
Animal Testing Persuasive Speech

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Imagine you were sitting on your porch, the sun is out, you are tuning your six-string guitar, the day is calm, all alone, nothing could ruin this day. But all of a sudden, you are in a metal box, with thousands of other people, everyone around you has holes from needles, scars, cuts, on their bodies. Then a giant hand comes and reaches for you. You scream for help, the others just watch you then, you feel a stabbing pain in your side, then you fall asleep. You’re back home but something doesn’t feel right. You check your side, nothing is there. You look up from your guitar and all you see is grass for miles. Where are you? Animal testing has helped scientists in finding many cures to diseases and helped scientists with many breakthroughs in their research but, do the people who test on those animals even care about the health and safety of the animals …show more content…

Millions of animals are tested on in the United States and the United Kingdom and their lives are being wasted. According to Cruelty-Free International, “Despite the use of over 115 million animals in experiments globally each year, only 22 new medicines were approved in 2016 by the leading drug regulator, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Many of these are for rare diseases.” This is important because CFI expresses that so many animals have been harmed and even killed for these cures to diseases that most people wouldn’t come across. And think about that, 22/115,000,000. However, the death rate isn’t the only problem. Suffering is worse, according to CFI, “A large proportion of animal experiments in the EU are reported to cause ‘moderate’ or ‘severe suffering’ to the animals according to the researchers who carry them out. In the UK in 2016, 35% of animal experiments involved moderate suffering.” Of course, any amount of suffering should be alarming. But, would you rather be put to death with no pain or suffer for days with no chance of recovery or survival? The answer is

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