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For many years, the field of science has used animals in medical experiments worldwide, because of this innocent animals are being killed everyday. They are being tested with new drugs, new treatments, and by many makeup companies. Connecticut recently celebrated the passage of the “Beagle Freedom Law”, a law that requires laboratories to work with charities and rescue groups to find homes for research cats and dogs. Animals are being tested so humans do not have to be but animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings, although animals are the closest thing to humans. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of innocent animal subjects. Over 100 million animals suffer a year from testing. Testing animals is a lot more expensive than alternative methods and it is wasting government research dollars. Animal testing is not only a bad idea, but it is also inhuman and it should not be tolerated. The FDA should stop allowing animal testing. An animal does not give out the same results on a test than a human would. Animals may be the closest thing to humans other than actual humans, however they are not the exact same. The results of the tests done on animals might have a different outcome when the test is done on humans. These tests happening on innocent animals will not have the same results as they would on humans. “The FDA reports that 92 percent of drugs approved for testing in humans fail to receive approval for human use”
Animals have impacted human history in many ways. They are a food source, pets, and used in scientific research. Animal 's used in medical and scientific research help find cures to human disease, injury, and deficiencies. Many animals have a similar genetic makeup with humans. About half of the animal 's tested on live longer and healthier lives compared to the common house pet. Also many animals are protected by different organizations, and also a federal law. Since our genes closely resemble each other, scientists believe that discoveries like this will make humans live healthier and longer too. These experiments and test provide some insight on problems doctors and scientist face with the increase of life threatening diseases and
Protesting has been going around the world for many of years. Throughout many years of people boycotted agents a situation they believe, if a wrong or right. One of the biggest areas on where people gather around and protest is when they’re fighting agents animals testing. As well as the years has pasted on protesting on animals, it became more sires in increased in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Many cosmetics companies been testing on animals throughout the years there is also many that have not. The cosmetics line LUSH has been fighting over animals testing for over thirty years and will continue to fight for their right according to the company. When LUSH had first started the company had divided they didn 't ever wanted to test their product on animal. Not only fighting agents animals testing LUSH is also ego friendly; everything they use its plants, oil, and recycle. Since LUSH having to be agents animal testing, policies had created to work with the companies of cosmetics to end the cruelty of animals. The LUSH company say “ This can be done without animal testing …” and it true. LUSH is a company that all there product dills with ones skin to make them fell and look beautiful. If LUSH can test their products other than animals and still make your still looking good then, other cosmetics companies can do the same.
There is a debate in the world today. Some people think they should do testing on animals and some people think they shouldn’t test animal because it’s not right for them to test and kill the animals when they're done. The United States is having a lot of trouble with people testing animals because this group called PETA is trying to end testing all over the world. The PETA is fighting for the animal welfare act. The animal welfare act does not let test on animal.
When using cosmetics or common house cleaning products many do not realize that they are supporting animal cruelty. Animal testing is among the most disturbing experiments being done today. Vivisection is the practice of animal experimentation. It can include administering drugs, infecting animals with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, brain damaging, maiming, blinding, and other painful invasive procedures. Animal testing has protocols that cause severe suffering such as long-term social isolation, full-body restraint, electric shocks, withholding of food and water, or repeated breeding and separating infants from mothers. It is using millions of animals in ways that cause distress or death to test the safety of drugs and
According to the ASPCA, 37-47% of American households are home to a dog, and 30-37% of households have cats (“Pet Statistics”). Pets are usually very important members of the family, offering unconditional love, play, and cuddles. Now imagine someone injecting or smearing chemicals and irritants on or under their skin. Or even worse, squeezing irritants into their eyes, like those found in shampoos or soaps, just to make life easier for consumers. These are only mild examples of the animal testing that goes on every single day around the world, and right here in the United States of America. Animals are kept in lonely, cold, dirty kennels, and some never see the light of day. They are tested on, force fed, and often mistreated even when
Animal testing is intended to express the use of animals in scientific research. Every year more than 115
The use of animals in research has created a diverse range of attitudes, as some individuals support the use of animals in research and others are against it. Sometimes people do not have enough background knowledge on this topic to be involved in a discussion of animal testing. Animal testing dates back to around 400 years ago, when one of the first famous researchers William Harvey was curious to discover how blood circulates around the body. The modern era of animal testing began around 150 years ago, although the conditions were quite different; there were no painkillers as the animals suffered a great deal (Understanding Animal Research 2013).
