The wild animal trade, more commonly known as the pet trade, has been an increasing occurrence for thousands of years. Through the process of the trade, exotic animals are captured and taken from their natural habitats and are transported long distances to new, frightening, and smaller homes. After the long, stressful process of trade, different species of animals are transported to different destinations worldwide. Some animals are taken to specialist where they will spend their lives in different aspects of companionship or in cared for environments. Other species may not survive the long, cruel travel and for those species that do survive the trade, they are taken for captive breeding or for production of animal goods. The wild animal trade increase has brought many new sources of income and entertainment to human populations across the globe; however, with the growing threat to the animals and the impact …show more content…
The human species uses the wildlife trade as a source to domesticate animals for food production, trade of goods, experimentation, entertainment, and companionship (Gamborg 61). With many different species becoming domesticated, they began to form a trust and a reduced fear of the human race. Many of these animals include chickens, dogs, cattle, sheep, and horses (Wright 12). Since then these animals are still a means of goods for trade, food production, and companionship. Over time, the animals of the trade began to form a tameness or trust with the human species. After this, humans began to learn more about the animals. Experimentations were taking place to test new medicines to help increase the life expectancy of the human race. Many exotic animals that were transported to new locations were studied and observed to learn more about the species. Many other animals became a source of companionship. Each of these factors has helped to benefit the human
More than a million different kinds of animals inhabit the earth. The exact number is not known, for new kinds are continually being discovered. They live in the seas, from the surfaces down to the black depths where no ray of sunlight penetrates. Animals can be domesticated or left in the wild where they truly belong. However, as time passed by, nowadays, animals are endlessly being exploited and fought for around the globe. Different opinions from different countries and races have divided to defend to defend their views and make a stand. This issue about the animals’ welfare should be taken more seriously until we find the right answers.
Intense human interaction benefited society because humans found ways to take advantage of the environment for better survival, exchange ideas between empires, and strengthen relationships between themselves to create unified empires. Humans took advantage of the environment through domestication and tools to make their lives easier. In the Old World humans domesticated animals such as dogs, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, donkeys, goats, and some fowls (Document E). The domestication of these animals allowed humans in Afro-Eurasia to have access to work animals. Using these domesticated animals gave humans in the Old World the ability to work faster and move heavy loads.
Human beings are considered to be the greatest creations that were given knowledge, skills and power to rule over the entire planet. However, at the same time, their relationship with other animals and its implications in human civilization cannot be denied. Historically, it is proven that for thousands of years, human beings have developed close contact with animals who were their means of living and at the same time often, great companions. Considering the great significance of animals in the lives of human beings, often their relationships were portrayed in literature by authors. It was meant to help the global community to have a clear understanding of the impact that animals have in the lives of human beings which is very much significant.
UW Fond Du Lac, I feel, is the best school for me. I want to go into animal services which enables me to help the one thing that I have loved all my life. Being in this profession I will be able to continue doing what I love and that's protecting those animals who don't have a voice or get the chance to live a life full of love and happiness.
In most places owning a dog or cat is second nature, but what about a tiger, bear or maybe python? Exotic pet ownership is far from having a clear right or wrong answer but it is in need of a ban for both the protection of animal and owner.For exotic pet owners, owning a wild beast insures a sense of power and uniqueness. It is also their way of contributing to the conservation of a species by having a “backup population” once human population growth and habitat destruction has resulted in extinction (Slater 113). But in reality the ownership of wild animals as pets only helps to damage already fragile ecosystems, both the one from which they came from and the new one in which they find themselves. Animals in captivity are also stripped of a natural life in the wild, free of confinement and unsuitable care. Finally, the risk to humans is very large, injuries inflicted from exotic pets are dangerous and possibly deadly. Bans vary from state to state, ranging from no ban to partial ban to complete ban, but even in states with full bans, exotic pet ownership still occurs. Private ownership of an exotic animal as a pet should be banned in the US, due to disruptions in ecosystems, the dangers that wild animals are exposed too, and the risks to the owners of these pets.
Animals adapt with humans, they gave a huge offer to humans. Human lives changed by having animals adapt and train themselves to help us live a better life, cherish lives with love and company, and change people’s severe conditions involving life and death. Positive and negative changes can impact many pet owners worldview of supposing to evolve with change. Many animals out in the world served human beings and contribute their life with
Every child has asked their parents for a pet animal. The thing is though, is what type of animal they asked for. Such as a dog or cat and even the occasional hippopotamus for Christmas, right? Lots of people buy exotic animals not knowing how much work it really takes to take care of them. For example, many people have bought pythons and when they get to a size where they can’t keep care of them they let them go into the wild. Exotic animals are very costly and time consuming, they grow up and get bigger and all in all they are very dangerous.
