It’s a tough and serious job but I’m up for the challenge because it’s what I want to do for the rest of my
I am currently enrolled as a student of Veterinary Science at the University of Arizona. Initially, I came to the university with the intent of joining the career field as a veterinarian. However, after one school year and multiple job-shadowing opportunities, I realized that being a veterinarian was everything that I had imagined it to be. I found that I wanted to be working directly with the animals rather than just diagnostics. With these ideas in mind and some research, I concluded that the career that would give me the most fulfillment in my life would be a veterinary technician.
As an undergraduate at Iowa State University and growing up with a father who is a veterinarian, I have become increasingly aware of the complex convolution of problems that veterinarians face on a daily basis. It is my desire to participate in the resolution of these problems. This led me to pursue an undergraduate degree in Animal Science, in hopes of entrance into Veterinary School. I intend to finish Veterinary School and continue specialization in food animal production. However, I know that the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree is unique, and opens many potential career possibilities. There are many paths that a degree in veterinary medicine could lead me, and I very much want to explore those possibilities through further education.
The career field I choose would half to be vetronary. I plan to be a veterinarian for the reason of I have always felt the need to help those who cannot help themselves. Animals begin creatures who are incapable of healing themselves need help and this is what i plan to do. I plan to more specifically be a large/ exsotic animal vetranarian. I favor this type of vet because it broadens my patient scale from something such as a rat to something as big as and as exotic as an elephant.
After earning my DVM and licensing, I want to practice small-animal medicine; joining a successful veterinary hospital first, and eventually opening my own practice. As a practitioner, I look forward to delivering humane patient care, guiding empathetic, insightful client interactions, and offering frequent public education programs. As with any professional venture, economics plays into the decisioning, too. I also understand the importance of contributing to the economic health of a community with the operation of a successful business. Both awed and humbled by science, practicing veterinary medicine enables the opportunity to share my excitement, knowledge, and expertise with the public.
The major that I would like to peruse is Pre-Medicine. To me Pre Medicine is more than just about having a huge salary, it’s about helping people. I do it every day and enjoy every second of it, but what actually brought me to this decision was my own health condition. I got diagnosed and have been treated for scoliosis and GAD when I was 16 years old.
Ever since I was a child, I've always aspired to become a Veterinarian. My love for animals was unwavering, and I was determined to earn a Major in Veterinary Medicine.
As long as I can remember, I wanted to do something with animals when I got older. I would dream about helping when they are in need. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian since day one. With growing up, I learned that veterinary students go through a lot to become a veterinary. Writing is very important and it's needed in anybody wants to go into. To be an animal sciences major, a lot of research papers have to be written and as well as persuasive papers.
As my Major is Animal Science, my career goal is also to work in the field that related to animal science and agribusiness.
Throughout most of my life I have had one consistent goal; to become a veterinarian. I have had a continuous and solid passion for animals in all respects. This passion and love has fueled my in striving to achieve the dreams I have for myself after high school. The beginning of this story begins long before high school though.