Imagine that you woke up one morning and discovered that your favorite pet was gone, and later found out that it was kidnapped, sold into experimentation, and later discovered that your pet had died from animal testing. How would you feel? Because according to Daniel Engber in his article “Where’s Pepper?” this happened to a farmer back in 1965 where his dog Pepper got kidnaped and later died of experimentation. As far back as ancient Greek writing we have been testing on animals and there have been strong feelings from both sides. Those who are for animal testing say animal testing has made some great medicines like vaccines for hepatitis B and C. And those who are against animal testing say that it is cruel and inhumane, that there are other methods, and animals are so different that it’s a waste of time and money. It is clear that overall that animal testing is bad because it is a waste of time because animals are very different from human beings, a waste of money because of 21st century tech, and an unnecessary waste of animal life because experiments on animals is cruel and causes animals to suffer so it should …show more content…
For example Dr. Aysha Akhtar in the artificial “Animals and public health: Why treating animals is critical to human welfare” Wrote “Some chemicals that are harmful to animals prove valuable when used by humans. Aspirin for example is dangerous for some animals and was almost shelved because of animal testing results”. Also a June 1, 2006 report on stated that, “ that a sorce of human surrfering maybe the dosens of promising drugs that get shelved when they cause problems in animals that may not be relavent for humans”. That means that animal tests may mislead scientist into thinking that it is a failed test when it may not be a failed test, and that animals are different than humans and make poor test subjects. Human beans are not
One of the main reasons I am against animal testing is the fact that the animals don’t have a choice and are being forced to be tested, which can lead to them getting seriously ill or dying as a cause of the testing. Each year in the USA alone, an estimate of 70 million animals are taken away from their natural habitat, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and basically hurt and killed in the name of science, by private
In conclusion, scientists and researchers shouldn’t test on animals because it hurts them hurts them. When scientists make animals have pain and the react to it they continue to cause them more pain. Most scientists and researchers buy and breed animals to do tests on them and they shouldn’t because it isn’t right and they have no right to do so. When most animals are tested on they die or get really sick to the point where they might need to be put down. Animals testing should be banned and scientists should stop breeding test
Regardless of the devastating facts behind animal testing, supporters of using laboratory animals argue that without animal testing it would be hard for researchers to guarantee that drugs and medical procedures are safe for use on humans (“Update: Animal Testing”). They are ignoring the animals’ well-being. If scientists were dissecting live humans, people would be disgusted and call that murder. Animals and people may look different, but we are both living things. Animals are just unable to speak for themselves, so scientists choose to treat them like inanimate objects, as if their
There are over 26 million different types of animal being tested on for research each year in the United States. Animals are used for testing every year for human research. Different animals go through serious pain, in order for humans to facilitate growth in different fields of study. Many animals are used in order to study diseases and potential cures for the diseases. New research chemicals are tested on animals with similar structures to humans, to see if the medicine can help with certain diseases. Tons of scientific advancement has taken place because of animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist, without a safe way to test for potential cures. The issue at hand is the type of treatment that animals have to endure because of the different testing methods. They are treated very poorly, go through intense suffering, and normally have very poor living conditions. A pro to animal testing is that many cures and different medicines have been developed through animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist without cures. Secondly, animals have a much shorter life span than humans do, so scientists can study the results through the whole life span of the animal. With humans, it is hard to do a full test because we have such high lifespans, while animals tend to live a lot less longer. Thirdly, many animals have been saved because of animal testing. Many diseases animals deal with now have vaccines and cures, as a result of animal testing. Without it, many animals would have rabies or other types of virus that can be detrimental to the animal’s health. On the contrary, a con to animal testing would be the pain many animals go through as a result of the testing. The tests are experimental, so we don’t know exactly what the chemical drug will do to the animal. Many cases have turned bad and many animals have died as a result, or gone through extensive pain. Next, there are many alternative methods of experimental testing that doesn’t require animals. As a result, why are we still using animals for testing when there are other ways to do it. Finally, animals are different from humans, so they make poor testing subjects. We can’t know for sure how the research
Animal testing has been bad of the years and it can even be dated back to the ancient times of the greek. Physicians would dissect animals with the pure interest to obtain knowledge. But even then, one such physician stated that he would rather use a pig as his subject because he wanted to.The ethics of animal testing has always been questioned. Humans do not want to think of animals as on the same level of us. The similarity is terrifying and makes the cruelness obvious. In the 16 century it has been recorded that early vivisectionists, scientists who perform experiments and operations on live animals, did not consider animals to be of the same lineage of us and barely cared for them.The remaining are used as test dummies for products.
Asking just about any animal rights activists on the thoughts of animal testing, it is reasonable to expect that the majority of them would address crucial flaws in many of the laws in regards to animals and how animals are supposedly “protected” by these laws. Trained scientists and researchers take on the key role of testing on animals in laboratories and facilities throughout the world, using the excuse that we are expanding knowledge and furthering medical research. In the United States alone, there are very few laws truly protecting animals from the unnecessary amounts of suffering the research forces upon them with many exceptions. Additionally, in reference to the scientists who perform these tests, the author of the article,
“Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in the United States from animal testing” (Experiments on, 2017). These animals are harmed or even killed more than half of the time that they are experimented on. These harmless animals are taken and forced into captivity for different kinds of testing from day to day. They are forced to stay in cages all day long and only get to eat what they are given based on testing for that day. Animals are just like people; they need to exercise, have interactions, be able to eat when hungry, etc., but laboratories take away these privileges from the animals by trapping them in the lab all day. Animal testing is wrong and harmful in many ways.
Do you care about your pets? You must be wondering why I might be asking this question. It is because animals are being tested on by scientists and are treated cruelly. Animal testing is a waste of the government's research money. Also products that pass the animal testing is not necessarily safe.
Many animal tests and experiments are just a plain waste of time, money, and are completely useless. Did you know that some of your taxes end up in the hands of animal testers? Some experiments that are conducted on animals can cost millions of dollars. One example of a pointless experiment is the Draize eye test. This includes physically holding down rabbits and placing different cosmetic and household products into their eyes. The product is often left there for 21 days or more, which results in extreme pain, bleeding, and sometimes even blindness. But why do they do this? Well, it’s apparently to determine the effects that the product has on the rabbit’s eyes. Another test similar to this one is called the Draize skin test, which
If a person was to choose between a cat and a rat to experiment on, statistically, more people would choose the rat. What many people fail to realize is that all animals, no matter what type of breed, are being put in labs and being tested on every day. Around the world, there has been an on-going debate on animal testing. Many people feel as if animals' lives do not matter in the long-run. The increase in animal testing has grown at an upsetting rate. Animals have no voice, therefore, people need to stand up for them and do what is right. Putting animals through testing and experimentation is unjust.
“Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs and other animals are locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the world. They languish in pain, ache, with lonliness, and long to be free. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear for the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them”. This statement about animal testing is from I have a strong belief about this topic so I am arguing the point that animal testing is cruel and a waste of time and money.
The concept of using animals as though their lives are disposable is a way that many people are raised. They are taught that animals are here for our use to eat and harvest their resources to better our own lives. The concept of having pets complicates this thought process, as pets are considered to be integral parts of a family and laws surrounding abuse towards these furrier members of a family prove the previous statement to seem false. Our society has made a hypocrisy around which animals are friends and which are not. The animal rights movement challenges society and its double sided behaviour towards animals. Often times, once people learn about animal abuse committed by a person or company, they are immediately horrified. This is because most people feel compassion, and sympathize with the animals. Most people’s opinions around the use of animals for testing products are changed when they realize how much abuse goes on behind the scenes. Me personally, before the research I regarded animal testing as a necessity in order to ensure the most safe product. However, after learning about animal testing my opinion has changed. I acknowledge the scientific research supporting animal testing, however the ethics of how the animals are treated makes me disagree with the practise. It really changed my opinion on animal testing. It also made me think of the ideology humans have that they are the
Once there was a dog; her name was Libby and she was one of two hundred and fifty dogs and cats who were rescued from an animal testing laboratory. Many people may think: oh, they’re just being tested with medicine, it’s not that bad and they will survive; after all, it is medicine. However, those people may not know what happens behind it. Companies paid the laboratory to infest dogs and cats with worms, fleas, and ticks and then force feed them or smear their skin with toxic chemicals in tests for companion animal products. The investigators at the laboratory recorded the animals being kicked, thrown, and dragged; to make it even worse, the employees lifted puppies by their throats and screamed obscenities at them. How would you feel being tortured daily and experimented on?
Each side of the animal rights debate have many legitimate points for their argument. Supporters of animal testing believe that it helps the development of many life-saving treatments for animals and humans, there is no alternative approach because they are similar to human beings and rigorous regulations prevent exploitation of animals in laboratories. Opponents of animal testing believe that it cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals, there are other approaches available to researchers, animal tests don’t predict the results on humans and that animals have tests forced upon them, with no choice. Although it is an expensive way of testing and at the same time, it is cruel and inhumane, animal testing brings more medical advancement to
Animal testing is an extremely controversial topic because it deals with delicate matters and matters of humanity. Animal testing is intended to help consumers buy safe and healthy products, but they are torturing innocent animals by doing so. People that are in favor of animal testing usually are also advocates for medical research and progress, though there have been other proven methods of research. But they don’t think of it as tormenting and killing animals. On the other hand, a lot of people are compassionate about animals and think that testing on them is inhumane. These advocates of the animals think that an animal’s safety should be put