Many people mistake domesticated animals with exotic animals and are okay with owning exotic pets. These wild animals are easy to deal with when they are small, but when they turn into adults they are more aggressive and harder to care for. Not all animals are trying to harm others, they are born to be in the wild and trained to fend for themselves (Lewis). Statistics show that more people die in car accidents every year than being killed by exotic animals, causing some to believe that it is okay to own exotic pets (“REXANO Proves That Politicians…”). This thought contradicts itself when the statistics of the amount of people being killed by animals were added. People think it is different and exciting to be able to go to a neighbor's house and see exotic pets, but in reality it is causing deaths. Owners are not aware of the precautions that need to have taken place to keep
Do you think that animals should be kept in captivity there whole life's. When people put animals in zoos or captivity that keeps the animal safe. Although keeping animals in captivity is bad because they don’t get to be themselves, they should keep animals in zoos or captivity because it helps them not go extinct, it brings happiness to families that go the zoo, and zoos bring in enough money to build better animal enclosures.
Cynthia Gamble, a 52-year-old owner of multiple big cats, was found dead at her residence in Sandstone, Minnesota in April of 2006. Family and friends of Gamble claim that she never thought her pets would attack her because of the emotional connection she shared with them, but she was tremendously inaccurate. Her pet tiger mauled her while she was trying to feed it. Not only was the tiger aggressive, but it was also extremely malnourished, weighing just 100 pounds, nearly 400 pounds underweight. There are countless other incidents similar to Gamble’s, making owning exotic animals an immensely dangerous situation with horrific consequences. Because of the growing interest in buying, selling, and owning exotic animals, people should not be able to purchase or own exotic pets.
Right now in the U.S. the selling of protected wildlife is one of the largest criminal earnings, and it is a multibillion dollar business. It is only second to arms smuggling, drug trafficking (Kendall, Jodi). The smuggling of exotic animals is killing and threatening these animals. A great example of this is people poaching orangutans. They are killing the mothers to take the baby orangutans. Many of the orangutans do not make it during capture and transport
Animal poaching has a bigger price tag than the trophy sitting on the shelf. Poaching is causing iconic animals of many continents and of our oceans to become endangered or even extinct. These animals that people have come to love and fantasize over may be gone before we are (Africa). Elephants, rhinos, lions, and zebras are the animals thought of the most when it comes to animal poaching, but many animals are poached. They are killed for only one quality, like their horns or skins and the rest of the animal is left behind. Poaching is a massive business that is ran by international networks, it’s estimated to make hundreds of millions of dollars (World). Not all wildlife trade is illegal, but it becomes a crisis when an increasing amount of illegal poaching is done and it directly threatens the survival of species in the wild (World). Since 1960 97.6% of the Black Rhino population in Africa has been poached and lions are extinct in seven African countries (Africa).
The question of humanity arises every couple of years, on the topic - should exotic animals be allowed to be kept as pets. Is it humane for the beings who feel pain, give birth, take care of their young like human beings do to be behind bars? According to the National Geographic 66 percent of wild animals are owned privately while the 28 percent of the animals reside in the zoo. Some of the exotic animals can be found as pets rather than in the wild. The estimated number of Tigers kept as pets are between 5,000 and 7,000, which is more than the ones that exist in the wild. Interested buyers can purchase a tiger cheaper than some of the purebred dogs, for the price as shocking as 300 dollars. Though some states in the United States do allow wild animals as pets, it is still illegal in most states or require a license for it. Most of the animals as pets are through illegal routes like underground auctions and smuggling.
Next, multiple animals are treated very inhumane, and are abused during transit to other countries. Diseases are also spread very easily due to the fact that the animals are placed in very poor and unsanitary living conditions. According to PETA, “When trappers take animals away from their natural habitats, the animals often change hands several times through intermediaries and exporters, and they endure grueling transport conditions.” This quote explains that when animals are taken away from their homes,
Today, there are more tigers in Texas than the Bay of Bengal. (CNN) This decline of wild tigers is due to the immense illegal trade of wildlife in Asia. The illegal trade of wildlife in Asia is a severe problem to both the continent and the world. This trade has a number of causes which makes it the fourth largest illegal trade industry behind only drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. It has resulted in countless extinctions and has endangered many different species of plants and animals. (NPR). Lastly, few regulations and enforcement across Asia have resulted in more dangerous poachers help to elevate the industry to new frightening heights. (WWF). The