Imagine a world full of disease and sickness, and doctors frantically trying to cure it, but do not want to injure or kill anyone in the process. Without animal testing it would be extremely difficult to find cures to cancers, diabetes, allergies, and other horrible problems. Animal testing is a critical tool in science and it cannot be replaced, it helps cure very serious and dangerous diseases, it’s very important when it comes to human health, and should be continued.
The concept of animal testing is very important in science, and although people have tried, it cannot be replaced. Many different techniques have been used to try to replace using animals to test things, but there are many things that an animal can do that other machines
To begin with, why is it done? Animal testing is done to protect humans from bad products that may hurt them, also to find ways to cure diseases that haven’t been cure yet. 95 percent of mice and rats are used for research. Mice represented the largest increase in research with their numbers going from 1.2 million to nearly 1.9 million in that period. Other animals also saw increases (Qtd animal experiment up to 73 percent, study says). Other animals that are used in research are rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, fish, and insects, and also less than one percent cats, and dog’s area also used for research. Another reason is to treat injuries and learn more about the animal bodies to find the similarity to the human body (qtd. animal research). Animal testing is inhumane when testing to protect humans. Some people say testing on animals are life changing experiments and with the help of animal experiment can discover blood transfusion, kidney dialysis, and gene therapy for example cystic fibrosis and types of cancer( Coster 7). Others think experimenting on animal is cruel and they suffer a lot. It is true
Animal testing is crucial because without it, scientists might never find developments for biomedical research. Worldwide, there are millions of diseases that create devastation in countless families. However, there are vaccines, cures, and processes that scientists have came up with to help fix this problem. How fast and efficiently they come up with these treatments is the difference in many lives saved. Animal testing has been proven to speed up the process of collecting research
This is an annotated bibliography of animal testing and if it’s morally justified. There are many opinions on the results and the entire process that it takes to test a cosmetic product or a medicine on an animal. There are many alternatives and benefits to animal testing but is it really justified? Or are animals in potential danger.
Animal testing is a common practice in current life that is necessary to ensure the safety of the humans that will be using the tested product. There are many good and bad aspects of animal testing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Animal testing has been around since ancient times when animals were dissected to gain knowledge about the body and organs. The animals killed from animal testing make up a tiny percentage of the total animals killed every year. When just considering the animals used for food compared to the animals used for testing, testing animals make up a mere 2.6 percent of that number. Public safety far outweighs the lives of the small amount of animals killed.
First, animal testing is very harmful to animals. 100 million animals are harmed or killed because of testing. For example, the poor animals are given painful tests until they are not needed any more or eventually die. Just because they don't test things on humans, doesn’t mean that they should be doing it to animals. Animals testing is harmful to innocent animals.
Have you ever had a sick relative? If so, have they used medication to help with said illness? Well that medication had to have come from somewhere. Animal testing has help conduct products such as vaccines for smallpox, hypothermia, and other major diseases. Now take into consideration what might have happened to that relative without the medication. As you can tell, animal testing has a positive impact on society, despite what might be claimed to be unjust. I will be explaining why this is so, and how some of the arguments are irrelevant.
“ Animal research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide” Joan Ryan, a former UK home office minister, claims that without animal testing, diseases wouldn’t be cured, or there wouldn’t be any treatments for the disease. Without animal testing certain medicines, cures, and biomedical engineering wouldn’t exist or be as proficient. An estimated 26 million animals have been used to test medical vaccines for diseases. Scientists also use animals to test the toxicity of the vaccines. Animal testing may come off as a rather harsh and inhumane form of study when heard about , but without it, global diseases would be spreading faster and possibly everyone will be infected. Nearly every Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine since 1901 relied on the information based off of animal research. Since animal testing has been used for research purposes many diseases have been cured and are no longer existent and if not cured then the disease is close to being cured.
Animal testing is a very necessary process for human survival; This is the "survival of the fittest", animal testing helps us know what is safe and what's not. The human race requires accurate results in order to overcome viruses and other fatal extremities. We need animals as a recource for survival. A lion will not refuse to harm a zebra because if he does that lion will die.
Animal testing is weird. You would have never thought scientists could learn so much about diseases in a human body from a completely different animal. It’s amazing how people are able to learn so much by testing on other animal bodies. We also have to think about stopping animal testing, though. Many animals die because of testing. By continuing testing on animals, we lower the death rate of all animals each day, human and animal suffering decreases, and less of your hard earn money would be spent.
Animal testing is not only beneficial to human but also animals, at least to those who are not used in the experiments, such as pets and endangered species. Along with researching for new treatments and medicines for
For decades now animal testing has been a known method in society. The downside of the reality is society is not fully aware of what is going on behind closed doors, and the severity of what animal testing truly is. Although there have been many points where animal testing has proven to help in certain studies, it is also proven to be unnecessary. Biomedical industries are looking for the next cure or the safest makeup for example, but the process of it all is wrong. There are millions of animals yearly being put through suffering and cruel conditions with no break or recovery time. There is no way to actually see results in such a vigorous treatment. These animals are sick and abused daily for long periods of time and to think that any living
Animal testing is something we have all heard about and/or read about. It is something most people would consider to be horrifyingly wrong. Animal testing is something that many claim to be against and will not support. The lines involving animal testing are a tangled web of blurry and missing pieces of a much greater puzzle. On one hand, there are companies that claim to be cruelty free, but the technicalities that are dug up beg to differ. On the other hand, there are big practices such as pharmaceutical practices that use animals to test on in order to create life saving treatments and medicines for humans. Do we make sure to buy cosmetic products that stray away from testing on animals but continue to take medicines
Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics has decreased over the years. However, it is still used by many companies in America. Animal testing is not only cruel, but it is also unnecessary in today’s advanced scientific world.
As the human race evolved, intellectual peoples began to realize the necessity of medical advancements for the survival of the species. Scientific idealists would observe the human body to find cures to illnesses, but due to human morality their ability to further the research often became limited. It was essential for scientists to better understand medical related issues, so they started to perform their hypothesized experiments on specific animals. The data recovered led to a discovery that certain species’ genetic, biological and behavioral characteristics closely resemble those of the human race, allowing us to replicate many symptoms of human conditions. Although animal experimentation may seem morally wrong, as one of the
Animals are the safest way to research the effect of experimental situations. Experiments have been using animal testing since the 16th century. Animal testing has saved billions and billions of human lives from harmful sickness and dangerous surgeries. Most people have only ever heard the negative stories surrounding animal testing but there are thousands of positive stories that should be taken into account.