Imagine you were sitting on your porch, the sun is out, you are tuning your six-string guitar, the day is calm, all alone, nothing could ruin this day. But all of a sudden, you are in a metal box, with thousands of other people, everyone around you has holes from needles, scars, cuts, on their bodies. Then a giant hand comes and reaches for you. You scream for help, the others just watch you then, you feel a stabbing pain in your side, then you fall asleep. You’re back home but something doesn’t feel right. You check your side, nothing is there. You look up from your guitar and all you see is grass for miles. Where are you? Animal testing has helped scientists in finding many cures to diseases and helped scientists with many breakthroughs in their research but, do the people who test on those animals even care about the health and safety of the animals …show more content…
Millions of animals are tested on in the United States and the United Kingdom and their lives are being wasted. According to Cruelty-Free International, “Despite the use of over 115 million animals in experiments globally each year, only 22 new medicines were approved in 2016 by the leading drug regulator, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Many of these are for rare diseases.” This is important because CFI expresses that so many animals have been harmed and even killed for these cures to diseases that most people wouldn’t come across. And think about that, 22/115,000,000. However, the death rate isn’t the only problem. Suffering is worse, according to CFI, “A large proportion of animal experiments in the EU are reported to cause ‘moderate’ or ‘severe suffering’ to the animals according to the researchers who carry them out. In the UK in 2016, 35% of animal experiments involved moderate suffering.” Of course, any amount of suffering should be alarming. But, would you rather be put to death with no pain or suffer for days with no chance of recovery or survival? The answer is
Approximately 225 million animals are used for testing every year. Billions have been killed in the process. ("Questions and Answers About Biomedical Research.”) How can this be allowed? Isn’t it cruel to use animals to test products for humans? Many animal rights activists say, “yes” to this question. However, scientists argue it is necessary and animal research can help save human lives. There are probable arguments for both sides. But the dangers of using animals to test products for human use weighs an even greater risk than not using the animals. Alternatives are much more ethical.
A Modest Proposal was a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift depicting the horrific conditions of Ireland and the lives of the Irish people in 1729. Swift writes the satire disguised as a social planner of the time who as Swift satirizes were known to be overly rational rather than compassionate. The author portrays and attacks the cruel and unjust oppression of Ireland by its oppressor, the mighty English and ridicules the Irish people at the same time. However, Swift's opposition is indirectly presented. Jonathan Swift is able to do so by using the persona, irony, and wit in order to expose the remarkable corruption and degradation of the Irish people, and at the same time present them with practicable solutions to their economic
Both of my parents were born in Mexico. My mom grew up in Guadalajara Jalisco and my dad grew up in a little town called Cuquio, which is about an hour away from Guadalajara. Mexico is south of the United States, and Jalisco is on the West side of Mexico. Cuquio is an extremely small town that not a lot of people know about. Guadalajara in the other hand, is one of the most known places in Mexico. What makes Jalisco so unique is its beautiful places, its amazing food, and its well known language. One of the places I myself have been to is the Degollado theatre. This theater was constructed about two hundred years ago and is still used to this day. Many people visit this place just to see its beautiful interior. Food is also a very important
For many years, the field of science has used animals in medical experiments worldwide, because of this innocent animals are being killed everyday. They are being tested with new drugs, new treatments, and by many makeup companies. Connecticut recently celebrated the passage of the “Beagle Freedom Law”, a law that requires laboratories to work with charities and rescue groups to find homes for research cats and dogs. Animals are being tested so humans do not have to be but animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings, although animals are the closest thing to humans. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of innocent animal subjects. Over 100 million animals suffer a year from testing. Testing animals is a lot more expensive than alternative methods and it is wasting government research dollars. Animal testing is not only a bad idea, but it is also inhuman and it should not be tolerated. The FDA should stop allowing animal testing. An animal does not give out the same results on a test than a human would.
Animal testing is a common practice in current life that is necessary to ensure the safety of the humans that will be using the tested product. There are many good and bad aspects of animal testing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Animal testing has been around since ancient times when animals were dissected to gain knowledge about the body and organs. The animals killed from animal testing make up a tiny percentage of the total animals killed every year. When just considering the animals used for food compared to the animals used for testing, testing animals make up a mere 2.6 percent of that number. Public safety far outweighs the lives of the small amount of animals killed.
