The Method to go about Cation/ Anion analysis is called Qualitative Analysis. With this method, one is able to determine if a Cation or Anion is present in a substance. In 1834 Michael Faraday who was an English physicist and chemist introduced the word Anion and Cation to the world. The name Cation means a positively charged ion and an anion meaning a negatively charged ion. Cations was given this name because it were observed to be drawn to the cathode. Anion were given its name because it was also observed to be drawn to the anode in a galvanic device. When Cations and Anions are combined they attract to one another to form an ionic compound such as a salt. The suffix on the words Anion and Cation is the word ion. So what is an ion you …show more content…
On the periodic table Cations would be anything that is in period one, two and three. Anions can be found in group five, six, and seven. Another Interesting thing about cations, they are commonly grouped. There are four Cation groups, Group 1 consists of the mercury ion with a plus two charge indicating that this element is able to donate up to two electrons to a nonmetal. The last ion in the group one category of cations is Pb2+ , Lead also has a plus two charge. Group 2 cations includes Bismuth (Bi2+), Cadmium (Cd2+), Copper (Cu 2+), a monoatomic molecule of mercury also with a two plus charge. Antimony with a plus three and five charge (At3+ , At5+) tin with a plus two and plus four charge (Sn2+ , Sn4+ ). The following group is group 3 with Aluminum (Al3+), Cobalt (Co2+), and Iron two and three plus (Fe2+ , Fe3+ ). Group 4 has Barium (Ba2+), Calcium (Ca2+) Potassium (K+) Magnesium (Mg2+) sodium (Na+) and Ammonium (NH4+). Notice group 4 cations is a combination of group 1 and 2 alkali earth metals and alkali metals with the exception of …show more content…
A precipitate is formed when two soluble salts react in solution. The product is then one or more insoluble products. In a precipitate you can see a solid that has separated from the aqueous solution. An example of a precipitate is when AgNO3 (Silver Nitrate) and NaCl (sodium Chloride) is mixed. An insoluble compound is formed. In attempting to identify ions in a precipitate the dissolved substances must be removed. Next the mixture of ions need to be mixed with a reagent that will assist in identifying the ions in which you are trying to identify. Commonly used compounds for analysis of cations and anions are 6M HCl, 6M HNO3, 6M NaOH, and finally 6M
b) Iron and Barium were present in unknown 3. Assigned unknown reacted with all 4 reactants and formed precipitate with 3 of them (Sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide and Sulfuric acid). During the experiment it reacted very similarly to Iron (III) nitrate and Barium nitrate. For example, with it was tested against Ammonium Chloride, the color of the solution changed to a light green, very identically to Iron (III) nitrate and Ammonium Chloride. Besides, unknown 3 formed an orange brownish precipitate when it was tested with sodium carbonate. Iron (III) nitrate acted similarly. Moreover, unknown 3 reacted similar to Barium nitrate when it was tested against ammonium chloride and sulfuric acid. It did not form any precipitate with ammonium chloride but formed a very light white precipitate, which is identical to barium nitrate’s reaction against sulfuric acid. Therefore, the two present metal in unknown 3 are Iron and barium.
The purpose of this lab is to find if the mass changes when you galvanize and put a penny in the flame of a Bunsen burner introducing it to heat. In this lab, you galvanize eight pennies to silver and then heat up four of the silver pennies and make it into brass with the Bunsen burner. The independent variable in this lab is the penny because we have control over of what kind of penny we use rather it be new, old, dirty, or clean. The dependent variable in this lab is the mass of the penny because we are measuring the mass of each penny. Finally, the constant in this lab is the sodium hydroxide because; we use the same amount throughout the whole entire lab.
The three elements that I will be looking at are Krypton, Arsenic, and Potassium. These elements are all very different but share some similarities even with their separate placement on the periodic table. I chose these elements because they are the most different of the six elements that I chose to do this project on. Arsenic is the first element we will be looking at. Arsenic is a metalloid because it shares some characteristics with metals and some with nonmetals.
The number of electrons forming a charge cloud around the nucleus is (pick one of the following) greater than; equal to; smaller than the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom.
In reference to the analysis of anions, Table 1 shows that a precipitate was formed when our unknown was combined with HNO3 and AgNO3, thus indicating the presence of a chloride ion. Because our unknown did not form a precipitate due to HCl and BaCl2, separate, effervesce, or smell, we concluded that neither sulfate, nitrate, carbonate nor
1-1: Insert the chemical symbol in the answer blank for each of the following elements.
These different elements
-Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley- Worked with Ernest Rutherford, experimented with 38 metals, he found that the positive charge of each element’s nucleus increased by one from element to element as they were arranged in Mendeleev’s periodic table, lead to modern definition of atomic number (# of protons in atom’s nucleus) and the recognition the
The point of the experiment was to determine whether the chemical mixture will form a precipitate. The first step was to combine compound 1 and compound 2. After mixing them together, if a solid was created, a precipitate formed. Also for many of the chemical mixtures, the color changed. Silver Nitrate + Sodium Chloride created a precipitate.
The name apatite refers to a subgroup of endmembers inside of a group, which are all included in an apatite supergroup. Apatite popularly refers to Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH), but there are over 40 known species of this mineral.
The cations in both the known and unknown samples were identified by using qualitative analysis, of which were determined to be acidic, basic, or neutral by using litmus paper. Acid-base reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, and the formation of complex ions are often used in a systematic way for either separating ions or for determining the presence of specific ions. When white precipitate formed after adding hydroxide, aluminum ion was determined to be present in the solution. However, nickel was determined to test positive when the solution changed to a hot pink color after adding a few drops of dimethylglyoxime reagent and iron was present when the solution was a reddish brown color when sodium hydroxide was added to the mixture at the very beginning of the experiment. Qualitative analysis determines that ions will undergo specific chemical reactions with certain reagents to yield observable products to detect the presence of specific ions in an aqueous solution where precipitation reactions play a major role. The qualitative analysis of ions in a mixture must add reagents that exploit the more general properties of ions to separate major groups of ions, separate major groups into subgroups with reactions that will distinguish less general properties, and add reagents that will specifically confirm the presence of individual
(20) Metals are classified variously—according to molecular weight (“heavy metals”), according to chemical properties (periodic table), according to toxicology. Please do the
In the nucleus of an atom there are protons and neutrons the number of protons and neutrons depends on the element and ,if it is an isotope of that element. E.g. carbon 12, carbon 12 has six neutrons six protons and 6 electrons . Electrons are located around the nucleus of the atom. Electrons are in shells, the shell closest to the nucleus is 1 , the one after 2 and so on. Each shell can only hold up to a certain number of electrons . the first can hold up to 2 , the second 8 (2+6) the third up to 18 (2+6+10). The general formula for finding out how many electrons a shell can hold is 2n^2. Electrons have a negative charge , while protons have a positive and neutrons have no charge. A atom has the same number of protons and electrons. An ion is formed when an atom loses or gains a electrons .
It has eleven protons/electrons and twelve neutrons. Sodium is in group one which is referred to as the alkali metals. It is in group three which means it has 3 rings. It has two electrons in the first ring, eight in the second,
The main objective of this experiment is to carry out qualitative analysis to identify metal cations in unknown solution 1.