
Animal Shelter Advertisement Analysis

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There are millions of animals are in shelters nationwide. Among those millions of animals in shelters, there is proximity 31 % or 2.7 million of those animals that are euthanized each year. The Shelter Pet Project. org is a website not that sells dogs, but to spread the word that pets in shelters are wonderful and lovable., and encourage people to consider going to their local animal shelter and adopt a pet instead of buying one from a breeder. In this ad they are advertising a new website, this website is used to make shelters the first place potential adopters turn when looking for a new pet. This ensures that all the pets find loving homes. The advertisement is a happy, healthy, beautiful dog staring directly at the viewer with a happy look. …show more content…

Powerful text with a bold meaning is one of the most important parts in achieving an interesting advertisement. Text should be short enough to read, but detailed enough to get a point across. The text of this advertisement appeals to most people. Within the text, references are made about both people and shelter dogs. Since the ad is for a website about shelter pets the shelter pets part is emphasized. For instance, the use of boldness of shelter pet illustrates that shelter pets are important. The words want to meet you is a declaration that shelter pets are not bad and wants to meet people get a home of their own and find love which is a powerful and special message. With this slogan the company reveals that a shelter pet needs homes, that shelter pets are important and can be happy and faithful to humans, and more than anything they want to meet people so that hopefully one day they find their forever …show more content…

In a very subtle way, I think that the ad seeks to make everyone want to adopt a pet. The happy look that this dog has in the ad is joyful and makes the viewer want to smile. For any person, this would pull them right to the ad. Hoping to get the same look from an animal, the people viewing this add would adopt a dog. Also, this ad demonstrates a pet being a symbol of family and love. By talking about the dog being happy, healthy, clean, and doing tricks, family and love are brought into perspective. The picture of this ad reminds people that not all horror stories heard about shelter pets are true, that even shelter pets that might be mutts can still be happy, and reminds everyone that shelter pets want love

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