Jennifer Hernandez
Prof. Richardson
English 112
24 September 2016
Annotated Bibliography: Animal Testing
This is an annotated bibliography of animal testing and if it’s morally justified. There are many opinions on the results and the entire process that it takes to test a cosmetic product or a medicine on an animal. There are many alternatives and benefits to animal testing but is it really justified? Or are animals in potential danger.
Hajar, Rachel. "Alternative to Animal Testing." Heart Views, vol. 12, no. 1, 2011., pp. 39d I found the article that mentions how there can be many alternatives to animal testing. Lots of medicine and research have been very helpful to society
Nancy Day talks about the two unique perspectives of the generally discussed subject of creature testing and altogether discusses the results of creature testing and experimentation and furthermore the advantages we pick up and expand upon. Staying nonpartisan, she gives the pursuer a decent opportunity to see where both sides are originating from additionally giving many motivations to reject the other so that no inclination is affecting the pursuer’s sentiment. Implied for any one, mindful of this level headed discussion or not, she clears the reality this issue has been overstated and is undoubtedly influencing our day by day lives regular. This book has a fundamental motivation behind giving the pursuer some data about what is going on with the goal that they can choose for themselves which side in this warmed debate to take. This two sided pugnacious source gives an alternate bend and draws in the pursuer to an unceasing fight while alternate sources are exceptionally uneven and straightforwardly tending to the solid contradiction toward creature testing. Before perusing this book I would quickly blame the creature experimenters for such superfluous savagery and abuse yet after some exhaustive exploring, I found that there are a few advantages for creature
Around the world, millions of scientists conduct their studies by testing their research on animals. Many people believe that experimenting on animals is crucial to the advancement of medical discoveries. Studies show however, that animal experimentation is brutal and unnecessary. There are alternatives though: “replacement, reduction, and refinement” (Howard 2).
This website covers the many conditions that are forced upon animals as they’re awaiting their turn to be cruelly tested on. Not only do the animals have to wait in misery but the state in which they are kept is unlivable. It lists the many ways animals are tested upon and unfairly dragged into this life of pain. This source, siding with the animal rights, also gives many effective alternatives. Many of the organizations listed on the website promote the use of animals in testing and many fund schools for dissections in science.
Aziz, T., & Stein, J. (2011). Animal testing: TV or not TV? Two views on whether scientists
Tessa Connors- Animal Testing Speech Bibliography ANNOTATION; This website helped me to understand the true reality of animal testing. How serious it is, and the statistics of how many animals are effected. I felt that this website was useful by the way it effectively describes the types of testing that occur. It helped me to develop ideas on solutions and what the public can do to end animal testing.
Annotated Bibliography “Is Animal Testing Morally Justified?" Issues & Controversies. Infobase Learning, 16 Apr. 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
The book provides an up-to-date discussion of the current state of development of alternatives to animal testing and is ideal for professionals and academics in the field. It provides alternatives to Animal Testing and the regulatory framework. It provides background information for the research
Utilizing animals as a part of research and to test the safety of items has been a subject of intense arguments for a considerable length of time. Individuals have distinctive affections for animals; numerous look upon animals as partners while others see animals as a methods for propelling medical research or encouraging exploratory research. However people see animals, the reality remains that animals are being misused by research offices and cosmetic organizations across the nation and all around the globe. In spite of the fact that people frequently benefit from effective animal research, the agony, the suffering, and the death of animals are not worth the hypothetical benefits for humans. Thus, animals should not be tested on for product safety or research.
Animal testing is a secret most companies don’t like to share. It is a global problem that needs to be put to an end. The use of animal testing is used in medicine, cosmetics and for educational purposes and it is immoral and unnecessary when we have advanced technologies that can replace these harmful methods.
Many of us are unaware of the sheer number of animals that undergo constant suffering in the name of human vanity. Animal testing was originally introduced in the early 20th century and is still prominent today. It is morally unacceptable to experiment on animals for human purposes. The procedures used in animal testing are cruel and inhumane, nor are they the most reliable source of data; resulting in many mishaps. Moreover, with the perpetual advancements in technology, there are several alternative methods making animal testing unnecessary. If testing cosmetics and drugs on humans is unacceptable, what makes it acceptable to test on animals?
Imagine being born, only to live a life of torture. You are brought to a lab, and cruelly tested on against your will. Toxins poured into your eyes, painful injections to your skin, then left to die when you’re no longer useful. Although many do not realize it, people use products tested on animals in their everyday lives. For girls, many of your favorite makeup brands, such as Estee Lauder, Makeup Forever, and Maybelline take part in animal testing. Products such as toothpaste, cologne, deodorant, laundry detergent, razors, and even band-aids aren’t tested innocently, either. As a makeup enthusiast, I am passionate about how the products I use daily are tested. Today I will help you understand what animal testing is and how it started, how it’s currently affecting animals around the world, and what organizations are doing to help make a difference in the future. To begin, I will explain the history of animal testing. An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress, or lasting harm.( Animal experiments are not the same as taking your animal to the vet. Animals used in laboratories are harmed, not for their own good, and usually killed at the end of an experiment. Animal experiments include injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposing animals to radiation,
The majority of people believe animal testing is dreadfully wrong. As animal testing becomes a popular conversation argument, the main altercation is how unjust and crooked it is. Companies especially those in the makeup industry, have gained popularity and admiration for wiping out animals testing for their products even though the products have actually been tested before put out on the market. Animal testing is now grasped as an abhorrent business, but what others do not realize is that without animal testing, the medical world and other productions would not be as advanced as it is today. Even though it seems as though the cons outweigh the pros, there is definitely a balance between them. Animal testing can save human lives and the medications tested on animals can also become a medication for animals if it works; however, some animals contract diseases easier than humans and can suffer because of this testing.
This is an annotated bibliography of animal testing and research to see if it’s morally justified. There are many opinions on the results and the entire process that it takes to test or experiment a cosmetic product or a medicine on an animal. There are many alternatives and benefits to animal testing but is it really justified? Or could animals be in potential danger.
To support or not support animal testing practices has been a long debated topic. Animals have been used in medical and cosmetic tests since the 1900s leading to numerous medical treatment breakthroughs and ensuring the safety of everyday products we use. Recently animal advocate groups have called for the abolishment of animal testing, causing a divide on whether or not to continue animal testing. In order to keep innovating new solutions for diseases that plague our communities and loved ones, allowing the use of animal testing to end preventable tragedies must occur.
Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics has decreased over the years. However, it is still used by many companies in America. Animal testing is not only cruel, but it is also unnecessary in today’s advanced scientific world.