There are millions of animals are in shelters nationwide. Among those millions of animals in shelters, there is proximity 31 % or 2.7 million of those animals that are euthanized each year. The Shelter Pet Project. org is a website not that sells dogs, but to spread the word that pets in shelters are wonderful and lovable., and encourage people to consider going to their local animal shelter and adopt a pet instead of buying one from a breeder. In this ad they are advertising a new website, this website is used to make shelters the first place potential adopters turn when looking for a new pet. This ensures that all the pets find loving homes. The advertisement is a happy, healthy, beautiful dog staring directly at the viewer with a happy look. …show more content…
Powerful text with a bold meaning is one of the most important parts in achieving an interesting advertisement. Text should be short enough to read, but detailed enough to get a point across. The text of this advertisement appeals to most people. Within the text, references are made about both people and shelter dogs. Since the ad is for a website about shelter pets the shelter pets part is emphasized. For instance, the use of boldness of shelter pet illustrates that shelter pets are important. The words want to meet you is a declaration that shelter pets are not bad and wants to meet people get a home of their own and find love which is a powerful and special message. With this slogan the company reveals that a shelter pet needs homes, that shelter pets are important and can be happy and faithful to humans, and more than anything they want to meet people so that hopefully one day they find their forever …show more content…
In a very subtle way, I think that the ad seeks to make everyone want to adopt a pet. The happy look that this dog has in the ad is joyful and makes the viewer want to smile. For any person, this would pull them right to the ad. Hoping to get the same look from an animal, the people viewing this add would adopt a dog. Also, this ad demonstrates a pet being a symbol of family and love. By talking about the dog being happy, healthy, clean, and doing tricks, family and love are brought into perspective. The picture of this ad reminds people that not all horror stories heard about shelter pets are true, that even shelter pets that might be mutts can still be happy, and reminds everyone that shelter pets want love
Aiden Lykken is the founder of the organization of Woofin & Hoffin 5K and Doggie Dash in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. This organization are for the pets who don’t have a shelter or have been abused. Aiden has seen many situations like this happen with his own eyes. Now thousands of people are helping out by participating to help run the Woofin & Hoffin 5K and Doggie Dash to help support those animals that are abused. This young boy has made a huge difference beginning with his community and coming out big with other communities. Now a huge increase had began to grow, meaning people are taking in consideration of helping those animals who don’t have a shelter. A change has to be created in your home, community or wherever one tends to make a difference,
Have you ever seen the ASPCA commercials where they show pictures of abused and neglected animals while the Sarah McLachlan song “In the Arms of an Angel” plays in the background? It is heart wrenching to watch and I always want to help those poor, defenseless animals. I took this opportunity to volunteer at the Town and Country Animal Shelter; a non-profit, no-kill shelter run entirely by volunteers serving eastern Nebraska and beyond. They are dedicated to providing a safe and caring living facility for pets in need until a loving home can be found, as well as helpful information for those wishing to rehome or adopt an animal. I chose this organization because they are a no kill shelter and they take in animals of all different sorts.
In the 2015 Budweiser’s “Lost Puppy” commercial, we immediately see a special bond between a dog, owner, and horse. The commercial starts off with the relationship between the horse and dog, and how they don’t want to be separated. Throughout the making of Budweiser commercials, Budweiser has created a strong connection with puppies. Budweiser has used the puppy to create a story line to create more than one advertisement. The commercial then gets to our emotions when the puppy goes missing after jumping into the back of a
In order to complement the montage of pathetic puppies, their situation must be explained- why they’re there, how often this happens, and what the next step is. This is all explained in between the short clips using a simple format: black screen with white words in a simple font that appear to get closer. The effect of this is alarm in the viewer by focusing on the stark reality of the animal’s lives. The tradeoff between shots of the sad cats and dogs and the distressing facts lead up to the climax of the commercial with Sarah McLachlan speaking about the mission of this shelter. She explains the sad stories behind each of the animals and presents a simple solution: these animals are in trouble and you can help them by donating. It is as easy to comprehend as cause and effect, which makes it easier for the audience to donate since it takes out unnecessary comprehensive
First of all, through the persuasive appeals, the advertisement shows the new mothers the importance of giving their child a companion that will grow old with them. Second, through the language and sound, the company targets their audiences on an emotional level by letting them know that they are devoted to their customers. Finally, in the appeal strategies, being youthful is one of the many ways that IAMS gets their customers to buy their products especially with this specific target audience. This advertisement has done a fantastic job of targeting their audience and persuading them into not only buying their product once, but buying it for their dog’s
From start to finish in this commercial, there are video clips of poor and defenseless animals; some are in cages or in the arms of someone saving them. Some have lost an eye, cannot walk, or are extremely underweight. The only healthy looking animal seen in the commercial is a golden retriever that is lying next to McLachlan while she explains how the audience can help and be an “angel” to the animals by donating money to their cause. When the audience sees the golden retriever it looks very cheerful and upbeat to demonstrate how happy one of the potential pets could be once safe and given all of the medical needs it needs. This creates a feeling of hope and almost