Hi, my name is Deven Ramos. I am a student at Southeast Whitfield High School. I am currently taking a early childhood class; as part of my grade I am required to observe either a daycare or elementary school. I'm wondering if I would be able to do so on October 10th and on either one of the following days in the month of November; 21,22, or the 23.
Animals can be ferocious and wild, but they can also be gentle and tame. Some are our pets, and some are powerful forces that are to be respected and admired. It is as easy to appreciate a loyal dog as it is to be in awe of a lion in its' natural habitat. But the truth that many people either don’t know or don’t appreciate is that animals are essential to human existence and have played a vital role in improving the quality of our lives. They have been providing us with answers to our most complex medical questions for decades. Their role in finding cures for diseases, treatments for illness, and product safety is immense. First, we will examine how animal testing has
Who would you rather see live, a young girl or boy or rats and mice. According to the “Animal Research Association” Animal research has played a vital part in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade. mice and rats are what we test on more than 95% of the time. Research saves many of our lives. Would you like to know that your bottle of shampoo or your makeup has not been tested, so that their may be a chance you can harshly react to it. Animal testing lets us go farther into our medical research, if an animal reacts to a product, it lets us learn why it might affect someone and how to stop it. There are many more animals than people in this world. Without animal testing our products will be filled with harsh substances we couldn't
Animals do not suffer from the same diseases that us humans have, for example curing heart failure induced by cutting a dogs aorta will not help to cure heart failure caused by a build-up of cholesterol in human arteries. We waste animal lives everyday and for what? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that 92 percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. And of the small percentage of drugs approved for human use, half end up being relabeled because of side effects that were not identified in tests on animals. This makes it extremely dangerous to humans, because animal testing is not dependable, it can cause serious side effects to humans that weren’t an issue to the animals during testing.
Researches claim that they must have unlimited access to animals for experiments in order to find cures for human diseases, which in some cases cures have been found as a result. However, the ironic
The amount of pain that not even most, but ALL animals have to go through every day is sickening. In an article written by PETA they mention how “It’s unethical to sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to life in a laboratory cage and intentionally cause them pain, loneliness, and fear.”(PETA “Top five reasons to stop animal testing”) That is a lot of animals to be stripped from their homes and sanctioned to this punishment. A big part of animal testing too is that even though they have gotten a lot better with the conditions of animal testing, they still haven't necessarily increased in quality. Animals are still
Throughout history, animal testing has played an important role in leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many people forget are the great numbers of animals that have suffered serious harm during the process of animal testing. Animal testing is the use of animals in biological, medical, and psychological studies. The development and enhancement of medical research has been based on the testing of animals. There are many questions being asked if animal research is good or not or if the benefit for us is way greater the abuse of animals. Doing tests on animals can help find ways to cure diseases, but testing on them is wrong. Although we want to find cures for diseases to help many people, testing on animals not only
Imagine being born, only to live a life of torture. You are brought to a lab, and cruelly tested on against your will. Toxins poured into your eyes, painful injections to your skin, then left to die when you’re no longer useful. Although many do not realize it, people use products tested on animals in their everyday lives. For girls, many of your favorite makeup brands, such as Estee Lauder, Makeup Forever, and Maybelline take part in animal testing. Products such as toothpaste, cologne, deodorant, laundry detergent, razors, and even band-aids aren’t tested innocently, either. As a makeup enthusiast, I am passionate about how the products I use daily are tested. Today I will help you understand what animal testing is and how it started, how it’s currently affecting animals around the world, and what organizations are doing to help make a difference in the future. To begin, I will explain the history of animal testing. An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress, or lasting harm.( Animal experiments are not the same as taking your animal to the vet. Animals used in laboratories are harmed, not for their own good, and usually killed at the end of an experiment. Animal experiments include injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposing animals to radiation,
Today I am going to talk to you about why exactly animal testing is unethical and unnecessary, and what you all as an audience can do to make this happen.
Just in the United States, “there are about 26 million different species, from dogs to birds, being used every year for medical and science related testing” (“Animals in Science / Research”). Throughout the process of testing, “monkeys are addicted to drugs, cats are deafened and have holes drilled into their skulls, sheep and pigs have their skin burned off, and rats have their spinal cords crushed” (“Animals in Medical Experiments”). As a result, animals face cruel conditions and have no way of fighting back. Although medical testings on animals may cure the deadliest diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis, the abuse and mistreatment these animals face while testing medicines should be deemed inhumane, and such practices should be banned in the United States.