One major dilemma that companies face today is animal testing. Many cosmetic companies still use animal testing in an immoral ways of testing products. Out of the major 5 companies that are still animal testing for cosmetics stated by one green planet unleash your green monster. Which is a special interest foundation to protect animal-rights. In a recent article by Pam Ryan “Hate animal cruelty? You should probably avoid these cosmetic brands” states that that Olay was number one on their list (Pam Ryan).
Killing. Torturing. Unfair. Inhumane. Cruel. Barbaric. These are all words to describe the evil that is animal testing. Animal testing has been a hot topic for many years and is still being debated today. If you are against this savage act then you have the right opinion. Animal testing is the wrong way to go about experimenting with drugs and products. It is cruel to put innocent animals in harm 's way, these animals are unfairly chosen, results can be inconclusive or just a waste, and there are other, better options to explore. Animal testing isn 't just some trivial problem. It’s an immoral dilemma.
Animal experimentation is not the most accurate testing, just because some medicine and cosmetic product pass an animal test it doesn’t mean it has a beneficial effect on humans. Animal tests have evolved in many ways throughout history in negative and positive ways. A strong negative being that we are different from animals but not just animals we are also different from each other. There are many arguments that we humans wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for reliance on animal testing. However, because of all the improvement in technology we have started to lean away from some animal practices. Which is excellent because some of the cruel testing has started to die down, some studies showed that testing isn’t always as
In the world we live in today there is a pet present in over fifty-one percent of the families. Because we are talking about in the world the types of pets can ran range from a cat or dog to a giraffe or elephant. To the owners of these animals they are not just pets, but members of their family. Considering these animals are looked after as if they were children; would you like for your child to be a test dummy for products of cosmetic and military supply? Sensible beings will say no because it would be considered inhumane. It should not be any different for animals. Just as we have senses and feelings animals have the same if not a more intense version. Animals require more space to live efficiently, the ability to be in their natural habitat to learn survival as well as a social life; their constant inclination to extinction is growing and military testing is shortening their lifespan, animals feel just as a human which is why animal testing should be banned.
Animal testing is vital for our existence. Its importance is one of few which are irreplaceable. Maybe, just maybe, if it were not for animal testing, the human race may have been extinct by now. The various cures we have today are thanks to animal testing. Without animal testing, the average human age would be 34 due to the fact that we would be dying from unresolved diseases as stated by the California research of medical science centre.
Animal testing should not be banned for many apparent reasons. It is obvious that animal testing has improved the lives of many around the world and contributed valuable and life-saving information to us. Living a longer and healthier life was made possible since the human body is vulnerable to many diseases, viruses, and bacterias and we found many cures to them, like polio. According to the article Animal Research Benefits on there are more than 9,000 children diagnosed with AIDS every year and 1,350 children die every day because of it. We have not yet found a cure for this disease yet, but animal testing has helped contributed to finding a medicine that can help lessen the effects of it and the spread of it. Many products have also been used/ tested on animals before they are on shelves in stores. It has also contributed to helping us find new potential forms of treatment.
Each year in the United States alone, an estimated number of seventy million animals are injured or killed in order for private institutes, household product companies, military training programs, medical research’s, cosmetic industries, educational institutes and governmental agencies to gain knowledge of their own products and narrow out the harmful substances for consumers, All of which has been done at an innocent animal’s expense. Even though these companies have alternative choices to test on rather than animals, they choose to run animal trials due to the lack of rules and regulations to follow when it comes to animal safety. In our society, people seem to find it acceptable to turn a blind eye to these tests, but if the same number
Although many believe animal testing is necessary to ensure medicines and cosmetic products are safe, alternative methods of testing, such as in vitro tests and EpiDerm, are available and should be implemented. Animal testing is the use of animals in research to determine the safety of a product. Animal testing is an outdated science while alternative, non-animal methods are rapidly becoming more effective. Laws in the United States do not require cosmetics or medicinal drugs to be tested on animals, only that the products must be proven safe. Animals are harmed during the tests, despite the numerous laws put in place to avoid cruelty. In order for animals to be protected and laboratory tests to yield the best results, animal testing methods should be replaced with alternate tests.