Many organizations and other people who fight for the animals, have been successful and established laws. For animal testing, “Federal laws were made to ensure to the public that animals were being treated as well as possible. They try to be as gentle as they can and treat them with care. They have no intention of the animals to be harmed. If they are not harmed, that is wonderful because that indicates the product that is being tested is safe for humans” ( ). This demonstrates that people are showing some compassion towards the animals and are trying their best to treat them properly. In addition, animals are living things and should be treated equally to humans. Also, "Laws around the world vary. Usually they depend on either
There are so many products being tested on animals , from being lipsticks, shampoos, makeup, skin care etc. But have you ever wondered the side effects these animals experience while using these products? They will experience Burning, torturing, pain, hunger, thirst etc. How is living in a cage living? It's not it is just surviving.
Animal Testing is uncertain and hard. Animals go through a series of tests are very painful, most of the time they are not even given anything for pain. Some product tests require the same painful procedure on a daily basis over a weeks' time. Most tests on animals cause permanent injury or even death. The tests performed on animals are not always reliable. A medicine that may be safe with animals may not be for human beings. For example, aspirin is toxic to cats, so if we were to test this medication on cats, it would not help to determine if this was a safe product for human beings. One alternative to animal testing is human testing, if we are looking to find out if the product works on humans, we should test them on humans. That case "No
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. My partner and I firmly believe that animal testing does more good than harm. Animal testing has helped society be able to live a longer and a healthier life, and animals used for testing are tremendously similar to human beings, and that has impacted our lives beneficially, and animal research has helped society have a better understanding of medical issues.
Animal testing harms and violates the rights of the animal itself. Some people say it is okay because the animal does not know the difference between right from wrong. Animal testing creates a traumatizing experience for the animal. Their bodies become damaged from all the burning and allergic reactions they have to undergo from the chemicals. The animals do not know what is going on, nor do they know where they are because they have been taken out of their natural habitats. The change in environment is new to the animals, making them forced to accept the new area they would call home. Animal testing prohibits an animal from being free. Is it okay to test on animals because they lack the ability to know if the testing being done to them is moral or not? Animals do not have the ability to make their own moral judgment. It is not fair to harm an animal because they are living organisms that play an important role in the ecosystem.
Eyes being injected with chemicals, tests that are causing mutations, an endless cycle of torture. Every life is just as important as another. If all those things were done to humans just to have a better appearance it would be a way bigger deal. Instead scientists are doing this to animals and most don’t seem to care as long as they get their long volumized lashes, their plump colorful lipsticks, their soft hair, their de-wrinkle skin replenishing lotions, no one cares as long as they’re benefitting from it. Animal testing shouldn’t be allowed; It should be banned. Testing cosmetics on animals is not only unnecessary but also cruel and inhumane. Things like mascara aren’t just tested on “gross rats” but also dogs, cats, bunnies, pigs, sheep, monkeys, birds, ferrets and many more cute little animals.
Protesting has been going around the world for many of years. Throughout many years of people boycotted agents a situation they believe, if a wrong or right. One of the biggest areas on where people gather around and protest is when they’re fighting agents animals testing. As well as the years has pasted on protesting on animals, it became more sires in increased in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Many cosmetics companies been testing on animals throughout the years there is also many that have not. The cosmetics line LUSH has been fighting over animals testing for over thirty years and will continue to fight for their right according to the company. When LUSH had first started the company had divided they didn 't ever wanted to test their product on animal. Not only fighting agents animals testing LUSH is also ego friendly; everything they use its plants, oil, and recycle. Since LUSH having to be agents animal testing, policies had created to work with the companies of cosmetics to end the cruelty of animals. The LUSH company say “ This can be done without animal testing …” and it true. LUSH is a company that all there product dills with ones skin to make them fell and look beautiful. If LUSH can test their products other than animals and still make your still looking good then, other cosmetics companies can do the same.
There has been a lot of animal testing in the United States and thousands of animals already have been killed. In research and testing, animals are subjected to experiments that can include everything from testing new drugs, poisoning for toxicity testing, burning skin, causing brain damage, implanting electrodes into the brain, maiming, blinding, and other painful and invasive procedures. Animal testing should not be allowed to proceed because millions of animals are getting killed, the results aren't always right, and it is more expensive to test it on animals.
The opinion of animals in the eyes of the law still compares them to objects: having them seen only as property and not living beings. A law towards better treatment has been passed, however, it has not been enforced. The implemented law is also full of loopholes that scientists have taken advantage over. Ever since that law, the Animal Welfare Act, was passed, even the definition of an animal has come into question. Additionally, a bias has been created in that there is more of a moral concern towards animals like dogs, cats, and primates rather than fish, mice, and rats, however, there are people advocating for the protection of animals not as popularly loved. Animal testing in the United States should be limited to having
Testing products on animals may seem like a great way to eliminate the risk of possibly
Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. There are many reasons why people should discontinue animal testing. People continue to do animal testing due to them being mostly reliable test subjects. Although drugs that work, tested on animals, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe. Animals are very different from humans in terms of DNA and genetics, therefore making them sometimes unreliable test subjects, and sometimes making drugs that do pass animal tests not necessarily safe all the time.
The practice of commercial testing on animals is cruel and inhumane. “Animals that are used in testing are supposed to have proper housing, treatment, veterinary care, food and water,” according to the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Almost 97% of the animals that scientists use for testing are not protected under the AWA. That is almost all of them! Animals are just like babies: defenseless, living, breathing. If we test on animals, we could test on babies just the same, right?
Did you know that over a hundred million animals get injured or die due to animal testing? But when you think about is it actually legal? So the thing is it doesn’t matter what we think because there are people who want themselves to live a better life then the animals and they do experimentation on the animals just so humans can live a better life. And there are a lot of animals who die due to suffering in laboratories across the world, apparently it’s legal and people seem to not care about it. Some people say animals aren’t equal to humans and some say they are, so who to believe? But it still
My names Julia and today i will tell you how Animal testing is both cruel and inhumane, and needs to stop. Many people who support animal testing claim that the Animal Welfare Act is in place to make sure that animals that are used in testing are treated well. This is the only law in the U.S. that regulates animal testing, and only 5% of tested animals are covered by this act. An estimated 26 million animals are used every year just in the United States for scientific and commercial testing, and according to the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals organization, 219 animals are killed every minute in United States labs. Students studying at the University of Wisconsin have conducted stress experiments on mice and rats. These stress experiments
Animals are the safest way to research the effect of experimental situations. Experiments have been using animal testing since the 16th century. Animal testing has saved billions and billions of human lives from harmful sickness and dangerous surgeries. Most people have only ever heard the negative stories surrounding animal testing but there are thousands of positive stories that should be taken into account.
When picking out your mascara, do you stop to see what kind of makeup you are using? You could be supporting animal cruelty and not even know it. Today many makeup products are being tested on animals such as Covergirl, Revlon and even MAC. We have made numerous advancements in the world and have established the scientific evolution but it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress. The knowledge and power we have is exceptional, but with it comes responsibility to use it wisely and ethically. We kill and torture creatures that we arrogantly consider lesser beings. For something as simple as mascara animals are tortured and blinded by tests performed at the laboratory. It is estimated that each year over 100 million animals are being performed on for different types of experiments all around the world. Most of the things being performed in these labs you could never imagine one human being doing to another. I believe that animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, not very reliable, inaccurate, and is proved to be unnecessary.