
Anion Analysis Lab

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The Method to go about Cation/ Anion analysis is called Qualitative Analysis. With this method, one is able to determine if a Cation or Anion is present in a substance. In 1834 Michael Faraday who was an English physicist and chemist introduced the word Anion and Cation to the world. The name Cation means a positively charged ion and an anion meaning a negatively charged ion. Cations was given this name because it were observed to be drawn to the cathode. Anion were given its name because it was also observed to be drawn to the anode in a galvanic device. When Cations and Anions are combined they attract to one another to form an ionic compound such as a salt. The suffix on the words Anion and Cation is the word ion. So what is an ion you …show more content…

On the periodic table Cations would be anything that is in period one, two and three. Anions can be found in group five, six, and seven. Another Interesting thing about cations, they are commonly grouped. There are four Cation groups, Group 1 consists of the mercury ion with a plus two charge indicating that this element is able to donate up to two electrons to a nonmetal. The last ion in the group one category of cations is Pb2+ , Lead also has a plus two charge. Group 2 cations includes Bismuth (Bi2+), Cadmium (Cd2+), Copper (Cu 2+), a monoatomic molecule of mercury also with a two plus charge. Antimony with a plus three and five charge (At3+ , At5+) tin with a plus two and plus four charge (Sn2+ , Sn4+ ). The following group is group 3 with Aluminum (Al3+), Cobalt (Co2+), and Iron two and three plus (Fe2+ , Fe3+ ). Group 4 has Barium (Ba2+), Calcium (Ca2+) Potassium (K+) Magnesium (Mg2+) sodium (Na+) and Ammonium (NH4+). Notice group 4 cations is a combination of group 1 and 2 alkali earth metals and alkali metals with the exception of …show more content…

A precipitate is formed when two soluble salts react in solution. The product is then one or more insoluble products. In a precipitate you can see a solid that has separated from the aqueous solution. An example of a precipitate is when AgNO3 (Silver Nitrate) and NaCl (sodium Chloride) is mixed. An insoluble compound is formed. In attempting to identify ions in a precipitate the dissolved substances must be removed. Next the mixture of ions need to be mixed with a reagent that will assist in identifying the ions in which you are trying to identify. Commonly used compounds for analysis of cations and anions are 6M HCl, 6M HNO3, 6M NaOH, and finally 6M

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