
Animal Testing Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Animal experimentation is the term used to explain the use of animals in education, training and research” (“Animal Experimentation” ) in order to enhance medical and cosmetological experimentation for humans, and involves keeping animals locked up in a laboratory. The sole purpose of animal experimentation and the use of animals in research dates back to when humans started looking for ways to cure and prevent deadly diseases. Today, “the majority of animal experiments do not contribute to improving human health, and the value of the role that animal experimentation plays in most medical advances is questionable” (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. par. 1). In other words, animal experimentation is not justified in the world we …show more content…

Torturing and forcing animals to inhale massive quantities of substances for testing or endure painful caustic chemicals applied to their eyes and skin (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals par. 2) are inevitably killed. Laboratories deprive the animals of anything natural to them—forced to live in confined to medal cages, where they are isolated socially and traumatized psychologically (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals par. 2). Majority of the animals tested on include rodents, dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys and birds. The most popularly used for genetic studying and laboratory experimentation are rats and the domestic rabbit (Rabbits and Hares par. 4). “Even animals who are covered by the law can be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs and brain damaged— no procedures or experiments…are prohibited by law” (Using Animals for Medical Testing par. 12). The most common experimentation types are for medical and cosmetic reasons, in order to enhance health and beauty to benefit human …show more content…

5). Animal testing by the manufactures of large companies seek to market that a brand new product may be used safely, without damaging humans. Some companies believe animal testing is the best alternative to assure the safety of a product. Eye make up, skin cream, perfume, lipstick, nail polish, shampoo and hair color (Fact Sheet: Cosmetic Testing” par. 1) are examples of the products most commonly manufactured and sold to people. Majority of people buy these products without the consideration of what animals went through in order for someone to dye their hair or put on lipstick. When used for cosmetic tests, rodents and rabbits are often subjected to skin and eye irritation tests where different types of chemicals are rubbed or dripped into their eyes without any pain relief to see the reaction. Repeated force-feeding studies lasting weeks or months to look for signs of general illness or specific hazards like cancer or birth defects. “Lethal dose” tests, in which animals are forced to swallow large amounts of chemicals to determine the dose that’ll cause death. When the experiment comes to an end, the animals are normally killed by asphyxiation, neck-breaking, or decapitation and pain relief is not provided. A large percent of

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