Even though the scenes were quick, the viewer could get a sense of all of the feelings happening within the video. Each scene contributes to the boy and his dogs life and the journey that they are taking. One thing that makes this commercial more fascinating is how the scenes could represent a persons life. Life goes so fast and you need to savor all of the memories that you create as a child. The directors choice to show the progression of the boy and dogs life is important because it shows how the dogs loyalty is constant throughout their life. From when they were little to when they grew up, the dog has always come when called, gave all of his love, and made amazing memories to commemorate life. In the first few scenes they both start out very young. They both begin life, new to the world and not as smart as they will become later in life. As they grow they grow and mature together. They experience fun and great days and they also experience hard patches. But, no matter what they always help each other get through it. However, as the boy gets older so does the dog. That is the way life works. But there is one difference. The boy gets stronger and begins to reach his peak in life, whereas the dog gets older and weaker because dogs age faster than
Countless lives locked away in cages and forgotten about have overwhelmed our society, it has left blood stains on our history as a species and if history has taught us anything, it’s that we have a choice to change our ways of adjusting to situations. A war which was fought in pursuit of ending such criminal means, yet we as human beings do little to nothing to end the horrific crimes of animal deaths in shelters. It is no secret that this world has become infused with problems that have extended from one side of the globe to the other. Amongst these problems lies a terrible truth: nearly every year, sums of almost eight million cats and dogs have been placed in shelters around the world. Out of these vast numbers, half will be
Another thing they do in the commercial is make people feel bad or make them upset by playing sad music in the background. Also they show how injured the dogs/puppies are also how they are scared of things and how the dogs/puppies just want to be loved by people. Although this may be true but some people take advantage of adopting.
I will be analyzing two advertisements, stating how effective they are likely to be in achieving their purpose and in selling a renter’s paradise. In my analysis I will include a list of persuasive techniques used in these advertisements. Undoubtedly, the purpose of an advertisement is a strong appeal to the readers. The purpose of the first advertisement; The Grove, apartments is to persuade the audience to experience the pleasurable and joys of living. It strongly reinforces the views through the content of the text and captures the interest of the audiences through multiple eye-catching pictures. When the reader first looks at the advertisement, it makes him or her feel how entertained and amusing this place can be in spite of the all
The color gives a fun an youthful appeal. The heading is a supposed quote from the pup stating, “I enjoy licking faces. And toilets’ -Koji.” This ad also has a slightly medical appeal as it has the medical cross right at the top of the advertisement. This ad appeals to logos in the fact that it is promoting a product that boosts the immunity of your pet because “dogs will put their mouths on anything” and “every dog has his can” so this ad is saying that in order to protect your dog, pick this product, and that you can pin point which food to buy based on the buyer’s dog’s specific needs. This ad also appeals to pathos as it mentions that this food is going to not only be tasty for your dog but also have the healthy ingredients needed in order to protect them, letting the buys know they are making the right choice fro their animal by buying this product.
Well, luckily, there are shelters in different places that help animals that aren’t able to take care of themselves. Did you know that every year 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters in U.S.? If you think that figure was huge, now imagine around 1.5 million of them are being euthanized every year because the shelter doesn’t have enough money or volunteers (ASPCA) to take care of them. However, this number can be significantly reduced if we start to make a change. With my speech, I would like to persuade you to from now on look for pets in a shelter instead of a pet store. In order to do this, I will provide information about the differences between shelters and pet stores, reasons to adopt a pet, and how to do it.
Specific purpose statement: To persuade my audience to adopt a dog or dogs instead of buying them from a breeder or pet store.
Imagine walking into an animal shelter, seeing the dogs and cats locked up behind bars wanting to be adopted. At an animal shelter, homeless animals are continuously looking for a home everywhere. An animal shelter in Ohio is CHA animal shelter, they are a nonprofit organization. They provide temporary care and shelter for cats and dogs and try their best to find them a loving home. Also, they provide surgery to spay or neuter the animal, and give the animal it’s required shots. Adding to, they provide an implanted microchip so the owner can track their animal if it is ever lost. CHA animal shelter has also provided a public website to view pictures of the cats and dogs and a brief background on the animal. They also have an option for donations for emergency situations, food, and supply, etc. The fact that they offer donations is remarkable because some individuals do not want to adopt a pet, but want to be apart of promoting adoption and give support to the organization. Not only does the organization try to make the pet’s life the best at the animal shelter, but CHA also hosts events to get people’s interest and gives the animals time out of the cage. I have adopted a dog from an animal shelter and it has been the best decision ever. Knowing I saved animals live brought more joy and love into my life, and nevertheless, he is the best little jack russel ever. Although I could have got a puppy from Petland, the choice of adopting a dog not only saved me money but also allowed me to save his life as well and improve his quality of life. An individual who adopts a pet is rescuing it from neglect and is giving that precise animal a second chance. In conclusion, I believe that CHA animal shelter is the best place to adopt a pet because it is less expensive than buying an animal from a pet store, it decreases puppy mills, and the individual can pick a dog or cat of any age.
At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel