No Animals were Harmed … Much
Animal testing is the use of non-human animals in research, and development projects, for purposes of determining the safety of substances such as food or drugs. Animal testing is also used in various amounts of research such as agricultural, medical, and bio-medical. One may assume that the animals are dealt with care and are given the necessary needs to survive through an experiment. However, all experiments have the potential to cause physical and psychological distress to the animal. This includes: dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, monkeys, etc. Although a variety of animals are used 90% are rats, mice and birds. No matter what type of animal they are most are killed at the end of an experiment or some may be re-used in other experiments. Therefore over 115 million animals are burned; crippled, poisoned, abused, and killed in laboratory experiments around the world. Those who agree show their support, while other show their resistant to understanding animal testing.
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Animal cruelty is when someone hurts or does not take care for an animals responsibility. Ultimately it is against the law to be cruel to or harm animals or pets. In research and testing include protocols that cause severe suffering, such as long term social isolation, electric shocks, withholding of food and water, and even separating infants from mothers. For example, in a PETA investigation a worker observed as laboratory workers used pressure hoses to spray water on them; and dragged dogs who were too frightened to walk through the facility. As a result the laboratory was forced to surrender animals and close its
Animal testing, also known as animal research or experimentation refers to the use of non-human animals to conduct experiments which seek to control certain variables that have the potential to impact the biological systems or behaviors under study. The most commonly used animals are usually mice, cats, rats, dogs and primates. More than 20 million animals are usually subjected to food, drugs, chemical and cosmetic testing each year in the United States alone (Sharma et al, p.1). These animals usually suffer and die in the cruelest of ways despite the fact that there exist more modern non-animal tests which have been found out to save time, money and with more educational value. This essay explains why animal testing is bad and provides
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of animals in research and development projects, usually for the purposes of determining the safety of substances such as food, cosmetics, and drugs. Research animals undergo procedures that can cause physical and psychological distress. Mostly, the animals are euthanized, or killed, after the experiments. However, many organizations such as PETA and the Animal Justice Project have brought up, and are fighting against the dangerous outcomes of animals as they undergo testing. As a result, the topic of animal testing has become a divided and controversial topic among individuals, questioning whether it is ethical and unnecessary or humane and necessary to the science development.
Animal testing classifies as legal, sanctioned abuse. When an animal is in a lab as a test subject, there is no limit to what harm may be inflicted upon it. Over one hundred million animals go through this torture each year (PETA). These animals spend the majority of their lives in an unnatural, stressful environment, fearing what kind of thing will happen to them next. They are kept behind bars with usually no access to sunshine or fresh air, unable to act as they would if they were free (PETA). Dogs being tested on can not run around in the grass, birds can not fly around outside, and mice have no wheel to exercise on. Animals in labs go through thorough, invasive experiments, often ending in death. Many of these tests they go through
Animal testing is an experiment used in science where animals are alive and are forced to go through pain and distress. Animals are being tested constantly in laboratories where they stay in cold cages. Humans believe that animal testing is beneficial because animals are put to the test to develop medicines such as Abilify that treats schizophrenia and bipolar disorder where the drug is tested on rats, dogs, monkeys, and rabbits, furthermore, animals are also tested for cosmetics, for instance, Maybelline. Testing on animals is not necessary because it causes suffering, it is unethical, and it has been unsuccessful for human medicine.
Animal testing is an ongoing problem throughout the world. Animal Testing is when scientists or researchers study how animals react to a certain chemical, drug, treatment, or cosmetic. Many types of people who conduct experiments that involve animals. The most common people who test on animals are scientists, researchers, experimenters, chemists, and students. They often test on animals because they have human like traits. Animal testers use animals to test their products so humans aren’t affected
It is estimated that each year over 100 million animals in the United States are used for animal testing (, 2017). This is unlikely an underestimate as it is impossible to receive a correct count worldwide. Thousands of animals are to be euthanized from the complications they endure from testing. Animals are used to test scientific developments and commercial products. New medical and non-medical experiments are tested on animals to verify the harmfulness of new medications or the safety of a product that will be used on humans. Although the importance of animal testing brings more medical advancement over the years using fewer humans in experiments, it is still an expensive way of researching inaccurate results and at the same time, it is a practice of animal cruelty.
Imagine a life locked away in a cage with no form of control on your existence. It’s cold, dark, and you are scared. You don’t have a choice of what you eat, where you live, or how you are treated. You are unsure if it is day or night or what will happen to you next. You are locked away in a prison cell and you committed no crime. This is the life of a laboratory animal. Animal testing is the use of animals for scientific research purposes and experiments. It can be used for the findings of cures and medicines to testing new drugs, to understanding the behavioral psychology of the animals themselves. “Around fifty to one hundred million vertebrate animals, ranging from fish to primates, are used in experiments each year” (Lloyd). There are
Animal testing is when animals are used in different tests, experiments, and studies. These tests, experiments, and studies often result in the harm and/or death of the animals. People often say the animals are used in order to benefit humans, such as making sure that products are safe and helping make advancements in medicine. When people use everyday products, most never think about how the product was determined to be safe. The animal’s involuntary sacrifice is almost never even a thought in most people’s minds. These animals undergo cruel treatment, harmful experiments, and even death for the “benefit” of humans.
Animal Testing also known as Animal Experimentation is the use of non-human animals as test subjects in a variety of experiments aimed to acquire more knowledge about human diseases. Even thought rats seem very distant from us humans they share a lot of similar genetic and psychological features that can help us propel into higher level of understanding and save human lives.
Animal testing is an old fashioned way of testing medications and products to ensure that they are safe for humans. It is a way to further our society, without inflicting any harm to our race, but in today's society, it is no longer a required option for testing. For one, it is very cruel to animals. We should not be self involved and only think about ourselves. The world cannot survive that way. We need animals in the world, and if we continue treating them in this harmful manner they will no longer be able to provide for the world’s environment. Also, animal testing has been proven to not be as effective as people may think. In the Baltimore Sun writer Kelly Overton claims that “90 percent of medications approved for human use after animal testing later proved ineffective or harmful to humans in clinical trials.” This demonstrates that animal testing is no longer required in today’s society. We have better ways to test with new technology, instead of with animal testing that has been proven to be highly ineffective. Overall, in the past animal testing may have been needed to save
Over 26 million animals are experimented on each year in the United States. Animals are very different from human beings, Medicine that cures mice or rats,sometimes can cause death or diseases to humans. Although products tested on animals are generally safe, it can be a horrible thing to everyone. Animal testing is cruel because it harms and/or possibly kills animals, merchandise that is experimented on animals may have damaging side effects on their health, and it interferes with their growth and development
Animal testing, also known as animal experiments and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals for experimentation. It is estimated that between 100 – 150 million vertebrate animals, including mice, rats, birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, farm animals, dogs, cats and non-human primates, are used in animal testing annually worldwide. This staggering number does not reflect the millions of vertebrates in the United States that are excluded from the Animal Welfare Act (AWA)*, and therefore not required to be reported. Additionally, between 50 – 100 million invertebrate animals are used in animal experiments annually.
Animal testing is any scientific experiment in which live animals are forced to endure certain things that will likely cause them fear, suffering, and pain. Animals are deliberately harmed and usually die towards the end of the experiment. A few experiments involve, injecting or force-feeding animals harmful or foreign substances, exposing animals to situations to cause anxiety or fear, exposing animals to radiation and so much more.
Animal testing has helped develop many life-saving treatments for both humans and animals and there are rules that prevent the mistreatment of animals in laboratories. Millions of animals are used each and every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. They are used to develop medical treatments, test the effects of medications, check the safety of products, and much more. Research on living animals has been practiced for many years and has provided many benefits to us.
1. Animal Testing An animal test, animal experiment or animal research are unethical procedures that are conducted on live animals, wherein the animals are forced to undergo processes that cause them pain, distress, suffering, or lasting harm (Murnaghan, 2016). Animal testing is used for various products such as cosmetics, food additives, household products, supplements, medications pesticides, and industrial chemicals at some point of their production process. Animal testing is currently an industry worth billions of dollar, covering government bodies, universities, and pharmaceutical and chemical industries.